Monday, December 30, 2013
Goodbye 2013
Also this might be a good time to start paying my final respects to this blog. It's been my rock all through high school, but lately, I've become such an introvert that I can't let anything out. I don't know, I might use this randomly, but it's safe to say it's just not what it used to be for me anymore.
I sit here with one sock on and one sock off.
xx The Same Old Dead Boy's Song Sung In Silence Marz
Monday, December 9, 2013
I just finished Brothers to the Death, which is the last book in the Larten Crepsley saga. I just... wow. The story of his life before he met Darren was just amazing. So much love, loss, blood, adventures, and relationships. It's no wonder he's a grumpy, solemn vampire.
It was so exciting learning about the other vampires, like Gavner and Arra. I got all excited when Kurda was mentioned because TIMETRAVELPLOTTWISTCHARACTER. Wester was an interesting character and I knew he'd die because there's no mention of him in CDF and the book's title alluded to him probably dying... but I think I lost my shit on the last few pages, when Mr. Crepsley inherited Madame Octa and began performing with her. Then he sees Steve and Darren and realized that the two boys in the audience would change his life forever.
Just... so many feelings. Cirque du Freak is definitely the best series I've ever read and having a prequel series featuring one of my favorite fictional characters of all time was an absolute joy. I'm SO excited to get my first six books in so I can reread the series and enjoy the magic again. The rush I get from reading those books just fills me with excitement and obsession. I wish I knew someone who's read them so that I could gush with someone other than myself!
xx The Blood In My Vampire Heart Marz
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Hello Blogger, My Old Friend
Nah but for real blog, hey. You're like a sweatshirt that's at the bottom of the pile, but still smells clean. You're like a five year old that remembers everything. Like the perfect, most nonjudgmental friend. I guess I haven't been keeping up with you because I've been seeking happy nights to happy days.... nah, this isn't Shakespeare. If it was, I'd probably be coming close to the end of my time.
A blog, diary, journal, whatever, is a special place where I like to write in when I'm completely alone and don't have the anxiety of someone asking me what I'm typing. This guy has been here for me so often... It's funny, because while I'm typing this, I'm sitting on the floor of my old bedroom, exactly where my bed used to be about five or six years ago and exactly where I'd be blogging. Things kind of feel the same... the same posters, a few pieces of the same furniture, and that goddamn Christmas tree.
I don't know what I'm getting at. I guess I feel flat and empty, kind of hopeless, kind of dreading something, a weird burning hole in my stomach, comfort eating, lack of desire to talk to anyone... nothing new. Like I know I've been cycling pretty rapidly the last few weeks, but DAMN. I'm ready for a break back to a few weeks of things being generally good. More on the middle-up side of the scale. Not this crappy shit end of the scale.
What are my character flaws? I'm jealous and selfish, an attention-seeker, a praise-seeker, lazy and inverted, snarky, bitter, silently critical, constantly questioning, general disdain for anyone appearing overly cheerful.
I need to paint now. I've been needing to paint since about 11. What a familiar setting: my bedroom, and a painting of a stormy ocean with a girl on a rock. It's comfortable, easy to relate to, and not totally provocative. Time to dig deep into the blue memory, where sirens resound, to be tucked in beneath the blue, the pain, beneath the rain.
xx Lonely Soul, Ocean Soul Marz
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Happy Halloween
That dress isn't just a dress. It takes me to a happier place where windmills are giants and everyone knows how to dance at lavish feasts. No one dances anymore; isn't that a shame?
Ahhhh. Wouldn't it be nice if dreams came true? Sometimes things can be magical.
xx And I Kissed His Cold White Brow Marz
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Tom And I Have Something In Common
Well. Tom and I have something in common. Bring on the castles and kings, musicals and monologues, accents and... warm fuzzy feelings.
Cosplay vs Studio Art vs Where Am I
So lately I've been trying to focus all my time and thought to my paintings and metals projects. When I'm not slaving away on those, I'm cleaning something. The kitchen never is finished. There's always a lot of dishes left to do, especially between the broken dishwasher and just how many dishes seem to get used in a night. I guess I've been playing the part of the average art student...
But then there are nights when I hang out at Heather and Sumner's and I go back into cosplay mode because, well, they're in it 80% of the time. I miss being able to do that. I miss being able to browse fabric and style wigs and glue things together and just work. And yet when I devote a lot of my time to cosplay, I get sad that I'm not devoting as much time to personal art. It's like I can never win.
And while all that's going on, everyone is going batshit crazy and I'm having mood swings out the wazoo and the world is falling apart and I'm constantly reminded that I'm the destroyer of our universe. I managed to do the one thing I wasn't supposed to do and am eternally a piece of shit for ruining everything. Everything is my fault and there's no amount of repentance I could ever possibly do to make up for it.
I remember going to confession twice in my life. Once, I was really young and had nothing to confess before my First Communion. The second time, I did something that upset my parents (Might have been lying or disrespect), and I remember sitting in that weird room between the narthex and the sacristy with Deacon Phil. I have no memory of what we even talked about, but I remember staring at the box of tissues and hearing him tell me to say five Hail Marys and think on my sins. Now of course, none of this has any real significance since I don't have a Catholic bone in my body, but the idea remains. All I had to do to atone for those sins were to say a few words and automatically my sins were lifted. But what am I supposed to do now?
There are no magic words or imaginary people to pretend to wash my troubles away. It's all on me. Do I live out my life in shame and guilt? Do I accept it and push it away? Do I accept it and keep it floating around? None of that matters, because none of them are the correct answer. The more I think about these problems, the more terrified I get and the more open I am to escapes that I don't want. I don't hate myself for doing it, but I do hate myself for hurting the most important person in my life.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Busy Week!
So mobile blogging is a paaaaiinnn. I can't wait to have real internet! It's gonna be a busy week, since I have Crow stuff to do tomorrow, and I'm not sure what Tuesday is, but Wednesday is the first day of junior year! I feel so done, yet so behind. I still need to unpack my life here at the apartment!
What's life been like? It's been nightly hangouts with Heather, Sumner, and Dorian. Like three nights in a row now. I'm not complaining, cause we have fuuunnnnn. Asylum is a fantastic show! I'm so excited to watch it end tomorrow.
What's life been like... I've had more daily mood cycling versus weekly cycling, which I'm not sure is good or bad. I guess it's bad in the sense that smaller things throughout the day set me off, but can also pick me up just the same. I've noticed a lot of weird ticks too, like moving my fingers weird and having strangely spaced out thoughts. Not to mention my stomach is horribly upset. It makes me hungry, but I can only eat a little bit, and so I never get a full meal really. Womp womp.
Although I have gotten really good at weeding out the ridiculous thoughts versus the rational ones. Basically, I just ask myself if mom would have said what I just thought and if it's a yes, then I need to look at the rational version of the thought! Easy trick that keeps me from turning crazy :P
It's 4:21 am and I'm wide awake. This can't be good!
xx Your Past Is So Familiar Marz
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
What Does It Matter.
Let's open up with the spoken lyrics of El Tango de Roxanne from Moulin Rouge. That sums up tonight, doesn't it.
"First there is desire
Then... passion!
Then... suspicion!
Jealousy! Anger! Betrayal!
Where love is for the highest bidder,
There can be no trust!
Without trust,
There is no love!
Yes, jealousy...
Will drive you... mad!"
Why do I even try. I was dishonest once and it destroyed everything. When I'm honest now, nothing seems to ever be okay. I feel like I can't win or even find anything to sacrifice so that I lose. I'm tired of crying, then feeling content and loved, then going back to crying again. It's like the girl in the movie said earlier, being schizo or bipolar is one of the hardest things in a relationship. I just have no idea what to do if there isn't any trust in me. That was probably the most hurtful thing I've heard in months. I have no idea where to go from here.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Belle's Ball Gown
My dress will start with a five hoop hoop skirt. I'll build up a nice petticoat out of tulle to make it poofy and hide the hoops, with a pretty lace trim on the bottom hem. The gown itself will be made of a bright gold satin with a lighter chiffon skirt overlay that is lightly draped along the vertical seams. The bodice will be a darker yellow satin with draped chiffon sleeves. The skirt swags will be a darker gold chiffon. Matching sleeves.
Nothing will make me happier than when I have the time and money to make this. Although I've budgeted it well enough that it won't be so expensive as it seems it should be. Hell, if it looks nice enough, I'll wear it to my wedding. Then I have to make her blue dress, and the green dress, and the pink one and the Christmas one... SO MANY. I LOVE THAT SHE WEARS FIVE DRESSES.
xx I Wonder Why I Didn't See It There Before Marz
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Sad Batman Is Sad
No idea why that popped into my head, but it did. Good news is my wigs came in today and I had fun styling them. Bad news is those two high school memories are bugging me, which is filling me with dread because my gut has an odd idea of life right now. In a way, no matter what happens, I know I'll be okayishsortofnotreally.
Maybe I'm freaking myself out for no reason. Like that's never happened. At the same time, everything feels justified and totally plausable. It's the uncertainty.
xx Come What May I Will Love You Til My Dying Day Marz
Sunday, July 28, 2013
I Need To Stop Posting Mopey Things
Soooooo what's going on in my life. I'm sewing Sailor Mars and packing up Yellow House. I can't believe it's time to say goodbye to it in two days. Wednesday is our last day together and after that... maaaan. Maybe I should carve creepy things into the floor boards. I loved and hated the house, so it's probably for the best that it's time to say bye. Where the hell will I park now... I guess in the neighborhoods?
Test time in two days. And again with the wrenching anxiety, I'm sure. Why wouldn't there be horrible anxiety! I'm just not mentally checked into this class and I'm having a hard time even trying to be remotely interested. I just want to pass... so far I'm sitting at a 78, which is good. It could always be worse, but it's good.
What will I do this week... sit around and wish I was sewing, probably. Might do some writing, or sketching, or something that I can do with my hands. Or hell, sit in the VF chatrooms all day and night.
When I drive to Denton tomorrow, I'll be listening to Kidd Kraddick in the Morning, but there will be no Kidd. I don't believe in an afterlife, but the legacy he left behind is incredible. I can't think of too many other people who will be remembered as highly as him. Mornings just won't be the same... I listened to him every morning when I used to drive to high school, and all the other mornings that I was awake early enough for. I downloaded the app so I could listen in the afternoon when he was off the air. It's just hard to believe.
xx Flappy, Fat, And Lazy Marz
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Test Anxiety?
But tonight? I feel like absolute shit and I have a feeling most of it is related to tomorrow's test. Maybe it's because I'm not familiar with the content. Shareholders, railway systems, industrialization, court cases... it's just not something I feel comfortable with. I'd rather take a 5,000 question art history exam.
I'm just generally sad feeling. It's a bummer, but whatever. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day. What am I singing tonight...
xx Still They Talk Anyway Marz
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
So This Is Life
There's a lot to do. I don't know where to start it all. I could start with my desk, and expand outwards. Or start in the very back and work my way up to the desk. It's all the same.
I think I know how you feel, Aldonza.
xx So You Can Curse Or You Can Kiss Me Marz
Monday, July 1, 2013
Anxiety Over Nothing
And then of course, there's always a good uncomfortable memory every so often.
Gah. I just want to go to Seattle and forget about everything. I'm even having weird airport anxiety, what's up with that? Everything is bugging me. It's probably why I haven't been eating lately... I'm just not hungry when I should be. It's like I've replaced being hungry with being worried.
How do I fix it?
xx All Children Young To Slay Marz
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I Can Only Hope
It's like, if you opened up this book, you'd see the things that just blow me away and capture my attention. It's like all my secrets are in this book, and they're not even mine. It's kind of special in a way, having books, but no one knows what's in them, only you. And then there's the discovery when you actually open the book. Oh God, I love it. I hope I have kids as curious as I was.
xx By His Decree No Lives Spare He Marz
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
xx Rest Calm And Remember Me Marz
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Cirque Du Freak Has My Heart
xx You Have Shown Me The Sky Marz
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Nightwishy Night!
Looks like Anette is selling her stage and photoshoot clothes, which is a shame but still really neat, especially since she's donating some of the money to charities. Sadly she only ships in the EU or else I'd seriously try to buy something that was on the body of Anette!
It's late, so I should try to sleep now.
xx But Needed Nothing It Had Marz
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
If I Could Have Dinner
Dante and Goethe would flank me at this marvelous dinner and we would talk about religious reformation and personal enlightenment. Johann Struensee would sit next to Goethe, and Marie Antoinette would sit next to him, and they can talk about royal affairs. I think Catherine Howard would like to sit next to her. On the other side of Dante would sit da Vinci, and next to him Botticelli. I'd but Cervantes next to Dante, but putting a Spaniard in between two Italians sounds dangerous, so Cervantes will sit next to Botticelli. Thomas More will sit next to Cervantes and talk about seeing life as it is and not as it should be.
I feel like I might be forgetting someone important. Hm. Well my table is large and so there will be room for everyone.
xx With Songs They Have Sung Marz
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Another One Of Those Days
Things that make me moderately happy today:
xx Would It Be A Sin Marz
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
The Great Relapse
I figured earlier that I was relapsing, but it was confirmed tonight while I watched The Royal Affair, which was absolutely astounding. I fell in love with Johann and Caroline's romance and cried at the end. I never cry at movies, so I figure that three mood swings over the course of one movie must be a bad sign.
Oh well, welcome to the rest of my life I guess. Periods of peace and then relapse, then back to peace and the circle starts again. It's funny because all while watching The Royal Affair, I was trying to pin point what mental illness Christian had, and hell, he could be bipolar. Makes me wonder what I look like to other people.
It's just been a rough day. I'm understanding things and making connections, but it's still not enough. I'm parked diagonally in a paralell universe. I'll be happy when the crying stops. I'll also be happy when the trazodone kicks in early and doesn't keep me up til four.
Although I noticed something interesting today that I do. When I reach a mental point of complete and total distress, all thinking ceases and all I can do is focus on a random song in my head until I calm down. It's like my brain is shutting down on its own temporarily.
xx Don't Throw Your Life Away For My Sake Marz
Thursday, May 16, 2013
3 Gigs of New Music
So I really hate poli sci. I've slept through every class and I can't stay awake. I've been trying to eat better by eating oats with yogurt, milk, chia seeds, and fruit in the mornings, and it really does make me feel better. Sooo much extra protein and fiber that I never had before :P I need a new jar for it, though.
What else... I've been quiet on here lately. It's weird having time to myself at night where I can clear some shit out of my head and be able to look back at what I was doing. I bought fabric for a new splicer dress and started working on my assassin costume! I hope everything works out for both!
OH AND I WENT TO SCARBOROUGH. OH MY GOD I LOVE THAT PLACE. I want to go back during its last weekend to draw and just spend the day soaking up the awesomeness. And find a ring! I ran out of time to get one on Saturday, but I won't complete my faire journey until I find one! It'll be so fun. Just me and a shady patch and a lot of sketching fun.
In the meantime, the songs that I can't stop singing...
How amazing would it be to just sit around a table with candles and friends and be able to bust out a special acoustic song?
xx She Became The Old Hanging Tree Marz
Sunday, May 5, 2013
-- Thomas More
Cause Henry tells her, "For anyone who can quote Thomas More is well worth the effort."
Even though she didn't quite get it exactly... still. AM I WORTH THE EFFORT NOW? I LOVE CLASSICAL LITERATURE.
xx I Could Reach Every Star In The Sky Marz
Thursday, May 2, 2013
It all made sense while listening to Marco sing the demo of "The Pacific", which is already dreamy and blue and oceany. And I get to paint more stormy oceans!
xx The Mermaids You Turned Loose Brought Back Your Tears
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Old Feels
Oh it was one of those nights again, when you watch an old movie and it brings back memories of what you used to think and wanted to know and wanted to be and bahh. That's what watching Practical Magic did tonight. I immediately wanted to wear long skirts and long sleeve shirts for the rest of my life, and live in a big Victorian house on the cliffs overlooking the bay below. Back when I wanted a room full of candles (Still do) and to be able to grow every kind of herb and plant and use them for homeopathic things and believe in some sort of magic that wasn't a god type, but an all around type.
I thought about getting the Birth of Venus tattooed on my back. Just Venus, though.
Now... I'm on a Nightwish mood. Finding the acoustic songs so I can sing along, and listening to Anette's gorgeous voice... it's just a good night. Too bad my throat is sore, or else I'd enjoy listening to myself more. Like this, although he took a few little liberties, it's just so amazing. Reminds me of drinking nights on the balcony when it was 40 degrees outside!
xx A Swan Of White Marz
Friday, April 26, 2013
You Think You Ruined Me
But you didn't. I can still watch the movie and wear my shirts and love it just as much as I always have. In that sense, you didn't ruin what I love.
You just ruined everything else.
xx I Won't Show Up On Your Doorstep On Sunday Morning Marz
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Happy 600th
I don't know, I'm in a funny mood. Kind of no shits given sort of mood, no desire, no drive, and perpetual feeling of being dizzy. I had a fun day and night, so I don't know why I feel so shitty today. Probably just the off week.
A thing we're always working on in therapy is the never fading sense of guilt and self blame. Those are probably the things holding me back the most from getting anywhere, and it keeps gnawing at me. They say it's time I forgive myself, but I can't bring myself to that. No one should ever be in that situation, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, or ever want to experience it again. But until the feeling goes away, I have a hunch that I'll still be stuck.
Why can't things just be this easy.
xx He Was Bound To Love You When He Heard You Sing Marz
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Another Sleeping Day
It was a moderately average day that started with getting new meds at the psychiatrist and ended with Wingstop and drawing and Beauty and the Beast. Both movies, the first and the Christmas one. I think it's about time to go sew or something, since I have no more need to be on the computer.
I picked up The Heir again since I had time to kill in Wooten today and got sucked in just like I did the first time. I canNOT get over Westhaven's jackass ways and how sweet he turns when he sees Anna, and how much she pushes him away but loves their interludes together. Gahhhhhh. I love their story. Heir to the dukedom falls in love with the housekeeper... possibly cliche, but god the way they love each other just makes me feel so happy. I already read half the book in the span of three hours. I could read it again and again...
xx Shatter Me With Hope Marz
Monday, April 22, 2013
Webber Wrote My Life
Yep, after today this scene is all I can think of.
Yet while he lives, he will haunt us til we're dead. Am I to risk my life to win the chance to live? Do I become his prey? Do I have any choice!
And in a mildly similar tone, and also one of my favorite trios ever,
In other news, I can't believe that since I've ignored this site, Anette had another baby.
xx But Either Way You Chose, He Has To Win Marz
Friday, April 19, 2013
I Feel Like A Princess
Damn, I designed that. And damn, I'm making it. Although now I've decided to change the underskirt to black and the accents to light green and gold, it's so real. Even my hair was in that same low ponytail today. It's like, this day was meant to be.
While looking for this gem, I came across many other pieces from as far back as 2006. Jesus. Things I actually wore...
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
It's consuming me again. That hollowness and aching all over that demands my full attention and doesn't let me thrive. It tells me to lay in bed and sleep some more, or lay in bed and think about all the fears gnawing at me.
Is this a relapse into anxiety? Life was going so well. Life's been amazing. But then why are new fears taking the place of old ones? I don't want to feel like this anymore. I thought I was done feeling like this. No one should have to feel like this.
But why did you have to be so wonderful.
xx Say The Word And I Will Follow You Marz
Monday, January 28, 2013
Forgetting Those We Love
Most of the time, the best way to forget someone is to expel them from you mind and life, and although the isolation is hard, it definitely helps. I remember relying on this tactic in the past, and it's strange to think about. Unfortunately in the isolation, you find yourself buried in the thoughts of another and it gets deep.
Heavy, cold, resonating. Hollow, cavernous, alone.
xx Everynight I Burn Marz
Friday, January 25, 2013
Here We Go Again
It's just hard trying to find myself now that my brain is repairing itself and I have a new love for life. I want to be different than I was before. I want to bust out of my shell and experience people and places and opportunities I may never get again. I want to be heroic, shameful, studious, and all the things that are supposed to happen in college.
Tangent... I hate hurting those I care about, because I seem to be bugging everyone with a penis lately.
xx Fighting To Light The Way Marz
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Pokerface Mood
I don't know. I'm just always feeling so... nothing. Not really hollow, or chill, or calm, just kind of... like I'm holding my breath for no reason. No real passion or desire for anything. Aren't antidepressants supposed to make you feel better? Less... you know, depressed?
Therapy wasn't anything like I'd have expected. So I might have bi-polar II and PTSD. That's nice! Although it did help reaffirm some things bugging me. Oh well, hopefully Monday will be better!
xx In This Brief Flight Of Time Marz