Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All Good Things Must Come To An End

So Karl and I decided to split today.

I mean, I saw it coming. Ever since those texts where I got called out and kicked while I was down, I was afraid this was coming. But then I thought things were getting better.

Ha ha, just kidding. When we were walking to my car today, he was being quiet, too quiet. I knew this was gonna happen, I just knew it. Anthony did the exact same thing. I tried to tell myself that he was just really tired form working late last night, and I was almost convinced, but I knew better. So we sat over some coffee and talked it out.

He's right. While we do both like each other as people, we don't have much romantic chemistry. I'm too idealistic, and he's too realistic. We truly are from opposite ends of the spectrum, and I'm starting to notice a pattern here. Plus we kinda rushed into dating, after only really knowing each other for two or three weeks. I'm thinking of today and how I feel, and he thinks of the future and what he has to do to get there. I guess it just doesn't work out.

I'm not sad. I'm not satisfied, either. I'm just sort of... apathetic? There's a burning in my stomach, but this time it's not from the medicine. I'm not sure what it is, but it's all I'm feeling, a burning sensation.

And to think I wrote a wonderful note about him in my Do Not Open Til March 16, 2011 box. I guess it's time to write another note.

xx Don't You Cry Or Suffer Over Me Marz

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