Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Another Sleeping Day

After staying up til 5 AM, I had a weird day that consisted of napping for four hours, then staying awake for another three and a half, then napping for two more hours and finally getting up to start the day at around 3:30 PM. Oh well, in my defense, it was raining.

It was a moderately average day that started with getting new meds at the psychiatrist and ended with Wingstop and drawing and Beauty and the Beast. Both movies, the first and the Christmas one. I think it's about time to go sew or something, since I have no more need to be on the computer.

I picked up The Heir again since I had time to kill in Wooten today and got sucked in just like I did the first time. I canNOT get over Westhaven's jackass ways and how sweet he turns when he sees Anna, and how much she pushes him away but loves their interludes together. Gahhhhhh. I love their story. Heir to the dukedom falls in love with the housekeeper... possibly cliche, but god the way they love each other just makes me feel so happy. I already read half the book in the span of three hours. I could read it again and again...

And then while I was on my Beauty and the Beast kick earlier, I found this on tumblr. Hmm, so that's what my future child will be like. I'm okay with that. Except that my kid would have a much better dress than the one you buy in the Disney store. Let's be real here.

xx Shatter Me With Hope Marz

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