Monday, November 30, 2009

You Created This Monster.

Alright, so the week went by fine. I knew today would be different.

I saw him across the band hall. His hair's so long and flippy, just how I love it. It's the last day of No Shave November, but knowing him, he won't shave.

I dreamed that maybe today, he'd come running back to me, whisk me up into his arms, and tell me how much he loved me and never wanted to let me go again. Nah, typical day, where we don't say a word.

Sarah and I decided to take a walk down to the practice field to dance and watch the sunset. We found out there's 84 steps from the back to the front sideline. While walking, I saw his truck instantly and felt sad. Really sad. But we continued to dance and act stupid and have a good time.

And then he showed up.

I knew it was him, even from a distance. I recognized the body, the walk, and the shirt before I could make out his face. We were far away enough to where we couldn't read each other's faces, but I snuck glances up while flipping my hair around. He looked down at me. I wanted to wave.

And that was that. He drove off and I went home because it was getting late. When I got home, I was talking to Jamie a lot about life as it is ("Pain, misery, cruelty. I've heard all the voices of God's noblest creatures and I ask...") and when I saw the little Facebook notification pop up "Anthony Milas commented on your status", my heart rattled and I felt like it was about to burst out. My stomach was rattling, too, so much that I had to ask Jamie to read it for me before I could read it. Afterwards, I was so shaky and kind of nervously happy.

I just want him back.

xx Stonehearted Marz

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