I bought new boots today :D

Very excited for these, since I want something a little cuter, but still ass-kicking worthy. I'm very ok with the extra boost, too ;P Mmmmm, I love shoes. I'm even wearing my red Marceline boots right now, and I wore them to class earlier!
Ughhhh, time to do motifs. I got a lot done today, but it's taking a looong time. Plus there's a mandatory wing meeting tonight, which I'm very excited to go to. Hopefully that Katie girl stops making phone calls late at night in the hallway, talking to her mom and boyfriend and being all sick and sappy and rude by taking up the whole hallway. COME ON JESS AND MARY, YOU GUYS CAN FIX THIS!
I don't know what to have for dinner. Maybe some more Nightwish.
xx Forget Every Rule, There's No Fear In A Dream Marz
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