I'm finally blogging on a computer because phone blogging gets annoying. It's really hard to type because my right hand is absolutely frozen and is refusing to cooperate. Oh well, this room has big windows and is naturally cold... not to mention it's snowing out and the wind is hoooowwwllling. It's kind of scary when it gets loud, but hopefully I don't hear it in the basement.
Earlier tonight, I couldn't help but think... will I be here next Christmas? I mean, I'm pretty sure Annie came along with us for Christmas while she was in college... then again, she started school when I was only five, if I have my years right. I think I was... nine or ten when we were living in Jersey and mom and dad flew down to see her graduation and I stayed back. Wow, I kind of wish I was there. Oh dang, got off topic... anyways! Next Christmas. I'm kind of wanting to stay home, but then again, I don't know a Christmas without Philly.
Jeez, I remember back when I was a kid and Annie and I shared a room at Aunt Pina's house. Then as the years went on, I came to stay at Lisa's because the kids were here and they liked me. Annie stayed with Vickie, and we were all such cute sisters. Lolsauce. I remember when I stayed at Aunt Pina's house... I remember sleeping in the white reclining chair by the fireplace so I could wait for Santa :) We would leave him biscotti because shit, it was an Italian house! Christmas there was always nice, and then we stopped having it there and moved it to Lisa's.
Christmas is always so cool when you're a kid. Now, I'm not one that needs presents. I don't care if everyone's opening something and I'm not, really, I don't mind. But when you're a kid, you get so much cool loot and it's fun. And I know I was always so appreciative and excited about cool gifts when I was a kid! Now I watch Sarah and Alex open gifts--stuff like iPods, snowboards, ping pong tables, and Wii accessories--and they don't care. It's like like, they're expecting it. They know they're gonna get it, so it's not that big of a deal.
This made me kind of sad this year. My dad is one that wants lists of things people want. He wants lists so he can give them to his secretary so she can buy them all online. He kept asking me what I wanted, what I wanted... it made me sad. Can't you think of something nice for me? I'm your daughter, can't you think creatively? I finally said Juicy earrings because one, I like Juicy stuff and I knew he was going to Nordstrom and two, so he'd stop bothering me. Of course, I got the earrings, but I was expecting it, and that kind of took the fun out of opening a tiny wrapped present. Mom, on the other hand, bought me a three big, beautiful taklon brushes and a $150 gift card to Michaels so I can buy paint and canvas forever. Of course, I mentioned needing new brushes one day while I was packing my art box for school, but I didn't think she was listening. This really made me happy and excited, because I had no idea what the hell it was and it was really a gift from the heart because thought was put into it.
So that's sort of where I'm going with this rant. Gifts from the heart. I didn't ask dad for a list, I bought him a Three Stooges DVD because I knew he'd like it. I didn't ask Sarah what she wanted, I just bought her a 6 foot cardboard cutout of Snape because I knew she'd love it. I like creative gifts that inspire laughter, surprise, and that extra little drop of effort that shows how much you care for someone. I admire gift givers that have creative means of seeking out good gifts, and not relying on people supplying them with lists. Shoot, is it so hard to ask for a little creativity?
xx My Love, It Lies So Deep Marz
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