Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Post of 2011

January: I started off the new year sick as a dog, blehhh. It was a really stressful and scary month, filled with tons of friendship drama and parental battles. Not to mention Scott quit and left us :( We met Willy and he got us through out last first winterguard show. Vampire Academy was taking over my life ;P

February: ICE STORMM! And more general stress and teen angst. I started work at OTB!

March: YAY I'M 18. I got my acceptance letter to UNT and did that taboo thing to my hip! AND OH MY GOD I GOT MY BUNNY!

April: Guard championships and no one was there for me. I got my new car and Tahoe died. Prom rolled around and was another shit fest, bringing me to two wonderfully awful proms. I was way too emotionally unstable in the beginning of the year :P

May: Moar stress and parent problems. Went on Spring Trip to Jesus camp, and Mawmaw died.

June: Senior day and banquets around! Went to A-Kon again and had fun there, then had graduation the next day. Work work work, and found out that my bunny is a girl!

July: Went to Florida with Jamie and had so much fun :) LAST HARRY POTTER MOVIE, AWWWWWW SNAPE! More mommy problems and I got a new Mac, followed by the news that I only got a 3 on my portfolio. Bummer :(

August: Had my endoscopy, finished up work, and got ready for college. I helped Jamie pack up for school and gave her one last hug before she left. I did the craziest colors in my hair and revamped my Kraehe dress. First day of college, yay :D

September: I was sick again :/ Got all excited for Imaginaerum, though! AND I WENT TO GO SEE KAMELOT WITH THE BEST GUY EVER. And I started reading trashy romance ebooks :P

October: Just learning the stress and concentration problems of school work ;P I WENT TO GO SEE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST LIVE WITH JAMIE! Easily the most magical night of my life.

November: And so I start to really ponder life and what awaits beyond college while downloading Sims. I made new dork friends! Dorothy and I decorated for Christmas. Had a shitty Thanksgiving and celebrated an amazing year with my favorite guy :)

December: Colonoscopy, booooo. Then just finishing up my class work and prepping my portfolio, mostly. I made it into Comm Design, yay! And another Christmas in Philly.

I'll say I grew up TREMENDOUSLY this year. Lots of shit helped shape me into what I am right now... it was one hell of a year. Here's to 2012!

xx So Many Stories, So Many Treasures Marz

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Want To Go Home :/

Blehhhh. I'm just so ready to go home.

Today was ok, I did Susan's makeup and that was fun. Then we went out to lunch and came back and had happy nappy time. Then a night of Zorro and Harry Potter. And now a night of me sitting on the computer.

Crystal found this picture of me and Heather in Titans and it was featured in a Facebook group of RHEALLY good cosplays! Although I'm not sure if it's a compliment or not that people were calling us underage jail bait. They don't know us! AND WE DO NOT LOOK ALIKE. I don't see a resemblance. I'm curvy and have bigger eyes.

Bleh. I just want to go home and paint and sew and start getting somewhere on this damn costume! I want to see my friends and eat Qdoba and play with my bunny. Ooooooh my bunny. I miss her so much! And my bed and my pillow and my cave and NO ONE WAKING ME UP. Bah. I'm tired of coughing and this sore throat. Tomorrow or the next day I get to do my 2011 Wrap Up!

xx An Echo On The Wind, You'll Hear My Voice Marz

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


xx The Taverns Are Full And One Crosses My Purdue Marz

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Another Christmas

Well now it's the end of another Christmas and Christmas Eve, so there's nothing left to look forward to, really. Well, there is the whole "Last Post Of 2011/Recap Of The Year" that I'm so fond of doing!

Last night was fun, and a typical Christmas Eve filled with yummy food and the same people :P It was so exciting because Susan was telling us allllll about the wedding! And she asked me to do the makeup! Which means I have to learn new tricks and get good in a few months ;P Her ring is SO PRETTY. Looks vintagey and has so many little delicate swirls and curls and I'm just so happy for her :) The bridesmaid dresses are super cute, too! The venue she picked looks like a castle... me gusta. And everyone's still all "OMG MARISSA'S SO GROWN UP AND SKINNY!" It's awkward, what do I say?! But it's nice getting congratulated for comm design and Florence!

I came home early last night with Lisa and Matt and the kids, which was a very god idea, since mom and dad didn't roll in til three this morning, apparently. They all woke me up at eight to open gifts. Once I had my coffee and a nap, I woke up again to the smell of Lisa's epic French Toast and that just made my morning. Plus, dad was so hungover that he ended up napping all morning and didn't make me go to church! SCORE! Mom even lovingly patted my head and said "My little atheist!" Thanks mom.

And then another loooong night of family and dinner and food and of course, presents :) Vickie had me and I had her, too funny. But we got to Skype with Annie and Michael and Gaius and Helo, so that was fun. I wish they could come out for Christmas :/

Loot thus so far: sewing machine, travel bag for it, suitcase, Sims EP, spray painted rabbit, Smashbox makeup and brushes, more makeup brushes, a bedazzled pill box, my assassin boots, a leather tool, a graphic design book, and that awesome raspberry shower gel. And about $230 to spend at A'gaci! The only things I didn't get were the Sephora brushes (But I lucked out and got brushes anyways!) and the Viva La Juicy perfume. Das ok, maybe I'll just go get those on my own soon enough.

And now the kids are asleep, my parents are PFTO'd on the couch, and I'm down in the cave wrapped in the warmest down comforter ever. Looking down at my bunnies resting on my stomach, I realized that... they're not as clean as they used to be. I'm too scared to wash them :( Maybe I should let mom do it. But I need something to cuddle with!

And because it's Christmas, my favorite Christmas song.

xx I Long To Touch You And Hear Your Voice Marz

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Begins.

Well, tonight was fun. We opened presents and I got an awesome sewing machine, a cute rolling bag for it, a suitcase (Which is way too small, nor would I ever take it as a carry on), a red spray painted bunny, giftcards to Agaci, and... my third copy of Beauty and the Beast. Mom bought this one thinking I was getting "all of the movies", but I was getting a 3D Blu-ray version with tons of Blu-ray only features, a DVD, and a digital copy. Five disks and I can only use one... not to mention she was there with me last year when I got the DVD for Pollyanna. Hell, she even watched it with me! Oh well.

And naturally, mom and dad have been snarky with each other. It's so damn frustrating when they do that! Everything is an argument and I'm tired of trying to calm things down. Like they were fighting over which big present I was supposed to open first, fighting over how to cook pizza, fighting over the fact that mom wanted to know about the reward points on her credit card even though she didn't know how to write a website down, and more. I just want to go away from here and have a nice night without any of that. I want a night of cuddles and kisses and stupid jokes and kitties.

Speaking of, things have just been so quiet here. My phone battery lasted almost the whole day, and I barely talked to anyone. Every time I got a buzz, it was just my bakery. I really do miss him :(

xx Fly To The Dream Marz

The 80s Weren't Good To You

Oh GOD. I don't know what's worse: the volume or the side part. Marco, why you so crasay.

And this? But... those faces... What could be better!

xx A Song Of Me Is All You Need

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Comm Design!

Well as of last night, I am officially a Comm Design student :) I guess I'm excited that the wait is over, but I'm not overly excited about making it in. I dunno, I feel like it was nothing, really... then again, I feel bad because a lot of people were freaking out about it, like seriously freaking out, and I was just kind of pokerface. Oh well, I'm in, AND I'm writing this from my new (Well, gently used) laptop :)

So far for Christmas, I've gotten an Amazon gift card, a big fluffy blanket, a new comforter and sheet set, cash, a sewing machine, and Pirates and Nobles. I'm curious to see what else is under the tree... I mean, on the floor under the dining room chairs :/ Booooo lack of Christmas spirit.

BUT WHOAH HOT DAMN. Big Lots is like, the coolest ghetto store ever. I got a ten dollar rug for TWO BUCKS. They had all sorts of cool frames and mirrors and little things. I did some good shopping today, though! That rug, more Keurig coffee, a movie for dad, fabric scissors for me and Jamie, and Qdoba. Mmmmm shopping. Tomorrow I have to pack, take Lita to get her nails clipped, and take down her bunny home to take to Jamie's.

So in the car, I've been listening to my Nightwish shuffle to stop myself from listening to Imaginaerum too much. And I've come to realize... every song on that album is amazing. I'm still hooked on Last Ride Of The Day. It's just *SUCH* a classic Nightwish song! But I still love all the ballads and acoustic songs. And I also realized how golden Marco's voice is. Mmmm. Sing me songs, Marco!

That last one needs less movie and more Marco. He needs to just let me touch his hair while he plays me The Islander. It's kind of creepy how Tuomas follows him around in While Your Lips Are Still Red...You know, I had a dream last night that Nightwish was in that recording studio/cabin retreat that they used in DPP. I was in a room with Tuomas and he had his back to me, but he was looking out a window. Typical poet.

xx The Beauty Of This Ride Ahead, Such An Incredible High Marz

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Oh Jamie.

It's funny how ever since we were younger, we've always loved to lay on the couch and eat snow cones and day dream about our weddings. Well now we lay in bed with ice cream and crafts and still do the same thing. Jamie's gonna be my Best Woman, and I'm gonna be her Maid of Horror. We'll have a roast instead of a toast.

And since it was a night of wedding dress shows, we only felt it neccessary to rudely comment and make jokes about the dresses/girls. Seriously. We're like bridal Beavis and Butthead. I'm so glad I have a best friend who loves the same guilty things I do!

It's funny, I feel like I'm really bad at making plans, in the sense that I make loose plans/schedules of the next few days (Because I'm a weirdo and I like planning things out), but I don't allow time for random things that pop up, like this giant project me and Jamie have to do this weeekend. I'm just glad I'm gonna get Lita taken care of! I feel guilty about her sometimes :P I just love my baby bunny.

Tomorrow/today's list: Get the bunny pen, clean out my car, and string those stupid cards.

xx The Night Above A Graveyard Green Marz

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Obviously A Girl

Goddammit Jamie! Quit sending me links to Etsy and Polyvore!

xx Siren From The Deep Marz

Busy Busy Busy

Wow, this had been a crazy busy week. Between finishing up the portfolio, submitting, and then finding sleep between everything, the days have all sort of run together into this mess of a blur.

Tomorrow I'm gonna pack up my shit and go home. Dear room, I'll see you next year! Computer, I'll also see you next year! I have to pack up all my art and most of my clothes and paints and fish tomorrow and then take my psych final before I go home. I dunno, with Dorothy gone, there hasn't been much to do but play Sims, hang out with my art friends, or hang out with Kyle and Dylan. And sleep and eat. Oh man, I can't wait for real food! Real, tasty, salty, garlicy, wholesome food!

AND MY BUNNY! Oh Lita, I miss you! And I'm gonna make you a nice home this weekend :) I hope everything works out, but I do need to go buy some grass mats and maybe that chewable tunnel. Room rearranging, ahoy! Oh bunny bunny, I love yewwww. Lita. Why you so cute. Why you gotta twist my heart with your cuteness. Only one other living being can do that.

Time to try and get a little bit of sleep... but after I eat my last few candy corns.

xx It Was Us, Long Ago Marz

Friday, December 9, 2011

Social Thursday?

Yesterday was pretty social, if you ask me! Drawing was sad, but everyone seemed to like my motif. After that, I came home and napped and then took the last test in Art Appreciation, which I got a B on, giving me two A's and three B's in the class, which I'm assuming is a B average :P Thenw e spent the rest of the day SHOPPING. I bought one sweater and two earrings, which is good for me!

BUT MY BOOTS ARE OUT OF STOCK. Well the size 7 is out, so I called them back to see if I could get a 7.5 for the same sale price I would have originally paid for the boots, instead of the regular price they are today. So I have some boots on the way hopefully :P And dang, Amazon reminded me that I STILL haven't bought The Saga Of Larten Crepsley! I don't know why, he was one of my *favorite* book characters ever and made Cirque Du Freak amazing for me. I hope his series is good too, but we'll see if I get any B&N gift cards for Christmas!

Anyways, back to yesterday. We bummed around in the room until Kyle and Dylan came to pick me up to go to the Insomnia event with Spencer and Jared. It was kind of fun getting out of the room and doing something different, but we got bored soon enough and went back to Kyle's room to play Left 4 Dead 2. I was skeptical about the game at first because it was a shooter game, but once they told me I could use an ax, baseball bat, and katana, I was sold. Then my asshat friends talked me into doing something absolutely disgusting.

Today was interesting. I had a great dream and woke up at 10:44, then showered and did my makeup and sat around watching wedding shows with Dorothy for a few hours. I don't think she'll like my wedding... ha ha, it was fun. Then I went to go see Holden about my portfolio and she's making it really difficult for me to want to do Com Design. I'm at this great divide again and mildly stressed because now I have to make *another* design piece, something nonobjective and in color. But now she told me to do what makes me happy, and that's drawing and painting. So now I don't know.

xx Forevermore A Change From G To E Minor Marz

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

So... Close...

Well, today was an interesting day. I slept horribly and had to go alllll the way to the art building just to drop off a binder and then walk home. I worked on my motif for a bit, then took a nap until Dorothy came home. Then we worked until the design lecture, went to that (It was a huge waste of time), and came back to work on the motif some more. It looks so bad, blurghhh. Psych was nice and short too, and I'm gonna finish putting together my drawing portfolio until Dorothy gets back with the picture I need to finish my still life with. I'm not stressed, yay! I just realllllly want my new boots already, and to see what's in the Sephora box Dorothy put under my tree :)

So it's that time of the year again when I buy a new Nightwish calendar, but the one for next year is retarded. It's like, 95% of the page is a giant picture, and then the dates are just a number line on the bottom of the page. Well that doesn't help me, how do I write shit there?! So I might not buy one. I've been buying calendars since 2005... That's so weird to think. And I still have them all!

Mmmmm, time to go work. But the spoken poem in Song of Myself is so pretty and distracting...

xx A Sight To Silence The Heavens Marz

Banging My Head On The Wall

Well. Today was a waste. I turned an hour nap into a three hour nap and didn't get enough of my still life done, and what I do have done just looks like shit. The foreground rocks, but the boar and ivy looks awwwwwuful. So I put that on hold and decided to start the background for my coffin motif. Maybe tomorrow I'll work on this and it won't be so bad! Then I have to finish my still life after Dorothy takes a picture of the boar for me.

I watched an episode of Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego and felt a nostalgic rush. I miss playing the game on my computer! I want to find a Mac version so bad, ha ha. Mmmmm old school games. What else... Can't think of much. I just have so much to do tomorrow, plus nicely label and organize my drawing portfolio.

I can't wait for the weekend.

xx The Mermaids You Turned Loose Brought Back Your Tears Marz

Monday, December 5, 2011


Seriously. It's unhealthy now. I refuse to miss their concert when they come to town, like they did four years ago on a Tuesday night when I had rehearsal. MY FIRST NIGHTWISH SHOW BETTER BE EPIC.

I bought new boots today :D

Very excited for these, since I want something a little cuter, but still ass-kicking worthy. I'm very ok with the extra boost, too ;P Mmmmm, I love shoes. I'm even wearing my red Marceline boots right now, and I wore them to class earlier!

Ughhhh, time to do motifs. I got a lot done today, but it's taking a looong time. Plus there's a mandatory wing meeting tonight, which I'm very excited to go to. Hopefully that Katie girl stops making phone calls late at night in the hallway, talking to her mom and boyfriend and being all sick and sappy and rude by taking up the whole hallway. COME ON JESS AND MARY, YOU GUYS CAN FIX THIS!

I don't know what to have for dinner. Maybe some more Nightwish.

xx Forget Every Rule, There's No Fear In A Dream Marz

Holy Shit, DESIGN.

So it's ten til three and I'm still up. I was up scanning and resizing and writing biographies and resumes and providing a shoulder to cry on. PLUS THAT BITCH WAS OUT IN THE HALLWAY ON THE PHONE WITH HER BOYFRIEND AGAIN. AT TWO THIRTY AM. SERIOUSLY?!

Bahhh. Design work is done! I'm just awake... must have been all that napping and soda. Man this was a rollercoaster of a weekend! Shitty (literally), ok, shitty, ok, much better, REALLY GOOD, very nice, crappy, crappy, shitty, suckfest. Bah :P

So I'm driving home from school and I'm listening to the first song of Imaginaerum, the Finnish one. And it hits me... Why the hell would Tuomas be singing, when Marco is the male vocalist. That voice could belong to either of them, but I'm betting it's Marco's. DAMN I'm GOOD. I just wonder what the lyrics are, cause it's such a pretty song :)

Tuomas is getting so poetic with his word structure. "At the end of the river the sun down beams" and "Sleep the journey from your eyes" is... so old fashioned :P I love him nonetheless! Not to mention the obnoxious river reference in most of the songs! Anette says something, I think it's "The grass under my bare feet" and it reminds me of Tarja singing that in "The Elvenpath". Creeeeepy. Tuomas, Y U RECYCLE LYRICS?!

I got nothing else, except for a sore body, a sore back, and sore eyes. Time to try and get some sleep... it's hard to downgrade beds like this :(

xx Every Little Memory Resting Calm In Me Marz

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Jamie and I will be on Maury.
I'll see my first Nightwish concert.
I'll finish school.
I'll paint murals on walls.
I'll master Sunday sauce.
I'll have a black Christmas tree.
I'll say yes to the dress.
I'll see the Northern Lights.
My hands *might* get bigger.
I'll know how to sew.
I'll master all things crafty.
All my fatassery will catch up to me.
I'll do something different to my hair.
I'll inherit swords, a glass pig, and a badass mixer.
Everyone in the art world will know my name.
I won't be a crazy old hag.
I'll see all my favorite castles and cathedrals.
I'll wake up in a cuddle.
I'll be a queen.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Today was oddly interesting. Let me start with yesterday though... KYLE BROUGHT ME IMAGINAERUM. My dreams have come true. After four years of waiting for this album, IT'S REAL AND IT'S MINE. I've listened to it all day, at least seven times through.

I adore the first song, sung in Finnish. I can't tell who's singing, because it sounds like Tuomas, but I know he said he'd never sing again after Astral Romance ;P But this is sooo like him. Anyways, love it cause it sounds like a music box. Then Storytime after, which rocks. I don't remember the order exactly nor all the song names, but I'll skip around. Turn Loose The Mermaids is GORGEOUS. I love Anette's ballads :) And the jazz song was actually really good! Slow Love Slow is... slow and romantic. Bass, piano, and voice. There's a little Marco duet action in there ;) Jazzy, but gets metal at the end. I Want My Tears Back is pretty heavy, and there's some good sounds from Emppu there! Story of Me is weird because the last half of the long song is dialogue, and kind of depressing :P And I love the last song, Imaginaerum, because it's an orchestral medly of the album. I feel like it should have been the first song, like an overture.

Other songs... Arabesque is ok, very Middle Eastern influenced. Scareground is just weird as hell, between the demented kids and the Harold-esque circus leader. There's one more song I'm forgetting the name of, but I like it's heaviness. Oh yeah, and of course I love The Owl, The Crow, And The Dove :)

It's just such an experimental album. So many new sounds and styles for them, but also sounds that allude back to the earlier albums. It's not very consistent sounding between songs, cause each one is so different and complex. Tuomas is truly a genius composer.

Anyways, enough of the music rant. I've been chugging that salty acid shit liquid and peeing out of my butt. Like seriously, it's gross. My stomach is making the funniest sounds, too... but I have to wake up in five hours to do this all over again before we go to the hospital at nine thirty. Ughhh, I'm hungry :( So much Nightwish in my mind! Definitely gonna be my signatures for the next few posts...

xx What Color Is Our Love Marz