Friday, December 31, 2010
Last Post of 2010
January: I was a depressed mess, still not fully over Anthony yet. I was also thinking of a few other guys I'd had a bit of history with. Wow, I was absolutely psychotic back then, always thinking so philosophically. My fish Johnny and Brandon died :( But I bought new fish: Nightfish, Sonata, and Rasmus. Took my exams and passed algebra with a 70. We had our first guard contest and got first place!
February: We discovered PATRICK, the hottest vampire from Black Gold's vampire show. Ohhh my God, it tore us up that he was gay, because he was so damn hot. I got discouraged at a few guys because I was trying to save our friendships but got thrown around. "Halledouchebag" was born :) I toughened up. We took a guard trip to Austin and had fun.
March: Found out Anette was having a baby, huzzah! Good God, I got my wisdom teeth out... happy birthday to me! I asked Troice to prom in a cemetery. I got my first job! We had winterguard championships and Patrick waved at us :) And we saw Megan again!
April: I started getting ideas of dating again. And then we had prommmm! It was pretty fun, and hey, I got to wear my red dress again :) I love that dress... it's so gorgeous AND made by a Hollywood designer!
May: Finished my Poison Ivy costume! Heather wanted to plan me a summer wedding... worst idea ever :P I was still angsty and everything at Anthony. Kryzzzz and I started dating...
June: ... And then we broke up three days later, ha ha. I'm not gonna deal with whiny emo girls. I started watching Dexter and Little Italy went home. Then asshat comes over one night and kisses me on the porch! No no no no no! Austin and I started hanging out. My senior pictures got rained out :( I started reading Shaman King again and relived my younger years! I also started talking to a very very very very special guy :)
July: Watched fireworks with Heather, Michael, and Gabriel. Austin kissed me and I was liking him a lot (biiiig mistake). I reminisced on the night two years ago that Anthony asked me out.
August: My last band camp ever! So sad, but I'm glad it's done because it is a BRUTAL few weeks. Went on my first date with Ian :) Then I went to Canes and the kid at the counter asked for my number... uhh, ok. Nice to meet you again, Karl. It's only been since, what, third grade? But oh man, things got rough... I feel like such a skanky bitch looking back. Started planning Princess Kraehe outfit. Started my last year of high school! And I won Jangsara's makeup giveaway, huzzah! Karl and I started dating.
September: I was just really busy... contests and whatnot. Plus I contracted gastritis, which left me feeling deathly for a few weeks. I was kind of depressed a bit, too.
October: Things started slowing down with Karl. We went to homecoming, but that was a fail. He called me many bad things and made me feel like shit, which is probably why we broke up. Again with the depression! We made State AND came in second place, beating out LD Bell! It was amazingggg, and totally unforgettable. Ian and I also fixed our awkward little rough patch... Thank God, or I might have killed myself from guilt.
November: My last San Antonio trip <3 I don't know what I'll do next year without it! I finally pierced my ears again after like, 12 years :P THEN I MET KAT VON D, OMG OMG OMG. And Rooftop and Jeff! Then I took my SAT and got written up for cheating, which is such bullshit. We had our first Art Friends Taco Night in ghetto Dallas! I sort of had a depressive relapse from last year :/ But I got interviewed for the school newspaper! Then we all dressed up to go see Harry Potter at midnight! We also had guard auditions that I completely blew up in :( But I went to Seattle for Thanksgiving to see Annie and Michael and upgraded from my G1 to the G2! Finally reached 200 posts on the blog. Annnnnd best of all, I began dating the most amazing guy ever :)
December: I've just been a happy girl :) NOT THE ODD ONE OUT ANYMORE, ZING! Weekends of sleepovers and the usual Christmas. However, I'm sick today, so there's no room for celebrating :P
So here we are on December 31, 2010. I have a lot to look forward to next year... a lot of big mile markers in my life. I'll be graduating and moving out to start college, I'll have my AP portfolio, and whatever else gets thrown my way :) 2010 was my year to grow. I learned a lot about life, about love, about friends, and lots of things. I lost some friends, but made some, too. I made a lot of really dumb choices, but some of them were totally worth it. I have few regrets from this year, and I know that next year is going to be amazing :)
xx This Is The Moment That You Know Marz
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Metropark Goods :)
I really like that dress, but I'd have no use for it :P I love dresses, I just wish I had more reasons to wear them. I'll probably wear my homecoming dress to band banquet and my lacey black one to guard banquet. Bah, I need more reasons for dresses :)
xx I Need You Here Tonight Just Like The Ocean Needs The Waves Marz
Today was brutal. I slept really awkward last night and thus I'm super sore today. I woke up with the worst headache I've had in a long time... Actually, it woke me up a few times. Driving home sucked ass, especially at 8 AM. I got home, gave mom her card, and took some Tylenol at the expense of my stomach. Sure enough, my stomach's been killing me all day from the medicine. Of course, I went to sleep at 9 and woke up at 2, ha ha. Best nap ever, but I woke up sweating and still had a full on headache. So I took some Excedrin and made my weird V8 Virgin Mary concoction and felt a little better, until mom made shrimp caeser for dinner with lots of garlic and it was too much for my weak stomach. Nom nom nom, just take Prevacid! Seriously, this gastritis thing sucks ass when it comes to me needing to take any sort of pain relievers.
Oh well. Spent the rest of the day bumming around the house. I watched Whip It... damn I love Ellen Page! It's such a cute movie :) I think tomorrow I'm gonna go see what's on sale at Metropark at Northpark. I like that Metropark better than the one by my house... I think it's a little bigger. I want to get a cute shirt or something with my Christmas money. What I love most about Metropark is that most of their brands run in extra smalls, which is perfect because at least I know I'm spending a ridiculous amount of money on something that fits well!
So I was on Stumble today and came across this cool article about Moissanite, a diamond simulant. It's kinda cool because it has certain properties that exceed those of diamonds... then I got to reading about all sorts of simulants, such as white sapphires. They've even manufactured three tone cubic zirconia gems! So pretty. I'm such a rock nerd, I can't help it! I wanted to be a gemologist when I was a kid :P
Time to stay up all night... I doubt I'll be getting any sleep.
xx And In The Daylight Marz
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Four Years Ago Today
Speaking of top of my priority list, we made it through a month without killing each other! I noticed it when I was marking the days off my calendar a little bit ago. Huzzah, go us. I enjoy this very much, and can't wait til tomorrow!
So today we ended up not going skiing because everyone was getting sick. So the kids and I trekked into the woods and found some cool hills and a cute little snowy meadow to go sledding in and build a snow man. It was fun, I'll post pictures eventually... I'm too tired to now :P
So I was sitting on the plane listening to Nightwish's Century Child album. I think next to Dark Passion Play, this one might be my favorite. It was from this album that I first heard this song that made me fall in love with them. I remember the night vividly. I was browsing Phantom of the Opera stuff on Youtube and found this video and... my world was blown away. Those drums! That bass! This chick's crazy opera voice mixed with this guy's beastly, yet golden voice! I was in love, and thus my love for Nightwish was born. Of course, it took me a long time to figure out that there were two different vocalists, ha ha. The video!
Oh Marco, marry me! You have the voice of a god! Look at Empuu and his silly purple guitar :P
Seriously. I missed Nightwish when they came to town last time, and I will absolutely KILL MYSELF if I miss them again.
Oh, and probably one of my favorite Nightwish songs, "Dead To The World"! I listened to it a lot during the trip. Hey old man, what do you think of this? :)
xx Innocence Reborn Once More Marz
Monday, December 27, 2010
Dang, It's The Last Week!
Earlier tonight, I couldn't help but think... will I be here next Christmas? I mean, I'm pretty sure Annie came along with us for Christmas while she was in college... then again, she started school when I was only five, if I have my years right. I think I was... nine or ten when we were living in Jersey and mom and dad flew down to see her graduation and I stayed back. Wow, I kind of wish I was there. Oh dang, got off topic... anyways! Next Christmas. I'm kind of wanting to stay home, but then again, I don't know a Christmas without Philly.
Jeez, I remember back when I was a kid and Annie and I shared a room at Aunt Pina's house. Then as the years went on, I came to stay at Lisa's because the kids were here and they liked me. Annie stayed with Vickie, and we were all such cute sisters. Lolsauce. I remember when I stayed at Aunt Pina's house... I remember sleeping in the white reclining chair by the fireplace so I could wait for Santa :) We would leave him biscotti because shit, it was an Italian house! Christmas there was always nice, and then we stopped having it there and moved it to Lisa's.
Christmas is always so cool when you're a kid. Now, I'm not one that needs presents. I don't care if everyone's opening something and I'm not, really, I don't mind. But when you're a kid, you get so much cool loot and it's fun. And I know I was always so appreciative and excited about cool gifts when I was a kid! Now I watch Sarah and Alex open gifts--stuff like iPods, snowboards, ping pong tables, and Wii accessories--and they don't care. It's like like, they're expecting it. They know they're gonna get it, so it's not that big of a deal.
This made me kind of sad this year. My dad is one that wants lists of things people want. He wants lists so he can give them to his secretary so she can buy them all online. He kept asking me what I wanted, what I wanted... it made me sad. Can't you think of something nice for me? I'm your daughter, can't you think creatively? I finally said Juicy earrings because one, I like Juicy stuff and I knew he was going to Nordstrom and two, so he'd stop bothering me. Of course, I got the earrings, but I was expecting it, and that kind of took the fun out of opening a tiny wrapped present. Mom, on the other hand, bought me a three big, beautiful taklon brushes and a $150 gift card to Michaels so I can buy paint and canvas forever. Of course, I mentioned needing new brushes one day while I was packing my art box for school, but I didn't think she was listening. This really made me happy and excited, because I had no idea what the hell it was and it was really a gift from the heart because thought was put into it.
So that's sort of where I'm going with this rant. Gifts from the heart. I didn't ask dad for a list, I bought him a Three Stooges DVD because I knew he'd like it. I didn't ask Sarah what she wanted, I just bought her a 6 foot cardboard cutout of Snape because I knew she'd love it. I like creative gifts that inspire laughter, surprise, and that extra little drop of effort that shows how much you care for someone. I admire gift givers that have creative means of seeking out good gifts, and not relying on people supplying them with lists. Shoot, is it so hard to ask for a little creativity?
xx My Love, It Lies So Deep Marz
Saturday, December 25, 2010
It's Christmas Eve
Another year of being at my cousin's house. Everything's the same... People even wear the same things. I forgot where I was going with this. Uhh... Well I know for a fact that there's one guy out there I miss! Like Christmas is cool and all, but I'd rather be sitting at home with him instead. A nice night in is all I want for Christmas!
Bahahahahahaaa, I can't believe last year. I was so whiny and heartbroken and such a sap. Wow, I've made a complete turn around! I like it :) I bought some Converse shoes today that i can't wait to break in!
Ooops, I forgot to post this last night. That's ok, I'll post today on this festivus day. So far, mom and dad got me three big taklon brushes, Juicy earrings, and a $150 gift card to Michaels. Paint forever! The other fam got me Ulta makeup and jelly beans, nom nom. I can't wait for pollyanna tonight :) That's where the real gifts are!
xx One More Time For You Marz
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Ugh, Another Christmas
It was fun flying here, though. I sat next to a friendly guy named Matt, and we chatted the whole way here. We talked about everything... California, acting, art, Amish people, science, technology, history, video games, cell phones, our hate of math, and more. He was really nice and thought I was a very intriuging person.
Oh my God. Metallica's "One" was meant to be played by Apocalyptica. It's the perfect song for strings... Sounds so passionate and rich. "Harvester Of Sorrow" is also really badass in string form. I love its haunting tones and rough sound. Mmmmm, I love you, Apocalyptica.
I wish I was home... I miss a certain someone very very much right now. My mind drifts off to fun times and I wish to be home sooo bad and never leave again. I also miss Emma, poor puppy :(
We drove by those cool castle houses on Bethlehem Pike tonight... I WANT ONE SO BAD. Goddamn. I'm also about to die of hunger. Time to go make a sandwich.
Xx Get Your Ass In My Bed Fast Marz
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I Love The Bible
“No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord.” -- Deuteronomy 23:1
“…the Lord met him and sought to put him to death. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and threw it at Moses’ feet, and she said, “You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me.”-- Exodus 4:24-25
“She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions.” -- Ezekiel 23:19-20
“If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.” -- Deuteronomy 25:11-12
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Castle Houses!
This looks... majestic. Located in Pennsylvania. It's called Grey Towers! Grey is my alias, so it's perfect ;)
This one's also in Pennsylvania. A bit boxy for my tastes, but I like the multiple levels! I'm sure a studio could fit in there somewhere ;)
There's a whole street of houses that look just like this in Philadelphia by my aunt's house... oh my God, this is my dream house. Or really damn close to it. It's the perfect size! All it needs is a few stained glass windows and a spire or two ;)
This one's pretty! I prefer darker stone, but it looks very polished :) LOVE that wrap around porch!
I might post some interiors that I'd love to rock someday... maybe later!
xx From A Heart So Black And Blue Only For You Marz
Probably One Of The Best Days Ever.
Then I went out for tacos with Nelson, Ria, James, Maria, and her boy Allen. It was fun as always, and oh my Gooooood those tacos were absolutely fantastic! So damn good. Then Nelson, Ria, and James all came over and we made a bonfire at 1:00 in the morning while watching the lunar eclipse. It was... Magical. Something's really relaxing about laying around a warm campfire when it's chilly out, staring at the stars and moon, and surrounded by amazing company... It's magical. I can only think of one way it could have been any better. I wish I could have it every night :)
The eclipse was cool, though! The moon turned red and everything. And now I'm laying in bed alone for the first time in three nights. Feels weird... I'm kind of used to having someone to talk to. And I can sleep in tomorrow, huzzah! Damn my back hurts... Back rub please :)
xx I Miss You's Not Enough Marz
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Random Sunday Nonsense
I absolutely love love love my new earrings :) They're so sparkly and awesome! Now that I'm of sound mind and can appreciate them, I love em. They'll look nice with my ugly sweater tonight, ha ha. I can't wait to try the cartilage piece out, because it's so badass!
So I got home today and took a shower... a really long shower. Afterward, I felt so sore everywhere. Legs, arms, back, neck... must've slept funny. And all day, I've been tired and lethargic. I slept some pretty random hours last night, ha ha. It was trippy, though, having no idea of time. It was just waking up and falling back asleep and staying up and drifting off... it was kind of nice! Ha ha, I'm weird. AND I surround myself with weird people! Go figure :P
Jamie's coming over soon so we can eat and get ready for the work party. Oh gosh, I can't wait to put together this outfit :) Ugly ugly ugly bold sweater three sizes too large, cute black leggings, maybe a waist belt, and Raven boots :) I can't bend over, though... ass stays under the sweater. It sucks that we're going to a bowling alley, because I can't bowl, ha ha. Damn shoulders! It's also gonna suck that everyone's gonna be drinking. No fun, I want to join :( I'm very sociable while intoxicated! Oh well, Jamie and I are gonna take pictures of everyone being drunk and high :) That'll be fun!
Time to go clean the kitchen before dad gets home... my hair still smells like smoke. And so does the trash in the kitchen. Guess dad's taken up cigarettes again. It's funny cause he said he quit years ago. Way to go, dad. Proud of you.
xx Tell Me Darling, Do You Wish We'd Fall In Love Marz
Good God, Best Weekend Ever?
I have no idea where to start with this... not sure what angle to attack it from (lolsauce). All I can say is that I feel complete. I feel like a whole new person. Life is something more precious now, and so are the people in it. For once in my relatively short life, everything seems like it's fallen into place and paved me a perfect path to happiness.
At the same time, I've gotten a lot of shit this weekend from those I care about. I know they only care about me, but they don't know anything and they're treating me like a five year old. Screw you all, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into and I absolutely like it. Even when I have my own negative opinions of their choices, I keep my mouth shut. Everyone is so close minded and it really sucks ass.
But I dunno, I'm just happy. And not the odd one out anymore, you assholes.
xx Yesterday Away From You, It Made Me Want To Cry Marz
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Damn You, Northmont!
Today was decent. Scott didn't show up, so we sat around nomming on the sausage Sarah gave me for my secret santa gift. It was awesome! Then we took a test in math... I left five questions blank. When I was done, I picked up Vampire Academy and OH MY GOD THEY FINALLY HAD THE SEX. Finally. Pretty clever set up... Rose gets her ass kicked, so Dimitri takes her to a conveniently far away and mildly abandoned but very well furnished cabin to clean her wounds up... and ends up doin' the dirty with her. How scandalous! I can't imagine what happens next... But there's like, three more books so hopefully lots more ;)
Art was fun as always. I finally started on the halo rays! Looks like ass, but oh well. I'm awful at ink washes. I should just stick to acrylics. We had fun break dancing until I hurt my shoulder and went to the nurse... lame. But we watched Mr. Bean!
Jamie and I spent the rest of the day shopping... I bought clothes for the bratty kids and managed to only buy myself a pair of $15 earrings at American Eagle and not the $90 Juicy ones. I want a pair of nice Juicy earrings :) Not gold, though. They'd have to be silver or that awkward greyish black metal.
So I was browsing eBay earlier and realized there's a whole slew of bands I love, but don't own any shirts of! The list includes: The Rasmus, Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Epica, Krypteria... There's probably more but I'm too tired to think of any. Totally gonna skip school tomorrow, bake with Heather, go to work, and then have an amazing night with the most amazing guy ever :)
xx No Love No Glory Marz
Mmm I Could Get Used To This
I love going to bed feeling warm and fuzzy, and then waking up still feeling fuzzy. I love getting those cute texts in the middle of the day. I love feeling so loved :) You could take away all my paints and paper and even my makeup, just let me have him!
xx Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You Marz
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Math was easy, art was fun. Sarah came and hung out with me in the art room after school while I worked on my priest. Then we went out and got burritos and purple orgasms and it was a fun date! I called her Kirby Kuriboh accidentally and we started arguing about Yugioh characters and then realized how ridiculous it was that we even remembered that. I love that girl.
It was really nice of Genny to hug me bye. She's so sweet and I'm just glad I could help her out! I hate to see girls getting hurt. I feel like we need to go shopping or something, ha ha.
But ughh, practice was a bitch. Scott and Ryan rewrote the show and I just had a bad night altogether. I can't believe my friends actually believed me when they asked what was wrong. "What's Wrong, Marz?" "Shoulder hurts." And then they take it and continue being goofy. Like, do you really think that's why I'm angered? I'm not sure if they're oblivious or just ignoring the truth.
Xx Say I'm Better Than You Left Me Marz
Monday, December 13, 2010
One More Week!
So last night's post was a product of my being unable to sleep and needing to rant. It was weird because the first thing Coach did for us in math was give us a life lecture because of the junior who was in the drunk driving accident, causing paralysis and surgery. He gave us a really good, coachly speech that I listened to pretty intently. He's right. We are young and are bound to make bad choices in order to learn how to not be idiots later on in life. I dunno, I liked it.
And I liked how Vampire Academy is shaping up :) When the bell rang today, Rose and Dimitri were having one of those romantic moments where he let his guard down and told her how scared he was when she blacked out and no one knew why... and that he's scared for her. GOD DAMMIT DIMITRI, JUST TELL HER YOU LOVE HER ALREADY. You guys obviously have super strong feelings for each other, just tell her you love her so she can get in on some of that romantic action! Lissa and Christian are all over each other, she just wants someone, too!
Ha ha, so I Canes-devirginized Chase today. The kid has never been there before, so I felt it was only my duty (ha ha, duty) to take him to experience this glory. He said it was ok. BLASPHEMY. IT'S BETTER THAN OK. I'm gonna destroy that kid! Ha ha nah, it was fun hanging out outside of class where we sit around and act like mean assholes to each other. Plus everyone loves delicious chicken and Jesus sauce. I don't know if Scott is still a Canes virgin or if Jamie really did go get him dinner last week. Either way, I think we might get him some this week.
I feel like I had something to write about... I'll probably think of it later. Bitchtits. Emma is whining for some love, I'll go play with her for a bit. <3 Puppy dog
xx Pouring Boiling Water On A Solid Frozen Flower Marz
I've Come To Realize
I know I'm young, but this year, I think I've grown the most. I've seen things and gone through situations and found myself dealing with a lot of issues, both internally and externally. I've seen both faces of love, of trust, of leadership, of friendship, and of family. I've been so depressed that I've hallucinated and found myself in such bliss that I could have died that moment in pure happiness.
The world isn't perfect, and that saddens me. Why must the good people in the world be forced to suffer so cruelly? They've done nothing bad... They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one asked to be cheated on, or lied to, or generally wronged. So what happens to the good people? Will they too find themselves succumbing to the evils of the world?
That's what scares me the most. I don't want to be like my parents. I don't want to turn into either of them. I'm scared it might happen, and it's probably my biggest fear in life.
Xx Heaven Please Carry Me Away From All This Marz
Saturday, December 11, 2010
My Daydreamed Life
I'm guilty of sitting here in the house dreaming of my life someday. Sometimes I picture this as my future home life. This house is small and old, kind of cozy. I'd like a place like that until I get into my castle ;) I dunno, maybe I'm super weird for thinking like that, but every girl dreams of her life, of her home, and of her family.
And you know, I wouldn't mind having kids. Of course, my kids are gonna be different... The boys will not know what a haircut is and the girls will learn their place in life early on. Ha ha, I can dream, right? I've got everything else dreamed up... I'm such a sappy girl.
Xx You Know That I Will Never Leave Your Side Marz
Thoughts Before Babysitting
One, I've been reading handwriting analysis sites and based on my style of writing, I've been defined as a generally creative, open-minded person who is detail-oriented and sometimes prone to sadness. Ha ha, well at least I know that it truly is my hand!
Two, new favorite quote of the night: "Bleach is mostly water, and we're mostly water... therefore, we are bleach." I love Metalocalypse.
And three, I was so excited when he finally texted me today :) It was oddly quiet all day and most of last night, and I really did miss him. I'm such a sappy girl :P I can't help it though! Especially when he says the sweetest things ever... things that make me stop and smile for a few moments before I can resume life. Even the dumb things he says that make me facepalm myself are still awesome, especially in art class, because no one knows why I'm sitting there hitting my face, ha ha. I hope the parents will let me out after work this Friday so we can have a nice night together :) I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night after work!
So I mixed the Manic Panic and the Splat together to make a sort of thick, but dark, paste that went on well. I could have done a better job on the bangs, but dad kept calling me and I ended up missing a huge chunk of the light hair and the tips are horribly bare. Looks sloppy. I might redo it later this week when I have time. I H-A-T-E being interrupted when I'm trying to work, dammit! Give a girl her time to look pretty!
xx We Are Laser Removed Tasmanian Devil Tattoos Marz
Friday, December 10, 2010
More Shit On My Wishlist
The baroque ear cuff is sooo pretty and ornate. Could do without the red, but it's really pretty! The rose is also nice, not as organic looking as the baroque one, but still totally wearable. The baroque red heart ring is just gorgeous and terribly romantic. Like something out of a fairy tale. And the trefoiled purple heart is really big and fabulous! Reminds me of that beautiful architecture I love so much, but with a pretty little purple heart on it. Mmmm, I need more fingers.
xx I'd Take You Away Marz
End Of A Good Week
I feel like I've been... characterized this week. Last night during the tondu part of the Courtney/Halo warm up, I saw Mrs. Sealy talk to Scott and look at me. I know I turned bright red, but got even more red afterward when he talked about how much of a shell I usually create. He said I give off vibes of a tough chick, the kind of person that will beat you up. He even talked about how grouchy I am in the mornings. The point was that apparently in that last run through, I looked completely different. I looked delicate and approachable and even interesting to watch. It felt nice to be called out on good performance and not Sarah for once... I know that's mean of me, but hey, jealousy's a bitch.
And then during art, Mrs. K told a girl to come to me for dark makeup tips. Then she looks at me and goes, "No offense Marissa, but you're like, the gothiest of the class." Thanks Mrs. K, you sure know how to make me smile! Then of course, there's also this sad look I get after I read books... what the hell? Times like this make me question who or what I am. Will I be remembered as that intimidating girl with a sad look on her face who wore black band shirts and was in art class? I dunno. It's like I'm a goddamned Oreo.
Oh well. This song's on my badass romantic CD full of my favorite love-ish songs, and damn, Kamelot is soooo good. This is one of my faves from them, next to "Up Through The Ashes", "Soul Society", "Nothing Ever Dies", and then the two mellow songs "Don't You Cry" and "Wander". I <3 Kamelot. I need to get a shirt from them, too! This video sucks, but the song is gouda.
xx Raise Me Up Into The Light Marz
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Prettiest Nightwish shirt I've ever seen. I'm in love with stone angels... what sucks is that their smalls are really small. I think I'd have to get a medium this time for a comfier fit :) Gosh, this shirt is so pretty... Gah! I'll have to see how much cash I get for Christmas and then maybe I can get it.
I need more Nightwish shirts! I only have two... plus nine other concert shirts. Jeez, I'm slacking. I need more! I'm going to dream about that shirt tonight <3
xx I See Through The Darkness My Way Back Home Marz
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
So Far, So Good
I can't get over my heightened mood lately. It's like I'm a new person, free of all that negativity and awful emoness I was hauling around. No need to lament on life and rock a woeful countenance... I've just been too genuinely happy lately, all thanks to one guy :) I've never felt so pretty, or cared for, or interesting in a long time, if ever.
Someone out there actually exists who doesn't judge me or question my motives. Someone out there supports me and makes sure I'm ok. Someone out there likes the same things I like. And there's definitely someone out there who is absolutely perfect. It's like someone was listening to me that one day in Psych and gave me everything I wished for. Even my horoscope said that this one would change my life... And you don't mess with that.
Xx Still In Bed Alone Staring At The Phone Marz
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Letter "I"
I write it pretty close to how it looks on Juliet's ring from Luhrman's 'Romeo + Juliet'. I dunno, there's something so pretty about that letter, so organic and romantic looking. Most people write their i's as a simple straight line, sometimes adding serifs, but it's typically an overlooked letter. I used to not care about it so much, either, but why be a boring letter when you could be an extraordinarily beautiful letter? I've turned a straight line into a series of curves in the creation of a new kind of letter.
Here I go again on my weird handwriting tangents...
xx Hold Me Tight, Tell Me I'm The Only One Marz
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I'm Completely Distressed.
Ughhh. Calm down, calm down. Listen to "Silent Lucidity" and calm down. Dammit, I really wanna paint because I paint really well when I'm depressed or feeling negative, but dinner will be ready right after my paint gets mixed and then that's a waste of time and paint. Shatcakes.
Heather's going to get her tattoo tonight. I wish I could go with her... gotta stay home. I feel like I had something on my mind to write about... OH LIKE HOW BRYAN IS SUCH A HYPOCRITICAL ASSHOLE! I used to think he was cool before. Now he's just as ass. Practice what you preach, ya assie. Don't tell me not to mess with someone older when you're sitting there touching (and God knows what else) my best friend! Speaking of, I told her about us this morning and she took it well. I'm pretty sure she suspected at this point. Heather... well I almost told her today. I dunno, I'm scared. I know she'll judge and give me her opinion AND Gabriel's opinion. Well I don't give a damn, and I'm happier than ever, so GTFO my jock and leave me be.
Damn, I'm sounding crazy. Uhhhhh.
So I totally realized that I don't have to change my relationship on Facebook... I just had to delete it :) Withholding information is easier than lying!
xx And Everyday You're In My Head Marz
Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Layout?!
So mom called me before first period and left a voice mail bitching at me because I didn't throw away dad's empty sugar packets that were sitting on the counter. You've got to be kidding me. She refuses to touch them and gets so angry if I don't throw them away for her. She acts like I hit her with a car or something. It's ridiculous. AND she won't let me wear my Ivy shoes unless I'm in my costume because they're apparently "hooker heels". No mom, platform heels are in style right now. Everybody wears them. She wanted to call the principle to see if they were in dress code... you've got to be kidding me. She's ballistic.
Oh well. Other than that, decent day. I stayed long for art and completely re-did the rocks and now it looks more natural :) Well, the cliffs kind of look like the clouds, and even those don't look like clouds... Mrs. K said it looked very gothic. Woo hoo, then it's working! I started painting Anabell Lee and she's got the same creepy skin tone as Lenore and the siren from my vector. Actually, I bet this one and the vector would look awesome by each other! I'm trying to only use my browns and blues in this piece, but it's tough with the black castle and sky. Well, I'll make it work. It looks so badass! Oh, and Jamie and Heather took the Natalie issue up with Mr. Sealy and I think things will be much better now :)
I must say... I've felt absolutely spoiled this week :)
xx The Show Must Go On Marz
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Uhhh... why is this guy amazing?! I want to count how many times he flips his hair. Holy shit, he has like, four feet of hair. My mind has seriously been blown... I can't stop listening. Can. Not. Stop. Listening.
Was It Fate?
GSA was great! There were way too many people crammed into the newspaper room, but it was nice that we all came together in a peaceful way :) I noticed Genny was wearing the bracelet I made for Anthony... what's that mean? Ha ha, does she know I made it? I thought that was kind of funny. OMG AWKWARD MICHAEL EVEN CAME! Maybe he's gay?! Wouldn't that just be funny!
Natalie did it again. She left my bag of construction paper out in the hallway. Funny, I left it in the guard room for us to use if we needed it. So after calmly asking her about it during stretch block, she turned it into an argument with me and the captains. My God, she was being so rude to Jamie and Heather... like dude, respect your captains. And I don't appreciate anyone talking to my friends like that. I don't care if you want to be like that to me, but you sure as hell better lay off them. I've never had the burning desire to punch someone in the face as much as I did today. Wouldn't that have been funny if I actually got in a fight? Ha ha, the parents would be damn proud...
Jamie dragged/kidnapped me to the mall with her to help her find an outfit for her date tonight. Just kidding, she dragged me to be her pack mule. I was looking for earrings at A'Gaci and Forever 21 but all they had was big/gaudy/cheap/broken jewelry. Shit, how hard is it to find a nice pair of causal earrings that aren't boring stones? I found these here and I really love em, especially the star hoop :) The red stoned ear pin in kinda cool... but the blue/rainbow dangly cartilage one is gorgeous! I wish I could get away with wearing it around the house!
xx Too Many Stars For One Sky Above Marz