I think I made a little over a hundred, and found out that Heather's mom needs extra help at the store! Count me in, I need a job! This will be so fun, but I need to go dress shopping severely. I want to get a nice white button up shirt to wear with my pinstripe skirt. Oooooh I can dress nice :) And when I dropped Heather off, there was a big red Kitchenaid mixer on the porch for her from Gabe. Lol, doesn't even have a kitchen.
And then I rushed back to Denton to spend my wonderful night in a classroom for three hours. Dorothy just left for a hot date with Jack. It's not fair, she always looks good in her outfits. Maybe it's just a hipster thing? I noticed she always looks good in dresses because she's tall. When I shop for dresses online, the models are all super tall and the dresses look so great on them, but dwarf me down. Goddamn short legs. So it's just me, the Rainy Bus Ride Home playlist, and the internal conflict of putting on sweats.
I can't tell if I'm a little bit down or just tired. Or maybe hungry. I just don't feel right.
xx Sleeping, Weeping, With You Marz
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