It's called the Candelabra Edition and would look killer next to my other palette book. I ADORE the colors in this one and her amazing packaging. And it comes with mascara? I'm so in. And $49 is WAY CHEAP for sixteen colors. Wow. Is it Christmas yet? I need a job.
Uh oh. Her Angeles and Truth palettes are only $15... tempting. While I'm not a huuuuuge fan of all the colors in those two, I do like a few of them. Very tempting. MUST REFRAIN FROM ADDING TO MY COLLECTION. I have a problem.
So I'm killing time before class in an hour. Today we have another visiting artist and then a test, yay. Design class this morning was brutal because I just couldn't get into my color piece. Finally I gave up and painted an eye and the weird thing is that eye gave me a lot of inspiration. So I'mma have to tackle that later today, probably after the lecture and before psych because NO INTRO TO COMM TODAY YAY :D Wednesdays blow.
xx And When I'm Not Home She Puts Her Makeup On The Shelf Marz
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