Oh wow, so today while walking back from class (which ended at 8:30, awww yeah!), I was checking Facebook on my phone and saw that Anette Olzon Central posted new promo images for Nightwish's Imaginaerum! I'm so excited for it! Not only are we getting another epic masterpiece of an album set for a January 2012 release, BUT WE'RE GETTING A MOVIE TO GO WITH IT. Ahhhhhh! It's like all my dreams came true.
The tracklist:
1. Taikatalvi
2. Storytime
3. Ghost River
4. Slow, Love, Slow
5. I Want My Tears Back
6. Scaretale
7. Arabesque
8. Turn Loose The Mermaids
9. Rest Calm
10. The Crow, The Owl And The Dove
11. Last Ride Of The Day
12. Song Of Myself
13. Imaginaerum
And from what I've heard, either the first or last track is gonna be another "Poet and the Pendulum" length song, going towards 14 minutes I think. "Storytime" will be released in November, and I imagine based on Tuomas's description of it, that it'll be the super crazy popular song mush like "Amaranth". The track titles are... a bit odd compared to what I would have imagined them to be. "I Want My Tears Back" and "Slow, Love, Slow" just don't fit to me. Neither does "Last Ride of the Day", but who knows. This review is giving me chills! I'M SO EXCITEDDDDDDDD. My babies!

Look at them being all majestic and dark and mysterious. YAY NEW PROMOS. One day... one day Marco will see the light and leave his wife for me. If not, I'll take Tuomas as a very nice compromise.
xx One Fragrant Rose Worth Ten Times What I Am Marz
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