Not gonna lie.
I am a beast!
So all narcissism aside, today was strange. Like, really strange. I woke up at 7:15 and went to school for practice, only to find that there was no morning practice. Well cool. So I drove home and picked up my sketchbook and took a drive around town, trying to find pretty things to draw. Last stop on my adventure was the cemetery, and I sat down for a good bit drawing a monument.
Forrest calls me and sounded distressed. It's weird that he called me when I was actually awake that early. As if fate wanted it! He came to see me and we sat there in the cemetery as he filled me in on the heartache that is his life. Poor kid, he was cheated out of a good thing. I wish I could have helped him more, but what can you do for the heartache of another?
Then I came home and, truthfully, enjoyed my morning. It was kind of nice being up so early and finding things to do, not to mention that the house was quiet. Just how I like it.
Forrest said people think that I'm more of a girl now. I dress like one and do my makeup like one. And I guess the crazy hair doesn't help, either, because I've felt this horrible wave of confidence with myself and my looks. Not to say that I hated myself before, but I like myself more now. I just want to look good, and if someone likes it, well, job well done on my part. Other than that, I sure don't care! It's my style.
I need to work on my Princess Kraehe outfit. I have the pointe shoes and the tutu, now I just need the crazy bodice piece. HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA PULL THIS ONE OFF?!
xx Don't Try To Fix Me; I'm Not Broken Marz
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