Whatevs. Streeessssss. Today's the end of economics. In approxamitely 46 minutes, the class is over for good! Awesome sauce. I'm so done with that. Now I just have my glossary terms to do about Dorian Gray and twelve more forum posts. I can't believe I wrote about Paula Deen, Charlie Sheen, Faust VIII, and meat dresses all for English class... like a boss.
Heather's a bitch. Now she wants the Ariel dress. RACE TO GET MARRIED. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I'll look better in it anyways... I have curves... Speaking of dresses, I think I'm going to take a sewing class so I can make me a badass costume for the next time I go to Scarborough. Italian Renn for sure, like this...
Oh Ever After, you're one of my favorite movies <3 I love that dress design in a different color definitely. And without the wings. Oh yes, that will be the inspiration.
I dream too big sometimes. I mean, it's not that my dreams are unrealistic (Which they are, honestly), but they don't fit. Good God, I'm 18, yet I still dream of castles and fairy tale endings? Is that bad that there's a part of my mind that never grew up, but turned into a black pit of all the things I've read in books and seen in movies? How jejune.
Oh well. We got yearbooks today... and they're literally yearbooks. Two books you get, one a senior one full of the seniors and senior ads, and the other is the regular yearbook minus all things senior. Wow, they left out the NAHS photo AGAIN. And I was in the front posing, too :( I looked at my yearbook picture and normally I'm happy with my pictures and don't freak outa bout them, but Jesus. That was when I got my hair drastically layered and it looked like a mess. Not to mention I have an odd smile... that's why I always smile with an open mouth and excited expression in most pictures :P Oh well, at least it looks better than others. Mom and Annie picked weird pictures for my ad, though. A Raven picture, two young pictures, and the one of me in my bathroom? Weird. Oh well, I has my first and last high school yearbook now.
xx We All Know What Memories May Bring: They Bring Diamonds And Rust Marz