Started out with a day of Sonic breakfast burritos. Then we all went and got our hair did and Sarah took foreverrr! Jamie beat us back to my house, and we all speed-dressed! The boys got to the house while we were all still not even in dresses yet, and since Jamie was the only one fully dressed, we let her answer the door like a good girl.
My make-up came out pretty good! I did it super fast, but it worked like a dream! Looking at it in the pictures... I love it :) We all looked so nice!

After a gazillion pictures, we all piled in the limo and went to om noms. Our limo was leaky :( And after eating, we had a bunch of time to kill, so we went to McDonalds and got dessert. Then off to the prom!
We got there a little after 8:30 and claimed a table. Of course, we all had to say hi to friends and comment on who was wearing what... then we kicked off the shoes and went dancing! And by dancing, I mean grinding for God knows how long. It was weird at first--not gonna lie--but then things eased up once they played GaGa and Ke$ha. Then we all just loosened up and went wild! Host, sweaty, and fun. No one had my dress :)
Then we hit the road and came home. God, everyone left a giant ass mess! I took Troice home after a bit and when I came back, there was a vase of tulips in my doorway and a boy on my bed. Since everyone else had their romantic nights, me and my Cuddle Buddy had sleepover number two and ended up just talking until we fell asleep. And then I went to work and came home and we hung out some more until I had to kick him out for dinner. It was a cuddle-tastic day!
Oh prom :) So fun! Well worth everything!
xx Let Us Be Free, Let Us Sing Songs Along Marz
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