Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 4 // Terrible Tuesdays!

Another terrible Tuesday. Woke up after about 4 hours of sleep and was a walking zombie all morning. Scott gave us another speech, this time about leadership and winterguard. Then off to math where we took a THEA and I had myself a nice nap after :) I love naps.

Art's getting intense now that it's all about that concentration. I feel pretty strong about my ideas so far, so hopefully it'll all be good! One project a week... I can do it. I'll just have to stay after one or two days. And tonight is our last Tuesday night rehearsal E-V-E-R! Thank God :) So done with that!

Ha ha, funny test question today. It was one of those reasoning questions that listed the following facts and asked me to find a truth about Carl:
1. Everyone wearing a hat had brown hair
2. Everyone with brown hair loves pizza
3. Some people had red hair
4. Everyone with red hair loves burgers
5. Carl has brown hair

Where was the option of "Carl broke my heart"?

I tried racing Karl home again today, but his car's too fast and I picked a bad lane to drive in. I won yesterday, so this makes us 3 for 1. Yeah I'm keeping tabs, how lame. But I went and got Kat Von D's new book that I'll get signed by her in less than two weeks :) So exciting! Gotta get through this weekend first, though.

Day Four: Something You Have To Forgive Someone For
To two of my exes, I have to forgive you for causing me pain. Even though it felt like you were kicking me with spiked boots, I forgive you. It was bound to happen.

xx Dream Yourself Far Away Marz

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