Friday, July 31, 2009

Tarja vs Anette

Ok, While on deviantART the other day, I ran into an artist who drew beautiful Nightwish pictures, most notably Tarja. And wow, those were amazing pictures of Tarja. As I went down to leave a comment on them, I was shocked at the comments I saw posted already. People bashing on Anette, people bashing on Tarja, people bashing on both at the same time.

Why must people be so uncivilized? Respect and opinion are two different things. For example, I prefer Anette over Tarja because I like her singing style better and overall style and mannerisms better. I respect Tarja's voice and classicism, but I still like Anette better. Really, they're both amazing at what they do. Anette did not ruin Nightwish just as Tarja's leaving did not kill Nightwish forever.

So why don't people understand? It's fine if you like one over the other, but there's no need to bash on the other. Accept opinion and don't make a war of it.

On side note, it's storming outside.

xx Marz

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