Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

Jesus has it been a weird year.

January: I sewed my first garment! Also went and saw the Zelda show at the DSO. The new semester started and I actually felt stress free, lolololololol.

February: Pen tool test, ha ha. However did I manage to pass that! Oh Michele, how I miss you. But I had the fun photoshoot with Heather and Sky Pirate!

March: Woo hoo turned 19! I was on a Tudors kick AND GOT THE DAMN FLU ON MY BIRTHDAY. I THOUGHT I WAS DYING. WORST FRIDAY CRIT EVER. At least I got to see my Jamie... and a neurologist. I made a new friend over a shirt.

April: First weekend at Anime Matsuri!! It was horribly fun and amazing. Then more breakdowns and craziness. BUT THEN SCARBOROUGH FAIREEEEEEE! Oh God I love that place! Apparently the burnout was already happening. Awesome.

May: Oh shoot. My crazy was horribly apparent. And it was the sad moving out of the dorm time... packing up is sad, even though it was a crappy dorm room. Dallas Comic Con happened and... just packing up for Italy! AND THEN I LEFT THE STATES.


July: Got home from my little Eurotrip. Dyed my hair black. New Jersey.

August: Mmmm, new house! School starts! A-Fest! New Job!

September: Shit started getting weird and parties got hard. My mind seriously started going to shit. I BROUGHT ZORRO HOME! MY BABY BOY!

October: My beautiful Anette left Nightwish. Oh my God. BUT THEN I HAD THE CRAZY IDEA TO DRIVE TO AUSTIN WITH KYLE TO SEE THEM ANYWAYS. Kamelot played too, and it was amamamamamaaazzzziiinnngggg!

November: Well, things got weird and... weird. Life still going downwards. Thanksgiving was funish. So close to being done with school... Started a new job. Left the old one.

December: Well, there's the end of the year. I'm on crazy pills and enjoying a life change. Here's to a better 2013.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inside My Head

Is something weird.

I woke up at eight and was like, too early. Then I got a phone call from a Denton number and allllmost ignored it, but good thing I answered because it was the new therapist, ha ha. Looks like we're all set to start on the 7th! It's gonna be a day full of doctors, oh yaaaayyy.

Started the meds last night... so far nothing funny. Let's keep it that way. I'm really not a fan of nausea and other bullshit, so let's party hardy.

Well, today is also my day off, and I'm so excited. I'm gonna pack up my bunnies and take them to their second home, and then spend the day with my favorite person doing science and shit. Soooooo excited for that!

Nothing else really going on... Gotta try and get laundry going, then work all day tomorrow, then more laundry and GETTING MY HAIR DID. No more dumpy brown! REDDDDDDD. I might go get some bright red and mix the two for a fun custom color. I just want to be pretty!

I deserve a morning internet derpfest.

xx Solstice Spirits Marz

Monday, December 3, 2012

Shoot, It's December

Well lookie there, its December 3rd already.

I'm done working at the sushi place. It was a real gag, but I'm done with Phu and that place for good. It was a good weekend of friends, work, and... work. Now I'm getting some shit done for class tomorrow. Thank God there's no type class! I get to kind of sleep in and enjoy my two hours of class and then go to work. Woo hoo work! I'm gonna make so much bank.

And like all good things that must come to an end, Anette has decided to stop posting in her blog that's been up for years and has instead started a new, brighter blog with similar themes. It's like a tiny part of me has died again, but it's not that bad, because she's still blogging. I wish I had more time to read and enjoy her blog!

What is my life. Shit's getting weird and good and upsidedown and angry and exhausting but refreshing and... it's just one massive roller coaster. When will my Last Ride Of The Day be?

My favorite songs right now:

xx Sing For The Angel Of Afterlife Marz