One more week of school before the break, and thank God for that. I sure need a vacation :)
So last night's post was a product of my being unable to sleep and needing to rant. It was weird because the first thing Coach did for us in math was give us a life lecture because of the junior who was in the drunk driving accident, causing paralysis and surgery. He gave us a really good, coachly speech that I listened to pretty intently. He's right. We are young and are bound to make bad choices in order to learn how to not be idiots later on in life. I dunno, I liked it.
And I liked how Vampire Academy is shaping up :) When the bell rang today, Rose and Dimitri were having one of those romantic moments where he let his guard down and told her how scared he was when she blacked out and no one knew why... and that he's scared for her. GOD DAMMIT DIMITRI, JUST TELL HER YOU LOVE HER ALREADY. You guys obviously have super strong feelings for each other, just tell her you love her so she can get in on some of that romantic action! Lissa and Christian are all over each other, she just wants someone, too!
Ha ha, so I Canes-devirginized Chase today. The kid has never been there before, so I felt it was only my duty (ha ha, duty) to take him to experience this glory. He said it was ok. BLASPHEMY. IT'S BETTER THAN OK. I'm gonna destroy that kid! Ha ha nah, it was fun hanging out outside of class where we sit around and act like mean assholes to each other. Plus everyone loves delicious chicken and Jesus sauce. I don't know if Scott is still a Canes virgin or if Jamie really did go get him dinner last week. Either way, I think we might get him some this week.
I feel like I had something to write about... I'll probably think of it later. Bitchtits. Emma is whining for some love, I'll go play with her for a bit. <3 Puppy dog
xx Pouring Boiling Water On A Solid Frozen Flower Marz
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