Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good God, Best Weekend Ever?

Wow. I couldn't wait for the week to be over, and once Friday rolled around, I knew it was gonna be a great weekend. Turned out a bit better than I expected ;)

I have no idea where to start with this... not sure what angle to attack it from (lolsauce). All I can say is that I feel complete. I feel like a whole new person. Life is something more precious now, and so are the people in it. For once in my relatively short life, everything seems like it's fallen into place and paved me a perfect path to happiness.

At the same time, I've gotten a lot of shit this weekend from those I care about. I know they only care about me, but they don't know anything and they're treating me like a five year old. Screw you all, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into and I absolutely like it. Even when I have my own negative opinions of their choices, I keep my mouth shut. Everyone is so close minded and it really sucks ass.

But I dunno, I'm just happy. And not the odd one out anymore, you assholes.

xx Yesterday Away From You, It Made Me Want To Cry Marz

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