Thank you for staying clear until the photoshoot, and then blowing up acne the day after. Seriously, that meant the world to me. Love, Marissa.
While I'm not listing to both versions of "Don't Cry", I've been slaving away all weekend getting shit done. So far, I've finished everything on time for class, now I have one last thing to do, and it's probably the most important one :P Plus I have to study on top of that, oh God. Luckily I got me some Starbucks to keep me company!
Well the photoshoot was horribly fun. I wish I had a million more costumes and a million more minutes! Although he only posted two so far, I'm just in love with them. Everyone looks really good! Tomorrow he said he'll have them all up, and I know it's gonna be so badass :) I'm excited to see the ones with both me and Heather, cause I bet those ones are funny, based on the few he showed us there. I love it!
And then I had birthday fun with my favorite person, and all too soon the weekend ended and put me back in boring college land. Not to mention it's that week again and I'm having the craziest mood swings! Like, ridiculous mood swings. Ughhhhh. It needs to be next week already :P Let's see... nothing else all that big to talk about, I just have essays to go finish writing.
xx Imagine A Perfect Hideaway Marz
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