Apparently there's a big bad ice storm tomorrow... cool.
OH THANK GOD, I'M SAFE. All that worrying last night was for nothing, because I knew I was alright all along, I just needed proof. I love my friends. I love how we went to Walmart for ONE thing and all came home with lots of useless shit, most notably our epic XXL wolf shirts! I'm excited to wear them tomorrow... dude, the neck on mine is so big that I can wear it as a tube dress and tie the sleeves together to make it hug my curves. Badass! Mine's got wolves tenderly licking in the pale moonlight.
Willy had us show out weapon skills today. He wants eight sabres, and so I jumped up and showed him what I had. I did better than I thought I would for not having ever thrown a quad or even touching my sabre in a year, but he seemed encouraging. Then he taught us some crazy hard flagwork... well, it's not hard, it's just tricky with a lot of layers to it.
I had my last art inductions tonight :( It was me, Lauren, and Ria doing all the ceremonial stuff... Where were Christy and the other two officers in training?! Oh well, it was fun handing everyone carnations. I saw the honor cords we get to wear for graduation and I'm so excited because they look pretty and I'll look cooler than my friends :) Ha ha, suck that! Oh graduation... It seems so far, but it's only 15 weeks away. I know I'll trip walking across the stage, ha ha. I wonder who will be there? Parents, Annie, Donna... maybe my other sisters? I dunno.
Gotta wake up at 5:45 tomorrow to take Shelley to school, assuming we still have school. She has detention at 7, and since I'm a nice friend, I'm doing her a favor. GOOD KARMA, PLEASE, COME MY WAYYYY. In exchange for all these nice favors, can you, oh great Karma, please give me a wonderful night with a special someone?!
xx All These Pickup Lines From Hell Marz
Monday, January 31, 2011
I've Never Been So Scared
I can't sleep because I'm so terrified. I'm sure I'm just psyching myself out and everything will be ok, but deep down I can't help but wonder what if.
The fear first crept on me a month ago and since then has come and gone and now I'm starting to get really antsy again. And so now I'm stressing and losing sleep and that's messing my system up even more.
Tomorrow Jamie and I are gonna put this shit to rest so I can stop worrying.
Xx Cut Me I'll Bleed Forever Marz
The fear first crept on me a month ago and since then has come and gone and now I'm starting to get really antsy again. And so now I'm stressing and losing sleep and that's messing my system up even more.
Tomorrow Jamie and I are gonna put this shit to rest so I can stop worrying.
Xx Cut Me I'll Bleed Forever Marz
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
Her hair is so cool! I love this shot from the back, love love love it! The front of her hair looked pretty much like mine, ha ha. Damn, I kind of want to do this in two weeks when I go to get my hair recolored! This is also a pretty wedding shot, from my artistic photography side, ha ha. Anyways.
THIS is a super badass shot of her hair. Oh my God, that color! I LOVE it! And the style is very very pretty without the dumb hat. Ok, what if I do that but in red, let the red fade, then re-bleach in the summer and do purple! There we go, problem solved! Because... bleach is mostly water, and we are mostly water, therefore we are bleach.
xx Love Is A One Way Ticket To Endless Sorrow Marz
Last First Winterguard Show
And so yesterday was my last first winterguard show! It might have also been the last time we ever performed that show...
Got to school at 10:30 and spent most of our morning getting the floor in a truck. Around noon we got on the buses and traveled to Richardson's Thomas Coliseum, a place we'd only had a few shows before. Most are at South Grand Prairie, but whatevs, a coliseum is a coliseum. Blue went on first and they did so well and scored sixth in their division, I think. Then we just spent the day watching guards and hanging out and having some good times.
First off, I realized that Nathan Explosion is a great pornstar name. See here, which totally gave me the lolz. I made a few other startlingly funny revelations, but I can't seem to remember them. Oh, right, Harri Johnson! If Harri married Dalton, we'd call her Harri Johnson. That was awesome, ha ha. I don't think I've ever called her Brittany... it's just always been Harri!
Then we find out at David was at the show, which totally shocked us all! It was great to see him again, and he even hung out with us afterwards until we had to go home. Oh right, our show! I did great, although I was a hair late on the "Ever the moonlight" palm roll/spins movement part. Other than that, good show! No drops, although Harri wasn't that happy with her ending solo catch... we all felt really good about the show! Well, we only got 11th out of 12, so... I guess the judges didn't feel the same :P My hair and makeup looked great, though!
It was funny, we saw Brian, Alex, Kate, Jessie, Scott, Toby, Ryan, Stefanie, and Willy... they were all our directors over the past four years. Sarah was like, "We've seen so many of our directors here!" And then we all busted out laughing because we've gone through sooo many directors over hour high school career. Heather was like, "We're like the loose woman of the guard world." And Daffinee heard that and was like, "Uhh, inappropriate! But still really funny."
It was a fun day overall and very memorable. I hope for many more fun guard days :)
xx I Wish I Had Your Angel Tonight Marz
Got to school at 10:30 and spent most of our morning getting the floor in a truck. Around noon we got on the buses and traveled to Richardson's Thomas Coliseum, a place we'd only had a few shows before. Most are at South Grand Prairie, but whatevs, a coliseum is a coliseum. Blue went on first and they did so well and scored sixth in their division, I think. Then we just spent the day watching guards and hanging out and having some good times.
First off, I realized that Nathan Explosion is a great pornstar name. See here, which totally gave me the lolz. I made a few other startlingly funny revelations, but I can't seem to remember them. Oh, right, Harri Johnson! If Harri married Dalton, we'd call her Harri Johnson. That was awesome, ha ha. I don't think I've ever called her Brittany... it's just always been Harri!
Then we find out at David was at the show, which totally shocked us all! It was great to see him again, and he even hung out with us afterwards until we had to go home. Oh right, our show! I did great, although I was a hair late on the "Ever the moonlight" palm roll/spins movement part. Other than that, good show! No drops, although Harri wasn't that happy with her ending solo catch... we all felt really good about the show! Well, we only got 11th out of 12, so... I guess the judges didn't feel the same :P My hair and makeup looked great, though!
It was funny, we saw Brian, Alex, Kate, Jessie, Scott, Toby, Ryan, Stefanie, and Willy... they were all our directors over the past four years. Sarah was like, "We've seen so many of our directors here!" And then we all busted out laughing because we've gone through sooo many directors over hour high school career. Heather was like, "We're like the loose woman of the guard world." And Daffinee heard that and was like, "Uhh, inappropriate! But still really funny."
It was a fun day overall and very memorable. I hope for many more fun guard days :)
xx I Wish I Had Your Angel Tonight Marz
Two Men Were Right
I'm starting to think Mr. Daffinee was right when he said to treat the show like a breakup with Scott. It makes sense... "Say It's over, say I'm dreaming, say I'm better than you left me, Say you're sorry, I can take it. Say you will, say you won't, say you love me, say you don't. I can make my own mistakes. Learn to let it bend before it breaks." Because personally, I'm angry at him for leaving us because he was a great guy and director. It's awkward because if I was to see him, my heart would race and I'd act all politely nice to his face, but afterwards I'd turn all bitter and hate his ass.
It's just frustrating because he told Heather and Jamie that he misses us. Well why did you leave, then? Why? I wonder what he thought of us placing eleventh out of twelve was like. I wonder what Willy thought. I wonder what the directors thought. Maybe if Scott stuck around, we could have done better.
I'm also starting to think Bryan was right. Different priorities.
Xx And Which Ever Way You Turn, I'm Gonna Turn The Other Way Marz
It's just frustrating because he told Heather and Jamie that he misses us. Well why did you leave, then? Why? I wonder what he thought of us placing eleventh out of twelve was like. I wonder what Willy thought. I wonder what the directors thought. Maybe if Scott stuck around, we could have done better.
I'm also starting to think Bryan was right. Different priorities.
Xx And Which Ever Way You Turn, I'm Gonna Turn The Other Way Marz
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Friday, January 28, 2011
Who's The Best Dimitri?
I've been thinking... who would be the best Dimitri for the VA movie if/when it ever comes out? :)

^ Ben Barnes... I though he was totally hot in Narnia: Caspian, but the more I look at him with that shaggy hair and strong brow and cheekbones, the more perfectly Dimitri he is. This is very close to how I pictured him in the books! Please pick him, Mr. Director!

^ And if not, Taylor Kirsch is a pretty good second choice! His eyes are a bit too far apart and that gives him a softer look and thus less Dimitri-ish for my tastes, but he'd still be badass. He's got that hot Russian vibe to him!
Time will tell... I need to finish the books soon! And when that movie comes out, I'll be alllll over it!
xx I Left My Lady In A Laundromat Marz
^ Ben Barnes... I though he was totally hot in Narnia: Caspian, but the more I look at him with that shaggy hair and strong brow and cheekbones, the more perfectly Dimitri he is. This is very close to how I pictured him in the books! Please pick him, Mr. Director!
^ And if not, Taylor Kirsch is a pretty good second choice! His eyes are a bit too far apart and that gives him a softer look and thus less Dimitri-ish for my tastes, but he'd still be badass. He's got that hot Russian vibe to him!
Time will tell... I need to finish the books soon! And when that movie comes out, I'll be alllll over it!
xx I Left My Lady In A Laundromat Marz
If I fall asleep one more time during class I'll kill myself! I'm not doing it on purpose, I swear... I'm just really tired.
Tomorrow we have our first show :)))) I'm so excited! We don't have to be at school until 10:30, which means this girl gets some sleep in time... 9 is much better than rolling out of bed at 6:45! It's gonna be a long day of Sealy keeping us in line and Daffinee being Daffinee. On the plus, a lot of band kids are coming to support us! How nice of them :) I must not forget my brown shorts! I know I'll forget them... oh God. Maybe I should go get them now. I don't really understand the point for them... they're still short as hell and not really covering anything. Way to go, Scott.
I spent the afternoon with Victor driving to Irving because he wanted to take me to some cool store at a mall out that way. Turns out the store wasn't there, so he Googled another store and we drove to it, somewhere in Dallas, but it turned out we had the wrong location and ended up at a wine distributor. On the plus, all my highway/Dallas driving saved our asses because I knew where we were and how to get home! And then asshat Victor was driving around with no gas in his car and the car was freaking out and so about to break down, ha ha. Luckily we got gas in time and he dropped me off and I've spent all afternoon watching Metalocalypes I recorded.
Oh my God, this made my day! There was a newspaper in Metalocalypse that read "Dethklok sighted at Dimmu Burger!" This was epic, ha ha. Totally gave me the lolz. Is funny because Dimmu Burger was a fast food joint... and it's close to Dimmu Borgir... on a metal show...
Anyways. I might go play some Ocarina of Time tonight, or maybe some Sims 3. I feel like I should try it out again because I didn't give it a fair shot before. But then again, I want to play Sims 2 cause I have a cool idea for a house :) Damn you, slow as ass Dell! You suck for gaming! Pffft, as if Macs are any better for games... I can't win :P
xx Let Me Call Minor Heaven Marz
Tomorrow we have our first show :)))) I'm so excited! We don't have to be at school until 10:30, which means this girl gets some sleep in time... 9 is much better than rolling out of bed at 6:45! It's gonna be a long day of Sealy keeping us in line and Daffinee being Daffinee. On the plus, a lot of band kids are coming to support us! How nice of them :) I must not forget my brown shorts! I know I'll forget them... oh God. Maybe I should go get them now. I don't really understand the point for them... they're still short as hell and not really covering anything. Way to go, Scott.
I spent the afternoon with Victor driving to Irving because he wanted to take me to some cool store at a mall out that way. Turns out the store wasn't there, so he Googled another store and we drove to it, somewhere in Dallas, but it turned out we had the wrong location and ended up at a wine distributor. On the plus, all my highway/Dallas driving saved our asses because I knew where we were and how to get home! And then asshat Victor was driving around with no gas in his car and the car was freaking out and so about to break down, ha ha. Luckily we got gas in time and he dropped me off and I've spent all afternoon watching Metalocalypes I recorded.
Oh my God, this made my day! There was a newspaper in Metalocalypse that read "Dethklok sighted at Dimmu Burger!" This was epic, ha ha. Totally gave me the lolz. Is funny because Dimmu Burger was a fast food joint... and it's close to Dimmu Borgir... on a metal show...
Anyways. I might go play some Ocarina of Time tonight, or maybe some Sims 3. I feel like I should try it out again because I didn't give it a fair shot before. But then again, I want to play Sims 2 cause I have a cool idea for a house :) Damn you, slow as ass Dell! You suck for gaming! Pffft, as if Macs are any better for games... I can't win :P
xx Let Me Call Minor Heaven Marz
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Bahahahahha, I can't wait for Heather and Victor and I to make that movie. Memoirs of a Geisha 2, it's gonna be hot.
Sooooo today wasn't bad. Started off with Gizmos in the computer lab with Gavin, in which we did our usual thing of me doing the work and him goofing off so he can copy my stuff later. Well we both sort of goofed off... I was looking up prom dresses while he was looking up guitars and telling me all about the stuff he's learning there. That's good that he's doing something and not being an emo ass like some other people I know.
Then guard, where we met the new director! His name is Willy and he's pretty alright, makes funny little jokes and says some pretty enlightening things. The only problem with him is we had technique block today and his technique is that of Michael James, who we only spun with for a little bit two years ago... and come on man, you're not really gonna change our technique this far along in the season, are you? Either way, he seems like he's gonna be a good fit for us!
English was English, and I got some good doodles in! Seriously, that class is nearly two hours. 11:38-1:23... too much English for me. I love English, don't get me wrong, but Culver is sooooo boring. Blehh. At least Sarah and I can goof off. Erin's growing on me, too. She keeps giving me hell for my sparkly pink nails. Screw you, I always wanted to use this polish!
Then shopping with Jamie and Heather. We totally raided Gilly Hicks again and I got some more goods, as well as this cool green face primer to help keep my face from looking all red and more even and... not retarded. It's pretty cool, really really sheer, and works well under the mousse foundation. Finally, my face doesn't look like ass!
Uhhh late night practice and now I'm needing to go read Beowulf. It's not bad, not bad at all. I read a little bit of Vampire Academy today and remembered how exciting it is and how I need to finish it. OH MY GOD, BEAUTIFUL BADASS DIMITRI IS DEAD. I miss him :( I'm such a sap for fictional characters, ha ha.
xx So Please Don't Let It Go Marz
Sooooo today wasn't bad. Started off with Gizmos in the computer lab with Gavin, in which we did our usual thing of me doing the work and him goofing off so he can copy my stuff later. Well we both sort of goofed off... I was looking up prom dresses while he was looking up guitars and telling me all about the stuff he's learning there. That's good that he's doing something and not being an emo ass like some other people I know.
Then guard, where we met the new director! His name is Willy and he's pretty alright, makes funny little jokes and says some pretty enlightening things. The only problem with him is we had technique block today and his technique is that of Michael James, who we only spun with for a little bit two years ago... and come on man, you're not really gonna change our technique this far along in the season, are you? Either way, he seems like he's gonna be a good fit for us!
English was English, and I got some good doodles in! Seriously, that class is nearly two hours. 11:38-1:23... too much English for me. I love English, don't get me wrong, but Culver is sooooo boring. Blehh. At least Sarah and I can goof off. Erin's growing on me, too. She keeps giving me hell for my sparkly pink nails. Screw you, I always wanted to use this polish!
Then shopping with Jamie and Heather. We totally raided Gilly Hicks again and I got some more goods, as well as this cool green face primer to help keep my face from looking all red and more even and... not retarded. It's pretty cool, really really sheer, and works well under the mousse foundation. Finally, my face doesn't look like ass!
Uhhh late night practice and now I'm needing to go read Beowulf. It's not bad, not bad at all. I read a little bit of Vampire Academy today and remembered how exciting it is and how I need to finish it. OH MY GOD, BEAUTIFUL BADASS DIMITRI IS DEAD. I miss him :( I'm such a sap for fictional characters, ha ha.
xx So Please Don't Let It Go Marz
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Song 1 of 1476
Of the 6.8 billion people in the world
One guy
Wrote a song for me.
I have a hard time going to the next song in my shuffle
Because I keep pressing back
To hear this one song
Everytime I listen
I hear something new.
An hour and a half
Of this five minute song
And I'm still not done listening to it yet.
xx With The Warmth Of Your Arms You Saved Me Marz
One guy
Wrote a song for me.
I have a hard time going to the next song in my shuffle
Because I keep pressing back
To hear this one song
Everytime I listen
I hear something new.
An hour and a half
Of this five minute song
And I'm still not done listening to it yet.
xx With The Warmth Of Your Arms You Saved Me Marz
Three Sleepless Nights
This isn't how it's supposed to be! But you're so good at taking your time to get back to meeee.... I love Emery :) "Ponytail Parades" is probably their best song ever.
I've been getting to bed late form staying up and doing homework. I guess it'd help if I got my work done right after school, but... I keep finding myself preoccupied :) Good news is we're going to compete on Saturday, yay! Even if this is the last time we ever perform, I can say I had my shot. I'm so excited, but no one else seems to share my feelings except for Victor and Jamie. Ha ha, I love Jamie, "I can't wait to perform at championships and hear my name get called out and your name get mispronounced and wear a tiara!" I can't wait to hear my butchered name, either :)
So it looks like we're going on with the show, which is gonna piss a lot of people off. Sealy and Daffinee obviously want us to go forward, and it'd be a shame not to given all the money, hours, and effort already in place (we have a floor, costumes, and silks!). Things are looking good from my eyes :)
Butchered name... ugh. I was thinking in the car last night after practice about my last name. Sealy loves saying it when he sees me in a very cheesey but amused Italian accent. It's like, no one knows how to say it and it gets butchered and turned into cooch... part of me can't wait to get married to someone with an easier name so I don't have to deal with the obnoxiousness anymore, but the other part of me can't bear to part with my badass name that no one else has. I think of weird things sometimes!
Anette is hosting a contest in which she's gonna give away er clothes and most importantly, a dress she wore on tour, all autographed! Apparently it's an easy contest that anyone can enter, but oh man, how awesome would it be to own one of my idol's dresses? While I might not be a singer, she's my everything else icon: I dyed my hair purple because of her, I cut my hair all crazy to look more like hers, I love her clothes and her style, and I love how gorgeous she is :) I hope to be that pretty when I get to be in my thirties!
Oops, can't start economics without a book from school, how retarded! I haven't used a textbook since Fall 2009 :P What happened to using websites and all that fun stuff? Laaaaame. And my stickers still haven't come in yet >:( But Sarah and I did go rape that sale at Gilly Hicks and I came home with three sets for $41! Considering a bra itself is normally $30... Huzzah, I am a woman and I rock those sales! Made my day, I always like buying something nice :)
xx Echoes Of My Heart Marz
I've been getting to bed late form staying up and doing homework. I guess it'd help if I got my work done right after school, but... I keep finding myself preoccupied :) Good news is we're going to compete on Saturday, yay! Even if this is the last time we ever perform, I can say I had my shot. I'm so excited, but no one else seems to share my feelings except for Victor and Jamie. Ha ha, I love Jamie, "I can't wait to perform at championships and hear my name get called out and your name get mispronounced and wear a tiara!" I can't wait to hear my butchered name, either :)
So it looks like we're going on with the show, which is gonna piss a lot of people off. Sealy and Daffinee obviously want us to go forward, and it'd be a shame not to given all the money, hours, and effort already in place (we have a floor, costumes, and silks!). Things are looking good from my eyes :)
Butchered name... ugh. I was thinking in the car last night after practice about my last name. Sealy loves saying it when he sees me in a very cheesey but amused Italian accent. It's like, no one knows how to say it and it gets butchered and turned into cooch... part of me can't wait to get married to someone with an easier name so I don't have to deal with the obnoxiousness anymore, but the other part of me can't bear to part with my badass name that no one else has. I think of weird things sometimes!
Anette is hosting a contest in which she's gonna give away er clothes and most importantly, a dress she wore on tour, all autographed! Apparently it's an easy contest that anyone can enter, but oh man, how awesome would it be to own one of my idol's dresses? While I might not be a singer, she's my everything else icon: I dyed my hair purple because of her, I cut my hair all crazy to look more like hers, I love her clothes and her style, and I love how gorgeous she is :) I hope to be that pretty when I get to be in my thirties!
Oops, can't start economics without a book from school, how retarded! I haven't used a textbook since Fall 2009 :P What happened to using websites and all that fun stuff? Laaaaame. And my stickers still haven't come in yet >:( But Sarah and I did go rape that sale at Gilly Hicks and I came home with three sets for $41! Considering a bra itself is normally $30... Huzzah, I am a woman and I rock those sales! Made my day, I always like buying something nice :)
xx Echoes Of My Heart Marz
Sunday, January 23, 2011
New Cosplay Ideas
Although I love the three and a half costumes I have, I thought about characters I'd love to cosplay by myself or with a group... and I mean the characters that *I* want to be :)
Rain Mikamura, either in her regular clothes or fight suit!

Holy Maiden Iron Jeanne (That's gonna be an expensive one... the wig alone would be around $50-70)

And this just made my day :) Real epic long hair FTW! I think Heather said we should to a Dethklok cosplay... and I think they said I'd have to be Nathan. But I do a better Skwizgaar voice! I mean, I can do a Nathan growl...

xx I Bet She Misses The Sunrise Marz
Rain Mikamura, either in her regular clothes or fight suit!
Holy Maiden Iron Jeanne (That's gonna be an expensive one... the wig alone would be around $50-70)
And this just made my day :) Real epic long hair FTW! I think Heather said we should to a Dethklok cosplay... and I think they said I'd have to be Nathan. But I do a better Skwizgaar voice! I mean, I can do a Nathan growl...
xx I Bet She Misses The Sunrise Marz
Ouija Board
We played with Heather's ouija board last night in my room. It worked the best between the two of us, and we saw some pretty amazing stuff.
First off, there were twenty spirits in my room and preferred the door to be closed. They were all fighting to talk and kept moving the piece between M and N if we asked a question. finally, we talked to a ten year old girl named Amanda that died some hundred years ago of a broken heart. She had a crush on a boy who was also ten, but she said goodbye before we found out his name.
Then we talked to a guy named Gideon who was also dead for about a hundred years, although I don't remember how old he was when he passed. He was very cool and said the spirits came to party with us. He also said he liked to party and was a bootlegger back in the day :) He knew we were in guard and thought we were all very funny and enjoyable. Then he said goodbye.
We talked to one more ghost named Kurt who was a bit less friendly, but answered all sorts of questions we had about the spirit world. Then he said I had magic powers of love because I was a witch. Apparently if I was to use a spell, it would work, but I'd have to do it alone for focus, according to Kurt. At that point, Victor and I looked at each other because we knew I had those Wicca books in my other room. Then Kurt said Alexis was also a witch, but had powers to make people feel guilty, ha ha. I win, love always wins! Then we said goodbye to him.
That was... crazy. The party was really fun though, everyone in our togas and food and friendship :) Somehow we fit four people on my couch in my room and everyone else sprawled out on the floor/on top of each other and we watched Paranormal Activity. It was scary the first time I saw it, now it's not that scary anymore :P Oh well, time to do homework and write a riddle!
xx Your Eyes They Were My Paradise, Your Smile Made My Sun Rise Marz
First off, there were twenty spirits in my room and preferred the door to be closed. They were all fighting to talk and kept moving the piece between M and N if we asked a question. finally, we talked to a ten year old girl named Amanda that died some hundred years ago of a broken heart. She had a crush on a boy who was also ten, but she said goodbye before we found out his name.
Then we talked to a guy named Gideon who was also dead for about a hundred years, although I don't remember how old he was when he passed. He was very cool and said the spirits came to party with us. He also said he liked to party and was a bootlegger back in the day :) He knew we were in guard and thought we were all very funny and enjoyable. Then he said goodbye.
We talked to one more ghost named Kurt who was a bit less friendly, but answered all sorts of questions we had about the spirit world. Then he said I had magic powers of love because I was a witch. Apparently if I was to use a spell, it would work, but I'd have to do it alone for focus, according to Kurt. At that point, Victor and I looked at each other because we knew I had those Wicca books in my other room. Then Kurt said Alexis was also a witch, but had powers to make people feel guilty, ha ha. I win, love always wins! Then we said goodbye to him.
That was... crazy. The party was really fun though, everyone in our togas and food and friendship :) Somehow we fit four people on my couch in my room and everyone else sprawled out on the floor/on top of each other and we watched Paranormal Activity. It was scary the first time I saw it, now it's not that scary anymore :P Oh well, time to do homework and write a riddle!
xx Your Eyes They Were My Paradise, Your Smile Made My Sun Rise Marz
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Well Winterguard Is Over
Scott resigned officially on Friday and abandoned us.
Practice on Thursday night was brutal, scary, sad, and just... uncomfortable. After the final drop of a sabre, Scott screamed that practice was over, threw the iPod we bought him down on the bleachers, and stormed out of the gym, leaving us all in terrified silence. He came back and we talked about what was wrong sort of. Shea started crying and flat out told Scott that he was too hard on us and hardly told us anything nice. At that point he told us to go home.
Julie, Natalie, Victor, Harri, Sarah, Heather, Jamie, Megan, and I all went to Canes after practice to discuss what just happened. We were all like, in such high spirits and so friendly to each other and had such a good time trying to process what just happened. Then on Friday, Daffinee sat us down and explained to us what was going on... We either pack up the show and call it quits, find a new director, or reconcile with Scott. Frankly, we all feel abandoned and pissed off. Daffers understood and it was nice knowing that the band directors, especially Sealy, are all taking action to make sure we're taken care of on Monday.
Today we were supposed to have six hours of practice and the LISD Preview show tonight, but Daffinee said we couldn't go, which was sad. I was so excited to perform a winterguard show again, especially since I haven't been on the floor (besides pulling it out!) since sophomore year. I'm just really disappointed in Scott for not understanding us. The relationship between a student and teacher is a partnership. Obviously Scott's pushing us and being mean to us to make us better, but it's bringing us down and he should see that and maybe alter his teaching style a bit if he wants to get work done. Like I don't know what's happened! Ever since coming back from the break, he's been such a dick to us.
He sent Heather a message on Facebook saying that the varsity kids meant a lot to him and he loved us blah blah blah and had fun teaching us. bullshit, don't try that, Scott. You complained about guard members quitting all year and now you're calling it quits? You called Dakota a flake because he had to quit because he didn't have the money to be in the program? No Scott, you're the flake.
So tonight we're having an end of the year party to celebrate our friendship and unity and remind ourselves that even though the circumstances are awful right now, we still have each other.
Oh, and I finally got my Nightwish calendar in the mail and it sucks. The boxes are WAY too small to write anything in and the boxes are dark grey :/ Time to go buy a tiny silver Sharpie? Nightwish fail. And there's hardly and pictures of the band, mostly just art from shirts and album inlays and stuff. Fail, Nightwish. I still love you guys.
xx And Now Whatever Way Our Stories End, I Know You Have Re-written Mine Marz
Practice on Thursday night was brutal, scary, sad, and just... uncomfortable. After the final drop of a sabre, Scott screamed that practice was over, threw the iPod we bought him down on the bleachers, and stormed out of the gym, leaving us all in terrified silence. He came back and we talked about what was wrong sort of. Shea started crying and flat out told Scott that he was too hard on us and hardly told us anything nice. At that point he told us to go home.
Julie, Natalie, Victor, Harri, Sarah, Heather, Jamie, Megan, and I all went to Canes after practice to discuss what just happened. We were all like, in such high spirits and so friendly to each other and had such a good time trying to process what just happened. Then on Friday, Daffinee sat us down and explained to us what was going on... We either pack up the show and call it quits, find a new director, or reconcile with Scott. Frankly, we all feel abandoned and pissed off. Daffers understood and it was nice knowing that the band directors, especially Sealy, are all taking action to make sure we're taken care of on Monday.
Today we were supposed to have six hours of practice and the LISD Preview show tonight, but Daffinee said we couldn't go, which was sad. I was so excited to perform a winterguard show again, especially since I haven't been on the floor (besides pulling it out!) since sophomore year. I'm just really disappointed in Scott for not understanding us. The relationship between a student and teacher is a partnership. Obviously Scott's pushing us and being mean to us to make us better, but it's bringing us down and he should see that and maybe alter his teaching style a bit if he wants to get work done. Like I don't know what's happened! Ever since coming back from the break, he's been such a dick to us.
He sent Heather a message on Facebook saying that the varsity kids meant a lot to him and he loved us blah blah blah and had fun teaching us. bullshit, don't try that, Scott. You complained about guard members quitting all year and now you're calling it quits? You called Dakota a flake because he had to quit because he didn't have the money to be in the program? No Scott, you're the flake.
So tonight we're having an end of the year party to celebrate our friendship and unity and remind ourselves that even though the circumstances are awful right now, we still have each other.
Oh, and I finally got my Nightwish calendar in the mail and it sucks. The boxes are WAY too small to write anything in and the boxes are dark grey :/ Time to go buy a tiny silver Sharpie? Nightwish fail. And there's hardly and pictures of the band, mostly just art from shirts and album inlays and stuff. Fail, Nightwish. I still love you guys.
xx And Now Whatever Way Our Stories End, I Know You Have Re-written Mine Marz
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Shit I Just Bought On eBay
I just bought two car decals. Shit.

Edgar is white... and I just love The Rasmus's logo <3 I spent about $10.50 on these, ha ha. Half my checking account!
OH FML. A few days ago when I looked for a Nightwish sticker there weren't any, but I just looked and there's two for $6! GODDAMMIT. I'm... beyond sad now.
xx Don't Push Me Marz
Edgar is white... and I just love The Rasmus's logo <3 I spent about $10.50 on these, ha ha. Half my checking account!
OH FML. A few days ago when I looked for a Nightwish sticker there weren't any, but I just looked and there's two for $6! GODDAMMIT. I'm... beyond sad now.
xx Don't Push Me Marz
Whoah, Am I High?
I mean, I'm not high, but what the hell am I doing? I think I need to shut my dirty whore mouth before I say anything else uncalled for. This isn't right, what am I thinking?! What's making me act like this? Pent up anger? Months of struggle? Shit, I'm starting to freak myself out.
Anyways... good day over all. Very very good afternoon :) I'm so glad I have English with Sarah, it'll be so much fun! Plus we're learning about knights and medieval England... my FAVORITE time era! The art is amazing, most of my favorites come from this time. Not to mention the gorgeous churches and castles that will all be mine someday. All of it!
OH, AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDGAR ALLAN POE! I'm doing you for my concentration, so here's to you, my favorite Victorian man! You would have been 202 today and still as lovely as ever. What's wrong with old guys? Bahahahahaha :P
xx Clasp A Rare And Radiant Maiden Whom The Angels Name Lenore Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." Marz
Anyways... good day over all. Very very good afternoon :) I'm so glad I have English with Sarah, it'll be so much fun! Plus we're learning about knights and medieval England... my FAVORITE time era! The art is amazing, most of my favorites come from this time. Not to mention the gorgeous churches and castles that will all be mine someday. All of it!
OH, AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDGAR ALLAN POE! I'm doing you for my concentration, so here's to you, my favorite Victorian man! You would have been 202 today and still as lovely as ever. What's wrong with old guys? Bahahahahaha :P
xx Clasp A Rare And Radiant Maiden Whom The Angels Name Lenore Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." Marz
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Last First Day Of New Classes!
Well, for high school, at least :P
First period, environmental systems with boring old Mr. Morris. I was scared that it was gonna be hell because I was sitting behind loud theater kids, but Gavin showed up late to class and as if fate had it, he was able to sit in the empty seat next to me! Thank God I have a friend in that class, especially Gavin. I haven't talked to him in a while, save for a few Facebook quips.
Second period, guard. Yeah.
Third period, AP English! Sarah's in my class, but was absent today to get her teeth fixed. I sit with the band kids, ha ha. And Anthony's in my class again, just my luck. Ugh, do I ever get a break? I like how we sit at round tables, it's kinda cute :P I think it'll be a fun class, I just need to do my summer reading...
And I have D lunch! So I get out of school at 1:23 and don't have to ever worry about packing my lunch again :) Today I felt so lost without art class that I snuck in to 3rd period during lunch and hung out with Shelley and Ria. We went next door to the studio room and it felt so warm and inviting and smelled like soup, just like always! Ahhh, my favorite room. And all my crows and skulls were still sitting up on the cabinet watching over my table that's covered in Nightwish lyrics and dried paint. Our unfinished mural is still on the wall... I need to finish myself as Raven.
Jamie came over today and we just hung out on the couch watching Maury and eating mac and cheese and talking about her crappy sex life and general things. Then I tricked her into looking up a picture of a real pink sock on Google and she flipped out :P And she loved the sound of an Alaskan Pipeline... ha ha no, she freaked out at that, too. I love my friends! Then we went to practice and it was practice. Since the floor was super sticky, a few girls ran around and covered it in baby powder... I HATE BABY POWDER. It smells like dead baby ass.
Oh well, home now with a Big Mac in my belly. I'm underweight, I could use the extra calories :P I'm probably gonna shower and crash... I doubt I'll be up long enough for Metalocalypse! Don'ts yous just hates thems dildos at the foods library?
xx I'm Tired, Cynical, And Broken, But Wiser Marz
First period, environmental systems with boring old Mr. Morris. I was scared that it was gonna be hell because I was sitting behind loud theater kids, but Gavin showed up late to class and as if fate had it, he was able to sit in the empty seat next to me! Thank God I have a friend in that class, especially Gavin. I haven't talked to him in a while, save for a few Facebook quips.
Second period, guard. Yeah.
Third period, AP English! Sarah's in my class, but was absent today to get her teeth fixed. I sit with the band kids, ha ha. And Anthony's in my class again, just my luck. Ugh, do I ever get a break? I like how we sit at round tables, it's kinda cute :P I think it'll be a fun class, I just need to do my summer reading...
And I have D lunch! So I get out of school at 1:23 and don't have to ever worry about packing my lunch again :) Today I felt so lost without art class that I snuck in to 3rd period during lunch and hung out with Shelley and Ria. We went next door to the studio room and it felt so warm and inviting and smelled like soup, just like always! Ahhh, my favorite room. And all my crows and skulls were still sitting up on the cabinet watching over my table that's covered in Nightwish lyrics and dried paint. Our unfinished mural is still on the wall... I need to finish myself as Raven.
Jamie came over today and we just hung out on the couch watching Maury and eating mac and cheese and talking about her crappy sex life and general things. Then I tricked her into looking up a picture of a real pink sock on Google and she flipped out :P And she loved the sound of an Alaskan Pipeline... ha ha no, she freaked out at that, too. I love my friends! Then we went to practice and it was practice. Since the floor was super sticky, a few girls ran around and covered it in baby powder... I HATE BABY POWDER. It smells like dead baby ass.
Oh well, home now with a Big Mac in my belly. I'm underweight, I could use the extra calories :P I'm probably gonna shower and crash... I doubt I'll be up long enough for Metalocalypse! Don'ts yous just hates thems dildos at the foods library?
xx I'm Tired, Cynical, And Broken, But Wiser Marz
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day Off!
Ahh, what a nice day to myself. I woke up at like, eight something because we had floor folding at 9, but really didn't feel like getting up... so I went back to sleep and woke up at 11:08. Scott sent out an email saying that he was rescheduling it to 1 because no one showed up, ha ha. So at 1, I went to the field house with Jamie to see Mr. Daffinee starting to unfold the floor by himself. So we went to help him for a bit until the other uglies showed up. Ughh, I hate being in guard when it comes to floor moving! We had to move both floors uphill and squeeze them through the door, bleh. Oh, and haul giant gallons of paint into the lair. Shoot!
Then I went to Fat Straws with Victor, Jade, and Sarah, nom nom nom. I was really craving a Mango Strawberry Slush! OH YEAH! It turns out Sarah and I have English together, yay! I'm soooo excited! We haven't had English together since 9th grade <3 Goddamn it's gonna be awesome!
I actually wrote my letter today! I got the middle done, I just need to write an ending and a good beginning. After I finish up this blog, I gotta go get ready for work and actually put a shirt on, ha ha. I'm sitting here in jeans and a jacket, fail. I LOVE the makeup I've done the last two days using the True Love palette. I'm not one for cream eyeshadows, but that gold is BEAUTIFUL. I might do a peacock look that I saw on Jangsara's blog, who knows? It might be kind of cute :) I'm thinking blues tonight to get away from my browns and golds thing I've been on. I dunno, I'll come up with something!
Then home to face dad. Ughhh.
xx Bury My Dreams, Dig Up My Sorrows Marz
Then I went to Fat Straws with Victor, Jade, and Sarah, nom nom nom. I was really craving a Mango Strawberry Slush! OH YEAH! It turns out Sarah and I have English together, yay! I'm soooo excited! We haven't had English together since 9th grade <3 Goddamn it's gonna be awesome!
I actually wrote my letter today! I got the middle done, I just need to write an ending and a good beginning. After I finish up this blog, I gotta go get ready for work and actually put a shirt on, ha ha. I'm sitting here in jeans and a jacket, fail. I LOVE the makeup I've done the last two days using the True Love palette. I'm not one for cream eyeshadows, but that gold is BEAUTIFUL. I might do a peacock look that I saw on Jangsara's blog, who knows? It might be kind of cute :) I'm thinking blues tonight to get away from my browns and golds thing I've been on. I dunno, I'll come up with something!
Then home to face dad. Ughhh.
xx Bury My Dreams, Dig Up My Sorrows Marz
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I just sat down at the computer and cried; just another night of dad bringing me to tears.
I don't think he understands just how much stress I've been under this week
to finish government
to not fail math
to put together my portfolio
to edit my final exam video for art
to put up with 6 hours of guard bullshit
to work long shifts at work
to impress my managers
to not screw up serving
to learn all the food, alcohol, and protocol for the restaurant
to paint the guard floor
to freehand a giant ass heart on the floor with tape and figure out how to cut a tarp to fit it.
Shit. It's just been a long week, with so much going on back to back... I haven't gotten nearly enough sleep and end up falling asleep standing up. I've had to cancel on two outings with friends because dad's being an asshole. I know I have to write this letter, but I honestly can't tonight.
He never lets me talk. When I do say anything, he takes it as a personal attack and screams at me. Then he ends the conversations when he wants to and never lets me finish or say what I want/need to. He doesn't know me. He's kept me silent for so long, it's no wonder I don't like speaking around him. I want to be treated as an equal. I'm not some kid he can chastise. I'm almost a goddamn adult!
So now I'm sitting here with mascara and eyeshadow streamed down my face in disgusting jagged lines, like black lightning spewing from red holes in my face. Although I just had a huge steak and dinner, I'm stuffing my face with chocolate covered granola bars because I'm needing to eat my emotions and goddammit, I'm a woman and I like chocolate.
Stress. I'm so stressed out that I'm in tears. And he doesn't understand.
xx Drinking Scorn Like Water Cascading With My Tears Marz
I don't think he understands just how much stress I've been under this week
to finish government
to not fail math
to put together my portfolio
to edit my final exam video for art
to put up with 6 hours of guard bullshit
to work long shifts at work
to impress my managers
to not screw up serving
to learn all the food, alcohol, and protocol for the restaurant
to paint the guard floor
to freehand a giant ass heart on the floor with tape and figure out how to cut a tarp to fit it.
Shit. It's just been a long week, with so much going on back to back... I haven't gotten nearly enough sleep and end up falling asleep standing up. I've had to cancel on two outings with friends because dad's being an asshole. I know I have to write this letter, but I honestly can't tonight.
He never lets me talk. When I do say anything, he takes it as a personal attack and screams at me. Then he ends the conversations when he wants to and never lets me finish or say what I want/need to. He doesn't know me. He's kept me silent for so long, it's no wonder I don't like speaking around him. I want to be treated as an equal. I'm not some kid he can chastise. I'm almost a goddamn adult!
So now I'm sitting here with mascara and eyeshadow streamed down my face in disgusting jagged lines, like black lightning spewing from red holes in my face. Although I just had a huge steak and dinner, I'm stuffing my face with chocolate covered granola bars because I'm needing to eat my emotions and goddammit, I'm a woman and I like chocolate.
Stress. I'm so stressed out that I'm in tears. And he doesn't understand.
xx Drinking Scorn Like Water Cascading With My Tears Marz
And what a Sunday it is.
Started off with work at 10... Kim and I got everything ready and when Ricky came in, I stalked him around the store. Turns out we had to practically re-learn everything in the book because Craig screwed my testing up, ugh. Whatevs, it worked out. He let me greet a few tables and saved my ass a few times, ha ha. Bryan is so adamant about me learning to serve by Wednesday so I can work for him... lolno. I was supposed to be training tonight and Jamie was supposed to host, but Craig sent us home because we're expensive :) That's ok, I've worked 14 hours in training, so that times $7.50... $101.50! Take out taxes, and that's still the most I've ever made on one check! And I'm not even done yet! I won't get the money for like, three more weeks I think. Payday is this week, lame.
Oh well. I had to turn down taco time tonight, so I'm kinda sad. Jamie and I might go see Black Swan if there's time/if dad lets me out. He's such a hard ass about me going out and enjoying my life before it sucks ass. Oh well, life's a bitch. He is sooo Red Forman.

I'm really tempted to buy this. I love it so much, and it's the only prom dress I've seen that I like. Everyone says it looks like a wedding dress, ha ha. Fine, I'll keep it for my wedding! I want that white dress with black bacarra roses <3 No, it wouldn't work for a wedding dress, because I want a mermaid tail, like this:

Gotta show off the curves! Ha ha, whatever. Dad's putting me in an awful mood... he said he'd quit bitching about the letter, but then when I asked if Jamie and I could go see a movie tonight, he bitched that if I had time to see a movie, I could write the letter. Oh, and he claimed to be sooo lenient as to let me go out yesterday with Sarah and Heather... bullshit! That's the only fun I've had all weekend! It's been nothing but work, work, Arlington, guard, lots of work, and now I'm finally home. Like, I just want to relax a bit. The more he bitches at me, the less I want to write the letter, just to spite him. He needs to get off my jock. I'll get it done, just not when I'm DEAD TIRED. Shit.
xx Take A Look, I'm So Drunk, Stupid, And Worthless Marz
Started off with work at 10... Kim and I got everything ready and when Ricky came in, I stalked him around the store. Turns out we had to practically re-learn everything in the book because Craig screwed my testing up, ugh. Whatevs, it worked out. He let me greet a few tables and saved my ass a few times, ha ha. Bryan is so adamant about me learning to serve by Wednesday so I can work for him... lolno. I was supposed to be training tonight and Jamie was supposed to host, but Craig sent us home because we're expensive :) That's ok, I've worked 14 hours in training, so that times $7.50... $101.50! Take out taxes, and that's still the most I've ever made on one check! And I'm not even done yet! I won't get the money for like, three more weeks I think. Payday is this week, lame.
Oh well. I had to turn down taco time tonight, so I'm kinda sad. Jamie and I might go see Black Swan if there's time/if dad lets me out. He's such a hard ass about me going out and enjoying my life before it sucks ass. Oh well, life's a bitch. He is sooo Red Forman.
I'm really tempted to buy this. I love it so much, and it's the only prom dress I've seen that I like. Everyone says it looks like a wedding dress, ha ha. Fine, I'll keep it for my wedding! I want that white dress with black bacarra roses <3 No, it wouldn't work for a wedding dress, because I want a mermaid tail, like this:
Gotta show off the curves! Ha ha, whatever. Dad's putting me in an awful mood... he said he'd quit bitching about the letter, but then when I asked if Jamie and I could go see a movie tonight, he bitched that if I had time to see a movie, I could write the letter. Oh, and he claimed to be sooo lenient as to let me go out yesterday with Sarah and Heather... bullshit! That's the only fun I've had all weekend! It's been nothing but work, work, Arlington, guard, lots of work, and now I'm finally home. Like, I just want to relax a bit. The more he bitches at me, the less I want to write the letter, just to spite him. He needs to get off my jock. I'll get it done, just not when I'm DEAD TIRED. Shit.
xx Take A Look, I'm So Drunk, Stupid, And Worthless Marz
Saturday, January 15, 2011
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY. I totally forgot that it was yesterday... But then I saw it on Anette's blog and felt horrible for forgetting! Oh Marco, forgive me! Please! May you have another year of epic headbanging, hair flipping, bass rocking, and godly singing.
Anyways, today was crazy. Sarah promptly showed up at 10:30, and we were all like, where's Heather? So she texts us at 10:55 saying she was on her way, but then calls us 20 minutes later saying she got in a wreck right outside my neighborhood. Her back left headlight/bumper was completely smashed in... it was awful.
After a few phone calls, we ventured out to Arlington. It was a long drive and apparently my Tolltag doesn't work at DFW airport, which caused issues, ugh. But then we made it to Bill's house and he showed us his GIANT STUFFED LION. His dad won it in a poker game... it's majestic. So majestic. Then we all went to the mall and checked out this epic huge Gamestop! Of course, we were all getting hungry, so we went over to Ihop to get some pancakes. Our server was a guy named Shannon who HATED his life and us. He thought we were juniors. Whatevs, we still had a bitchin' time.
Then we went back to Bills's house, pushed the seats down, and hung out in the back of my car. It was really fun until we had to go home... LAME. Drive home, ladeedaa... So we get back to my house, and as Heather is getting out of the car, he phone falls screen down on the concrete and shatters! Silently, she went into my house and ran upstairs to cry in my bathroom. Aww, poor girl. We were a little late to floor painting, but that's ok. She said, "I wonder what I did to get this kind of bad karma!" Well shit, maybe you shouldn't be such an ass to me, Sarah, and Jamie!
Anyways. Floor painting was fun! Scott put Victor and me in charge of cutting tarps to add onto the floor and taping off sections... oh God, we had too much fun. See, while Victor is totally an enigma, he's still fun to hang with because we kind of have the same retarded sense of weird humor. He said we should go to this cool Dallas local artist mural painting thing. I'm game. We were supposed to go get Canes after painting, but dad wanted me home. Lame.
And sooooo we're home now, just chillin and drinking hot chocolate. Well, it's cooled off now. Lukewarm chocolate? Fair enough. I want to write a good chunk of that letter tonight so I can not die at work tomorrow. Oh shit, I have to wake up early for work. God dammit! Maybe it's time for bed...
xx I Studied Silence To Learn The Music Marz
Anyways, today was crazy. Sarah promptly showed up at 10:30, and we were all like, where's Heather? So she texts us at 10:55 saying she was on her way, but then calls us 20 minutes later saying she got in a wreck right outside my neighborhood. Her back left headlight/bumper was completely smashed in... it was awful.
After a few phone calls, we ventured out to Arlington. It was a long drive and apparently my Tolltag doesn't work at DFW airport, which caused issues, ugh. But then we made it to Bill's house and he showed us his GIANT STUFFED LION. His dad won it in a poker game... it's majestic. So majestic. Then we all went to the mall and checked out this epic huge Gamestop! Of course, we were all getting hungry, so we went over to Ihop to get some pancakes. Our server was a guy named Shannon who HATED his life and us. He thought we were juniors. Whatevs, we still had a bitchin' time.
Then we went back to Bills's house, pushed the seats down, and hung out in the back of my car. It was really fun until we had to go home... LAME. Drive home, ladeedaa... So we get back to my house, and as Heather is getting out of the car, he phone falls screen down on the concrete and shatters! Silently, she went into my house and ran upstairs to cry in my bathroom. Aww, poor girl. We were a little late to floor painting, but that's ok. She said, "I wonder what I did to get this kind of bad karma!" Well shit, maybe you shouldn't be such an ass to me, Sarah, and Jamie!
Anyways. Floor painting was fun! Scott put Victor and me in charge of cutting tarps to add onto the floor and taping off sections... oh God, we had too much fun. See, while Victor is totally an enigma, he's still fun to hang with because we kind of have the same retarded sense of weird humor. He said we should go to this cool Dallas local artist mural painting thing. I'm game. We were supposed to go get Canes after painting, but dad wanted me home. Lame.
And sooooo we're home now, just chillin and drinking hot chocolate. Well, it's cooled off now. Lukewarm chocolate? Fair enough. I want to write a good chunk of that letter tonight so I can not die at work tomorrow. Oh shit, I have to wake up early for work. God dammit! Maybe it's time for bed...
xx I Studied Silence To Learn The Music Marz
Fast Paced And Exhausting
...I Was talking about my weekend.
This is seriously one of the most exhausting weekends of my life. I've had zero time to just sleep in or not have to rush. I worked a double yesterday and that just wore me out last night. As much as I'd like to sleep in right now, I had to wake up and shower before my friends come over so we can spend the day with Max. And then right after that, we have floor painting and that's gonna be hell and take foreverrrrr.
Hopefully I can make it to Ian's... Hopefully. But then I have work at ten and I'd have to leave super early to get there and then proceed to work a double. And take tests. And I have to have that stupid SAT letter in the mail by Monday morning or I'm grounded for a month. Ughh, there's no time and dad doesn't care. This is the most hectic weekend ever. My back, ass, and legs are sore, I'm falling asleep standing up, and everything is going too fast. Oh, and everyone wants taco time on Sunday night! Well shit!
I'm tired of seeing people :/ I just want to lock myself in my room and paint without any regards to time or how I look, and not have to talk to anyone. I don't want to care about time, deadlines, or being places, or driving. Shit. I still haven't started my summer reading.
Ughhhh. It never ends.
Xx Who Gave His Live Not For The World But For Me Marz
This is seriously one of the most exhausting weekends of my life. I've had zero time to just sleep in or not have to rush. I worked a double yesterday and that just wore me out last night. As much as I'd like to sleep in right now, I had to wake up and shower before my friends come over so we can spend the day with Max. And then right after that, we have floor painting and that's gonna be hell and take foreverrrrr.
Hopefully I can make it to Ian's... Hopefully. But then I have work at ten and I'd have to leave super early to get there and then proceed to work a double. And take tests. And I have to have that stupid SAT letter in the mail by Monday morning or I'm grounded for a month. Ughh, there's no time and dad doesn't care. This is the most hectic weekend ever. My back, ass, and legs are sore, I'm falling asleep standing up, and everything is going too fast. Oh, and everyone wants taco time on Sunday night! Well shit!
I'm tired of seeing people :/ I just want to lock myself in my room and paint without any regards to time or how I look, and not have to talk to anyone. I don't want to care about time, deadlines, or being places, or driving. Shit. I still haven't started my summer reading.
Ughhhh. It never ends.
Xx Who Gave His Live Not For The World But For Me Marz
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
It's Another One Of Those Days
Where I wish everyone would just go run off to northern Siberia and get eaten by a bunch of Strigoi.
I got to bed pretty late and had a rough morning getting ready. I left the house earlier so I could have some more time at school to work on my review before taking the NAHS picture at 7:50. I ended up leaving without grabbing a water or a juicebox, mistake number one. Then I get to school all grouchy and freaking out because time isn't on my side and realize that I don't have my math review! It wasn't in my spiral. Turns out Jamie had it, but left all her math papers at home. WHAT THE FRAKIN FRAK. So I had to remember what was on the review and make my formula chart from memory... asscakes.
We were all hoping Scott wouldn't show up so we could study, but he showed up and bitched at us that we were being selfish, rude, taking advantage of him, and wasting his time. Blahh. Then he threw in this crazy flag twirl that like, spins on your back and you spin it in a flatback position... It took four people to teach it to me, but I finally got it.
In the bathroom, Heather was like, "Hey, we should all sleep over at my house after floor painting."
I looked a her and said, "No way, I'm going over to Ian's like I told you last night."
"Oh come onnnn! We never get to hang out anymore!"
"We see each other everyday."
And then she left. What a bitch! Anyways, I went to math and surprisingly, the test was easier than I thought. I finished really fast, but didn't want to turn my test in yet, so I drew a picture of Rose pinning Dimitri down, ready to stab him with her stake. Ha ha, that killed some time and then I turned in my test and sat back down to read more Vampire Academy. OH MY GOD, SHE FINALLY REALLY REALLY KILLED DIMITRI. All because he didn't say "I love you!" It was so badass... Rose goes, "I will always love you", then stabs him, then he goes, "I should have said that..." and then falls to his death. It was a lot like when Mr. Crepsely died :( Big, badass, beautiful Dimitri is gonesies!
Then lunch with Heather, that was just brutal. She sat there giving me bitchy attitude when I mentioned Saturday night and gave me the whole "What Would Your Parents Think/Say/React? If They Knew" speech... ugh, not again. Then she was trying to convince me that the fact that I was drunk made it rape. Uh, no, that's not rape. I wasn't being taken advantage of, you smelly hooker pirate. So that infuriated me as I went to art. Luckily, my art friends always cheer me up, especially since we convinced Mrs. K to let me play our final exam video and everyone loved it :) Glad to know my hard work and hours were worth it. She suggested I go visit an old cemetery in Farmer's Branch for inspiration on my portfolio.
We also had to clean up the studio room... I put my shitty, not portfolio art in some extra drawers, claimed some shelves for my supplies, and put my crows, gin, skull, and Inside Me Outside Me Box up on top of the cabinets to look down on my table. It's sad, it's like we're packing up for good, even though we're not really... We recalled how awkward it was at first sitting together and how they thought I didn't want to be messed with... and how we all started talking about anime and made fun of James' shoebox and all sorts of silly things that bonded us.
Blahh. Now I'm home, and feeling lonelier than ever. Lonely, frustrated, stressed, frantic, fed up, dazed, sadly romantic. I feel like crying for no reason, just to let it all out, but that won't get me anywhere. It's a sign of weakness, something I can't bear to show. Staying strong was never so hard.
2011 is off to a shitty start.
xx Love's The Devil Counting Teardrops In The Rain Marz
I got to bed pretty late and had a rough morning getting ready. I left the house earlier so I could have some more time at school to work on my review before taking the NAHS picture at 7:50. I ended up leaving without grabbing a water or a juicebox, mistake number one. Then I get to school all grouchy and freaking out because time isn't on my side and realize that I don't have my math review! It wasn't in my spiral. Turns out Jamie had it, but left all her math papers at home. WHAT THE FRAKIN FRAK. So I had to remember what was on the review and make my formula chart from memory... asscakes.
We were all hoping Scott wouldn't show up so we could study, but he showed up and bitched at us that we were being selfish, rude, taking advantage of him, and wasting his time. Blahh. Then he threw in this crazy flag twirl that like, spins on your back and you spin it in a flatback position... It took four people to teach it to me, but I finally got it.
In the bathroom, Heather was like, "Hey, we should all sleep over at my house after floor painting."
I looked a her and said, "No way, I'm going over to Ian's like I told you last night."
"Oh come onnnn! We never get to hang out anymore!"
"We see each other everyday."
And then she left. What a bitch! Anyways, I went to math and surprisingly, the test was easier than I thought. I finished really fast, but didn't want to turn my test in yet, so I drew a picture of Rose pinning Dimitri down, ready to stab him with her stake. Ha ha, that killed some time and then I turned in my test and sat back down to read more Vampire Academy. OH MY GOD, SHE FINALLY REALLY REALLY KILLED DIMITRI. All because he didn't say "I love you!" It was so badass... Rose goes, "I will always love you", then stabs him, then he goes, "I should have said that..." and then falls to his death. It was a lot like when Mr. Crepsely died :( Big, badass, beautiful Dimitri is gonesies!
Then lunch with Heather, that was just brutal. She sat there giving me bitchy attitude when I mentioned Saturday night and gave me the whole "What Would Your Parents Think/Say/React? If They Knew" speech... ugh, not again. Then she was trying to convince me that the fact that I was drunk made it rape. Uh, no, that's not rape. I wasn't being taken advantage of, you smelly hooker pirate. So that infuriated me as I went to art. Luckily, my art friends always cheer me up, especially since we convinced Mrs. K to let me play our final exam video and everyone loved it :) Glad to know my hard work and hours were worth it. She suggested I go visit an old cemetery in Farmer's Branch for inspiration on my portfolio.
We also had to clean up the studio room... I put my shitty, not portfolio art in some extra drawers, claimed some shelves for my supplies, and put my crows, gin, skull, and Inside Me Outside Me Box up on top of the cabinets to look down on my table. It's sad, it's like we're packing up for good, even though we're not really... We recalled how awkward it was at first sitting together and how they thought I didn't want to be messed with... and how we all started talking about anime and made fun of James' shoebox and all sorts of silly things that bonded us.
Blahh. Now I'm home, and feeling lonelier than ever. Lonely, frustrated, stressed, frantic, fed up, dazed, sadly romantic. I feel like crying for no reason, just to let it all out, but that won't get me anywhere. It's a sign of weakness, something I can't bear to show. Staying strong was never so hard.
2011 is off to a shitty start.
xx Love's The Devil Counting Teardrops In The Rain Marz
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
This Is One Of Those Times
When I want to scream
to cry
to be done with everything
to lay down and do nothing.
The stress is overwhelming. Everything is overwhelming. It's like everything in the universe picked THIS week to manifest and shit on me.
I want to cry.
xx La Mia Vita Va Come Un Fiume In Piena Marz
to cry
to be done with everything
to lay down and do nothing.
The stress is overwhelming. Everything is overwhelming. It's like everything in the universe picked THIS week to manifest and shit on me.
I want to cry.
xx La Mia Vita Va Come Un Fiume In Piena Marz
Monday, January 10, 2011
After Watching Winterguard Videos
I regret not ever congratulating Sarah on making weapon line. I just remember sitting in front of Scott while he read off our drill numbers. As soon as he called her number, something in the 180's, I knew she filled the only open sabre spot, especially when my number was 204. I remember Scott never explicitly telling us what line we made, and at first she didn't know either. I then told her, very bitterly, "You made sabre line, you're in the first few numbers." and left it at that. Not a word more was said on it. I guess I let my jealously get the best of me.
I say that only because I was watching last year's show and felt that pang of sadness for not being able to be in the show and seeing my three best fiends doing a cute little rifle feature together. Then there's that message she showed me from Scott this morning, where he praised her and how excited he is to watch her perform at championships.
Scott's always doting on her, always using her as the example of what we should look like. Like the other day, when we were in the hallway working on the feature, he made us ll stop and watch her do it solo a few times because she was apparently doing everything perfect and hitting all the right checkpoints. Even though it took her a few times to quit messing up the beginning, he still found her adorable and perfect. When he gave us all homework time, he had her go outside and write work with him.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I have this... need to be the best at everything I do. I have the need to be the best one in art class, I always had to write better stories than Jamie, I always wanted to cosplay as the character everyone loved the most, and I always just wanted to succeed. I guess it's the competition among my friends that's the hardest to accept. Guard is the only thing we all do. It's weird, I know I'll never be better than Heather, I know I'll never get those high weapon tosses like Jamie, but I always felt like Sarah and I were on the same level and it just sucks when I realized we weren't.
Maybe I'm being selfish. Maybe I want to be the best at too many things. Sarah's always bitching that she's not good at anything, but that's because she never really pursued any hobbies. I guess I should be happy with my art skills and quit my own bitching.
Sometimes I feel like they're in a totally different world. I feel like even though we're all friends, I can't help but feel this awkward wall between me and them. It's like how they treat me like a child and bitch about my personal life just because they don't understand it. Like really, no one's given me a good reason yet as to what everyone's deal is. Like today when I lightly talked about making sure our plans didn't interfere with my Saturday night plans, I could hear and see Heather's attitude. Bitch needs to nut up or shut up.
xx We'll Just Keep Running From Tomorrow With Our Lips Locked Marz
I say that only because I was watching last year's show and felt that pang of sadness for not being able to be in the show and seeing my three best fiends doing a cute little rifle feature together. Then there's that message she showed me from Scott this morning, where he praised her and how excited he is to watch her perform at championships.
Scott's always doting on her, always using her as the example of what we should look like. Like the other day, when we were in the hallway working on the feature, he made us ll stop and watch her do it solo a few times because she was apparently doing everything perfect and hitting all the right checkpoints. Even though it took her a few times to quit messing up the beginning, he still found her adorable and perfect. When he gave us all homework time, he had her go outside and write work with him.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I have this... need to be the best at everything I do. I have the need to be the best one in art class, I always had to write better stories than Jamie, I always wanted to cosplay as the character everyone loved the most, and I always just wanted to succeed. I guess it's the competition among my friends that's the hardest to accept. Guard is the only thing we all do. It's weird, I know I'll never be better than Heather, I know I'll never get those high weapon tosses like Jamie, but I always felt like Sarah and I were on the same level and it just sucks when I realized we weren't.
Maybe I'm being selfish. Maybe I want to be the best at too many things. Sarah's always bitching that she's not good at anything, but that's because she never really pursued any hobbies. I guess I should be happy with my art skills and quit my own bitching.
Sometimes I feel like they're in a totally different world. I feel like even though we're all friends, I can't help but feel this awkward wall between me and them. It's like how they treat me like a child and bitch about my personal life just because they don't understand it. Like really, no one's given me a good reason yet as to what everyone's deal is. Like today when I lightly talked about making sure our plans didn't interfere with my Saturday night plans, I could hear and see Heather's attitude. Bitch needs to nut up or shut up.
xx We'll Just Keep Running From Tomorrow With Our Lips Locked Marz
I Learned Two Things About Myself Today
1. I hate when you turn the car on and one song is playing that you hate and when you switch radio stations, the same song is playing on the other channel. WTFFFF. It's terribly frustrating in the mornings.
2. Trashy romance novels make me forget my problems.
Oh my gosh. So in math I did a few problems and felt really really tired, so I took a nap for about forty minutes. Then when I woke up, I read some more Vampire Academy... and OH MY GOSH ROSE FINALLY FOUND DIMITRI <333 It's weird, because he's holding her captive and acting all evil-romantic towards her, because even though he's an undead monster, he still has at least a physical attraction to her. He wants to turn her Strigoi so they can be together forever... Oh Rose, was that kiss worth it?! He's so romantic, but could you love a monster you set out to kill? I'm really curious as to how she gets out and what happens!
But then I sort of realized how fast my heart was beating and how intensely I was gripping the pages. In those twenty five minutes of immersing myself in the pages, I forgot about all the shit in my life, all my friend bullshit, parental bullshit, stress, projects, exams, everything just sort of... went away. Reading about Rose and Dimitri sends me into a romantic and loving world where nothing exists except for that warm feeling you get in your gut when you think of love. Really, why do people make such a big deal about feeling love in your heart? I think it comes from somewhere else, somewhere deeper in your core. I feel blood pumping in my heart, but I feel the true twists of love right in the center of my body.
Oh gosh, tangent. Ughhh. Becca was supposed to write a guard story for us, but since she's going through tough shit in her life right now, Heather asked me to do it... and it has to be done by tomorrow. Shit. I still need to take my government exam after this and go to work... maybe I'll write it at work, ha ha. Hopefully my exam doesn't take longer than an hour, cause that's all I have to take it before I go get ready. I think I'll write about the time we were at that contest and got stuck under the bleachers for hours during the storm and napped on each other... it's a good guard memory, since I can't write about Frito Pie Time again. That was a literary masterpiece :) I'm quite the badass writer when I put my mind to it!
xx Baby Please Don't Go, If I Wake Up Tomorrow Will You Still Be Here Marz
2. Trashy romance novels make me forget my problems.
Oh my gosh. So in math I did a few problems and felt really really tired, so I took a nap for about forty minutes. Then when I woke up, I read some more Vampire Academy... and OH MY GOSH ROSE FINALLY FOUND DIMITRI <333 It's weird, because he's holding her captive and acting all evil-romantic towards her, because even though he's an undead monster, he still has at least a physical attraction to her. He wants to turn her Strigoi so they can be together forever... Oh Rose, was that kiss worth it?! He's so romantic, but could you love a monster you set out to kill? I'm really curious as to how she gets out and what happens!
But then I sort of realized how fast my heart was beating and how intensely I was gripping the pages. In those twenty five minutes of immersing myself in the pages, I forgot about all the shit in my life, all my friend bullshit, parental bullshit, stress, projects, exams, everything just sort of... went away. Reading about Rose and Dimitri sends me into a romantic and loving world where nothing exists except for that warm feeling you get in your gut when you think of love. Really, why do people make such a big deal about feeling love in your heart? I think it comes from somewhere else, somewhere deeper in your core. I feel blood pumping in my heart, but I feel the true twists of love right in the center of my body.
Oh gosh, tangent. Ughhh. Becca was supposed to write a guard story for us, but since she's going through tough shit in her life right now, Heather asked me to do it... and it has to be done by tomorrow. Shit. I still need to take my government exam after this and go to work... maybe I'll write it at work, ha ha. Hopefully my exam doesn't take longer than an hour, cause that's all I have to take it before I go get ready. I think I'll write about the time we were at that contest and got stuck under the bleachers for hours during the storm and napped on each other... it's a good guard memory, since I can't write about Frito Pie Time again. That was a literary masterpiece :) I'm quite the badass writer when I put my mind to it!
xx Baby Please Don't Go, If I Wake Up Tomorrow Will You Still Be Here Marz
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Ugh, deadlines are upon me! I hate this. I'm so close to being done with government, hopefully I finish the units tonight and can take the exam tomorrow. Ugh, then we have to film the stupid art principals thing AND I have to work on my two paintings :( At least there's no practice tomorrow... but I didn't touch my math review and I know I'll need it done by Tuesday. Work tomorrow night!
Tuesday... I get to train to be a server! Honestly I don't want to, but hey, I'll be able to work more and make more money. I'm scared, I don't want to mess up :P I like my easy hostessing job! Oh well, it'll be alright. Craig thinks I'll be done with training by Sunday and is only concerned with me staying on top of finding someone to run the alcohol for me, no biggie. Then practice from 5-7, which is awesome, because I like me a nice, short practice!
Ugh. This is gonna be a stressful week. I regret the time I wasted on Friday when I should have been working on my projects.
xx Come Away, Come Away To The Rumblin' Shore Marz
Tuesday... I get to train to be a server! Honestly I don't want to, but hey, I'll be able to work more and make more money. I'm scared, I don't want to mess up :P I like my easy hostessing job! Oh well, it'll be alright. Craig thinks I'll be done with training by Sunday and is only concerned with me staying on top of finding someone to run the alcohol for me, no biggie. Then practice from 5-7, which is awesome, because I like me a nice, short practice!
Ugh. This is gonna be a stressful week. I regret the time I wasted on Friday when I should have been working on my projects.
xx Come Away, Come Away To The Rumblin' Shore Marz
Saturday, January 8, 2011
So I was watching like, a zillion "Scalliwag" videos on Youtube from Gaelic Storm. Then I closed my Youtube tab, opened up my Pandora tab, and resumed the song that was playing. Then the song changes, and guess what songs plays?!
Ironic or what?! Kind of creepy, really. I need to find someone who likes Irish rock... I'd like to see them play in a few weeks if I can get out! It could be a really neat show :) I'm like, the only person I know that likes Irish music, though, ha ha.
FUUUUUUUUUH. I HAVE PRACTICE THAT NIGHT. Show starts at 8, doors open at 7. I get out of practice at 9... maybe I can skip? Or maybe I can maybe make it to Dallas maybe. Maybe. I wonder if there's an opening band? Nothing says so... Man. This sucks. Guard sucks :(
xx Come On And Wade Way Out Into The Water With Me Marz
Ironic or what?! Kind of creepy, really. I need to find someone who likes Irish rock... I'd like to see them play in a few weeks if I can get out! It could be a really neat show :) I'm like, the only person I know that likes Irish music, though, ha ha.
FUUUUUUUUUH. I HAVE PRACTICE THAT NIGHT. Show starts at 8, doors open at 7. I get out of practice at 9... maybe I can skip? Or maybe I can maybe make it to Dallas maybe. Maybe. I wonder if there's an opening band? Nothing says so... Man. This sucks. Guard sucks :(
xx Come On And Wade Way Out Into The Water With Me Marz
Black Is The Color
I'm in love with this song that came on my Blackmore's Night station on Pandora yesterday... the song is by Gaelic Storm and it's called "Black Is The Color". It's soooooo pretty, but I can't embed the video on here. Lame. Goddamn it's a gorgeous song! I love Gaelic Storm :) The song is terribly romantic, too. Ahhhhh, very artistically inspiring.
Let's see... I dyed my hair last night. This time, I followed someone's tip online of mixing conditioner in with the color while it sets. KI did that and I guess it all worked out slightly better this time. The color is pretty vivid for only being left on for a little less than an hour. I also kept spraying the chunks with water while the color was setting. That might have helped, too. Let's see how long the color lasts!
Today I went to Michaels and bought a pack of semi-cheap brushes... they're synthetic sable, nothing all that great. I prefer golden taklon, but that's a bit more expensive :P I did buy two nice golden taklon detail brushes that are tiny as hell, but totally worth it. Then I bought a few big basic tubes of dark red (It's not that much deeper than the crimson I already have), prism violet (Because making my own purple was getting annoying), a not shitty green called Hooker's Green (I HATED the blue shade green I've had for years... plus this one was called Hooker. Ha ha.), and burnt umber (My burnt sienna is lighter than I like to use). Yay paint! I also got rid of the shoe box and put all my pain and brushes in an old purse I used in middle school, ha ha. Hopefully this'll make transporting the supplies easier in my clothes bag.
Then Ian and I went out and feasted on delicious wings :) I love me some good nomming! I love afternoons with him... hell, I love all the time with him! I do wish I could have stayed out, but shit, I got so much work to get done because the asshole gave me Minecraft to distract myself with :P
On the plus, I got a good little chunk of my painting done last night. I guess I'm doing "Dream Within A Dream", because I have a blueish girl floating up into the orange and purple clouds. So majestic. I painting the girl and the clouds, but something needs to go on in the foreground. Shit! Mrs. K's teachings are rubbing off on me... now I'm concerned with my grounds! The poem talks about the speaker being by the ocean, so I might paint waves. Goddamn! I always paint oceans, and I hate painting them! I wish I knew why :P It's Nightwish's fault, with all the ocean motifs and Dark Passion Play and blahhh! Oh well, time to work on government! Kill me.
xx Her Lips Are Like Some Roses Fair Marz
Let's see... I dyed my hair last night. This time, I followed someone's tip online of mixing conditioner in with the color while it sets. KI did that and I guess it all worked out slightly better this time. The color is pretty vivid for only being left on for a little less than an hour. I also kept spraying the chunks with water while the color was setting. That might have helped, too. Let's see how long the color lasts!
Today I went to Michaels and bought a pack of semi-cheap brushes... they're synthetic sable, nothing all that great. I prefer golden taklon, but that's a bit more expensive :P I did buy two nice golden taklon detail brushes that are tiny as hell, but totally worth it. Then I bought a few big basic tubes of dark red (It's not that much deeper than the crimson I already have), prism violet (Because making my own purple was getting annoying), a not shitty green called Hooker's Green (I HATED the blue shade green I've had for years... plus this one was called Hooker. Ha ha.), and burnt umber (My burnt sienna is lighter than I like to use). Yay paint! I also got rid of the shoe box and put all my pain and brushes in an old purse I used in middle school, ha ha. Hopefully this'll make transporting the supplies easier in my clothes bag.
Then Ian and I went out and feasted on delicious wings :) I love me some good nomming! I love afternoons with him... hell, I love all the time with him! I do wish I could have stayed out, but shit, I got so much work to get done because the asshole gave me Minecraft to distract myself with :P
On the plus, I got a good little chunk of my painting done last night. I guess I'm doing "Dream Within A Dream", because I have a blueish girl floating up into the orange and purple clouds. So majestic. I painting the girl and the clouds, but something needs to go on in the foreground. Shit! Mrs. K's teachings are rubbing off on me... now I'm concerned with my grounds! The poem talks about the speaker being by the ocean, so I might paint waves. Goddamn! I always paint oceans, and I hate painting them! I wish I knew why :P It's Nightwish's fault, with all the ocean motifs and Dark Passion Play and blahhh! Oh well, time to work on government! Kill me.
xx Her Lips Are Like Some Roses Fair Marz
Friday, January 7, 2011
TGIF... Turtles Get Irritated Fast
So do Marissas.
Went to school today incredibly tired... Last night I remember being awake to see the opening title of Metalocalypse and I must have falle asleep, cause I woke up at 12:33 and was PISSED that I missed the one reason I was staying up. So when I got to school, I sat down and kind of wanted to talk to Sarah, but she was looking at a book Natalie was showing her and when I'd talk to her, she wouldn't pay attention. Finally she finished with that and talked to me and I sort of went off on my rant form last night.
"Well we're so concerned for you because we've always regarded you as the young one to be protected... and don't bash on Jamie's issues to make yourself feel better..." Oh please. I'm not a goddamn child, and I'm only bringing up Jamie to show how UNFAIR this "intervention" is. Bullshit is what it is. Neither Jamie nor Heather made it to school today on accounts of being sick, thank God. I might have gone off on them.
In math we watched Osmosis Jones and I napped for, oh, 30 minutes. Then I didn't feel like going to lunch without Heather, so I stayed in the art room and ate there while I worked. My art friends cheered me up a lot... I wish they knew how much they meant to me.
So then after art, I was leaving school and caught up with Leigh. Not having chatted in a while, we walked together and she starts going on about more shit I didn't need to hear. "So Mandy and I were talking and she mentioned how she heard you were dating 24 year old and..." and she went on with the details she heard from Mandy. This was, of course, laughable to the two of us. WELL WHAT A BITCH, HEATHER. Of course Heather would tell her stepsister. I don't ever talk to Mandy except if she's at the house or something. Thanks Heather for making my business yours and everyone else's.
Whatever. So I'm home now and just watched Oprah interview JK Rowling, which was kind of nice. Now I know I have government to finish and a painting to get my ass working on, but... I need to relax a bit. I think I might work on some pixel art for the first time in months.
xx When Dreams Fall Apart Marz
Went to school today incredibly tired... Last night I remember being awake to see the opening title of Metalocalypse and I must have falle asleep, cause I woke up at 12:33 and was PISSED that I missed the one reason I was staying up. So when I got to school, I sat down and kind of wanted to talk to Sarah, but she was looking at a book Natalie was showing her and when I'd talk to her, she wouldn't pay attention. Finally she finished with that and talked to me and I sort of went off on my rant form last night.
"Well we're so concerned for you because we've always regarded you as the young one to be protected... and don't bash on Jamie's issues to make yourself feel better..." Oh please. I'm not a goddamn child, and I'm only bringing up Jamie to show how UNFAIR this "intervention" is. Bullshit is what it is. Neither Jamie nor Heather made it to school today on accounts of being sick, thank God. I might have gone off on them.
In math we watched Osmosis Jones and I napped for, oh, 30 minutes. Then I didn't feel like going to lunch without Heather, so I stayed in the art room and ate there while I worked. My art friends cheered me up a lot... I wish they knew how much they meant to me.
So then after art, I was leaving school and caught up with Leigh. Not having chatted in a while, we walked together and she starts going on about more shit I didn't need to hear. "So Mandy and I were talking and she mentioned how she heard you were dating 24 year old and..." and she went on with the details she heard from Mandy. This was, of course, laughable to the two of us. WELL WHAT A BITCH, HEATHER. Of course Heather would tell her stepsister. I don't ever talk to Mandy except if she's at the house or something. Thanks Heather for making my business yours and everyone else's.
Whatever. So I'm home now and just watched Oprah interview JK Rowling, which was kind of nice. Now I know I have government to finish and a painting to get my ass working on, but... I need to relax a bit. I think I might work on some pixel art for the first time in months.
xx When Dreams Fall Apart Marz
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Seriously. I am so goddamned pissed off that my friends are being such bitches about my relationship. I'm the one that needs an intervention?! Are you kidding me?!
Jamie says they're all concerned for me. They just want me to be happy, and they want what's best for me. Well screw you all, I'm young! Part of being young is experiencing new things and formulating an idea of whether they are "good" or "bad" or "the best" or "the worst". Jamie is at least rational and approached me calmly about this over Canes. I can take that. But seriously Jamie? You're sleeping around with a co-worker and using him JUST for sex and, holy shit! He's 24?! That's a whole seven years older than you! How scandalous! Wow Jamie, I just want what's best for you! Don't get hurt, because then we'd all be so worried! Oh give me a break.
Sarah's silent as usual. Apparently she's giving me "space". Well space doesn't help me, because all this time I've been sitting here thinking she doesn't care or doesn't want to get involved. This morning she told me that apparently Heather wrote me a note. Jamie confirmed this tonight at dinner, saying that Heather wrote a note for me that she wants to read out loud.
There's the problem. She's so opinionated and has turned MY LIFE into her business. Look, honestly, I don't like your boyfriend. He's an ass, and he hurts you all the time over immature bullshit! But do I act like your life is my job to patrol? Absolutely not. So quit acting like this. A note, really? Real mature. If you have something to tell me, tell it to my face.
Like today I mentioned something from last Wednesday night and she bitched at me. "Well he shouldn't have given you so much to drink!" Well Heather, I was the one who asked for more and I got sick because I already had a bug in my system and I should have waited til after food. Seriously, It was my fault, not his, so quit acting like he's a bad influence on me. I know Heather. I know she's a two faced bitch (Honestly, that's the best way to put it. She's literally Regina George). I've seen her in action, talking about Sarah or Jamie behind their backs and being a bitch about it. I knew of course that there was probably something about me she had to bitch about... found it.
I'm typing this... and I'm literally almost in tears. My eyes burn, and they're getting watery. That's how mad I am at all of this. I don't give a good goddamn what you guys think of my relationship, because this is what I've chosen and this is what makes me happy. Last year I was a depressed mess, always sad and bitter... and since him, I've felt nothing but just happiness and good things. Finally, I'm not sad anymore and I really like how my life's turned out. This is what I want, this is what makes me the most happy. Selfish maybe, this doesn't concern them.
I'm starting to think they don't want me to be happy.
xx I'm Dreaming Away To A Place Where I Belong Marz
Jamie says they're all concerned for me. They just want me to be happy, and they want what's best for me. Well screw you all, I'm young! Part of being young is experiencing new things and formulating an idea of whether they are "good" or "bad" or "the best" or "the worst". Jamie is at least rational and approached me calmly about this over Canes. I can take that. But seriously Jamie? You're sleeping around with a co-worker and using him JUST for sex and, holy shit! He's 24?! That's a whole seven years older than you! How scandalous! Wow Jamie, I just want what's best for you! Don't get hurt, because then we'd all be so worried! Oh give me a break.
Sarah's silent as usual. Apparently she's giving me "space". Well space doesn't help me, because all this time I've been sitting here thinking she doesn't care or doesn't want to get involved. This morning she told me that apparently Heather wrote me a note. Jamie confirmed this tonight at dinner, saying that Heather wrote a note for me that she wants to read out loud.
There's the problem. She's so opinionated and has turned MY LIFE into her business. Look, honestly, I don't like your boyfriend. He's an ass, and he hurts you all the time over immature bullshit! But do I act like your life is my job to patrol? Absolutely not. So quit acting like this. A note, really? Real mature. If you have something to tell me, tell it to my face.
Like today I mentioned something from last Wednesday night and she bitched at me. "Well he shouldn't have given you so much to drink!" Well Heather, I was the one who asked for more and I got sick because I already had a bug in my system and I should have waited til after food. Seriously, It was my fault, not his, so quit acting like he's a bad influence on me. I know Heather. I know she's a two faced bitch (Honestly, that's the best way to put it. She's literally Regina George). I've seen her in action, talking about Sarah or Jamie behind their backs and being a bitch about it. I knew of course that there was probably something about me she had to bitch about... found it.
I'm typing this... and I'm literally almost in tears. My eyes burn, and they're getting watery. That's how mad I am at all of this. I don't give a good goddamn what you guys think of my relationship, because this is what I've chosen and this is what makes me happy. Last year I was a depressed mess, always sad and bitter... and since him, I've felt nothing but just happiness and good things. Finally, I'm not sad anymore and I really like how my life's turned out. This is what I want, this is what makes me the most happy. Selfish maybe, this doesn't concern them.
I'm starting to think they don't want me to be happy.
xx I'm Dreaming Away To A Place Where I Belong Marz
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I Still Believeeee
In this crazy dream of loveeee :) Oh Alyson Avenue, you're fabulous.
So! I woke up today at 6:45 expecting to go to school. I woke mom up so she could write me a note and she was like, "Bitch no, go back to bed, you still have a fever.". Well alright. So I went back to bed and woke up at 10:30 feeling really nice, but hungry. So I bummed in bed for a few hours watching Viva La Bam until hunger got the best of me and I went downstairs to make some lunch...
...And bum around some more, ha ha. I had Hawaii Five-O to watch! I had to see Alex go be a beautiful badass. By the time I made it to the office to sit down and work, it was already 2:30. Wow. So I didn't save any time by staying home today... blehh. But! I have units 8-14 to finish (So roughly half the unit) in a matter of 5 days, and after jumping around, got 4 of the 7 units done, huzzah! The remaining ones have essays and I'm saving them for super last. I don't know why, I just had the worst time focusing today.
Tomorrow is back to school... ugh. I have literally one week of the semester left. That's my last week of art and really (dare I say it) awesome math class. I must say, that was the easiest semester ever! I loved it <33 Next semester is gonna suck... Morris's science class BLOWS because he's old and sleep-inducing. I wonder who I'll get for AP English? I hope it's a fun class. I think I'm just gonna miss art the most because... it's art! I won't get to spend time with Shelley, Ria, Chase, James, and Nelson anymore... unless we have taco time :) Plus that was my texting and iPod class, ha ha. Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky again...
SHIT. I was supposed to turn in my cap and gown shit back in December and I forgot to. Shit shit shit. I'm gonna mail it tomorrow and hope to God everything works out. Dad's gonna call Collegeboard and find out where my scores are... guess it's time to come clean. I can't believe he's accusing me of not taking the test and/or not being happy with my scores and refusing to show them. Bull. The whole situation is frustrating because I wasn't cheating, ugh. I opted to retest anyways just to have a second chance. Who knows, maybe these scores will be better? Oh wait, I think we have a contest that day. OMG WINTERGURD CONTESTS START IN A FEW WEEKS.
xx Whenver You Need Someone Marz
So! I woke up today at 6:45 expecting to go to school. I woke mom up so she could write me a note and she was like, "Bitch no, go back to bed, you still have a fever.". Well alright. So I went back to bed and woke up at 10:30 feeling really nice, but hungry. So I bummed in bed for a few hours watching Viva La Bam until hunger got the best of me and I went downstairs to make some lunch...
...And bum around some more, ha ha. I had Hawaii Five-O to watch! I had to see Alex go be a beautiful badass. By the time I made it to the office to sit down and work, it was already 2:30. Wow. So I didn't save any time by staying home today... blehh. But! I have units 8-14 to finish (So roughly half the unit) in a matter of 5 days, and after jumping around, got 4 of the 7 units done, huzzah! The remaining ones have essays and I'm saving them for super last. I don't know why, I just had the worst time focusing today.
Tomorrow is back to school... ugh. I have literally one week of the semester left. That's my last week of art and really (dare I say it) awesome math class. I must say, that was the easiest semester ever! I loved it <33 Next semester is gonna suck... Morris's science class BLOWS because he's old and sleep-inducing. I wonder who I'll get for AP English? I hope it's a fun class. I think I'm just gonna miss art the most because... it's art! I won't get to spend time with Shelley, Ria, Chase, James, and Nelson anymore... unless we have taco time :) Plus that was my texting and iPod class, ha ha. Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky again...
SHIT. I was supposed to turn in my cap and gown shit back in December and I forgot to. Shit shit shit. I'm gonna mail it tomorrow and hope to God everything works out. Dad's gonna call Collegeboard and find out where my scores are... guess it's time to come clean. I can't believe he's accusing me of not taking the test and/or not being happy with my scores and refusing to show them. Bull. The whole situation is frustrating because I wasn't cheating, ugh. I opted to retest anyways just to have a second chance. Who knows, maybe these scores will be better? Oh wait, I think we have a contest that day. OMG WINTERGURD CONTESTS START IN A FEW WEEKS.
xx Whenver You Need Someone Marz
Monday, January 3, 2011
Oh Mr. Draven!
So I was watching The Crow on AMC and it sucked because they edited out most of the language and a lot of the juicy, but violent/racy scenes. Worst of all, they cut out my second favorite part of the movie, Eric Draven's rooftop guitar solo! Sorry Marco... I think this just might be the most beautiful sound that could come out of a guitar. It's such a shame that the video and audio is such crappy quality, cause it totally ruins the golden sound.
I remember listening to this over and over again on my old crappy flip phone while cleaning Annie's apartment when she was moving. I remember ripping it and turning it into a ringtone all by myself, which I thought was impressive for a fourteen year old :P Oh look, Mr. Draven is staring down at me from three sides of my room! How nice :) Such a damn good movie.
Soooo went to the doctor today and turns out I'm not dying, but I just have a crappy stomach bug that's not totally uncommon right now. Cool beans, but I still have a fever. Ugh. Then back in February for more fun and and easier life! Love it.
I asked Jamie to come over today because I was distressed and needed a girl around... plus I wanted to see her halftime show from this weekend. She bought me this GORGEOUS Beauty and the Beast snowglobe in Orlando and it plays music <3 It's very pretty and very thoughtful. I'm running out of surface space for all my shit! I feel that I should group all my Belle stuff together in one place... Nahhh, scattering is more my style :) Oh, Cirque Du Freak's on!
xx I'm Holding Out For A Hero Til The End Of The Night Marz
I remember listening to this over and over again on my old crappy flip phone while cleaning Annie's apartment when she was moving. I remember ripping it and turning it into a ringtone all by myself, which I thought was impressive for a fourteen year old :P Oh look, Mr. Draven is staring down at me from three sides of my room! How nice :) Such a damn good movie.
Soooo went to the doctor today and turns out I'm not dying, but I just have a crappy stomach bug that's not totally uncommon right now. Cool beans, but I still have a fever. Ugh. Then back in February for more fun and and easier life! Love it.
I asked Jamie to come over today because I was distressed and needed a girl around... plus I wanted to see her halftime show from this weekend. She bought me this GORGEOUS Beauty and the Beast snowglobe in Orlando and it plays music <3 It's very pretty and very thoughtful. I'm running out of surface space for all my shit! I feel that I should group all my Belle stuff together in one place... Nahhh, scattering is more my style :) Oh, Cirque Du Freak's on!
xx I'm Holding Out For A Hero Til The End Of The Night Marz
Sunday, January 2, 2011
On A Sundayyyy
God I hate that song sometimes, ha ha.
Soooo. I've spent the day in my room again. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating my ass off and I think I changed clothes in my sleep, cause I woke up in different clothes than I went to bed in. When I woke up around 10, I was literally drenched. My hair, my clothes, my blankets, all soaked. What I want to know is how the hell did I sweat so much without it waking me up? It was kinda scary, really. That's never happened before. I'm looking forward to *hopefully* seeing Julie tomorrow so she can figure out what's wrong and fix me.
IT'S WEDDING SUNDAYYY. That means hours and hours of cake shows and bitchy brides and fairytale endings. I love it. Not only that, but it's soooo opposite of yesterday's That Metal Show marathon, ha ha. I'm such an enigma :P I remember when Jamie and I used to go get snow cones and lay on the couch and tell each other all about our dream lives. I always got cherry with gummy bears in it, yum. Cherry anything is awesome. Although last night during a brief spell of deliriousness, I did attack some strawberry Jello like it was going out of production. I dunno, you just can't go wrong with the red flavor!

Oh my gosh I found this picture on Stumble from photographer Katriena Emmanuel. So artsy and sooo romantic. I love how industrial and dark it is without being too over the top. I can smell the drama!
I'm stuck on the Morella piece. I don't know how to approach the window, and I don't know what else to add :/ I thought maybe some words, but I'm not sure how. I'm not consistent enough with my "proper" cursive to make it look good. Like shoot, I did my b's, r's, and a's the right way for once and it's completely changed the look of my words! It's amazing. Anyways, I'll ask Mrs. K for help on Tuesday. I feel like I'm the only one that actually goes to her for help, ha ha.
xx Love's The Funeral of Hearts Marz
Soooo. I've spent the day in my room again. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating my ass off and I think I changed clothes in my sleep, cause I woke up in different clothes than I went to bed in. When I woke up around 10, I was literally drenched. My hair, my clothes, my blankets, all soaked. What I want to know is how the hell did I sweat so much without it waking me up? It was kinda scary, really. That's never happened before. I'm looking forward to *hopefully* seeing Julie tomorrow so she can figure out what's wrong and fix me.
IT'S WEDDING SUNDAYYY. That means hours and hours of cake shows and bitchy brides and fairytale endings. I love it. Not only that, but it's soooo opposite of yesterday's That Metal Show marathon, ha ha. I'm such an enigma :P I remember when Jamie and I used to go get snow cones and lay on the couch and tell each other all about our dream lives. I always got cherry with gummy bears in it, yum. Cherry anything is awesome. Although last night during a brief spell of deliriousness, I did attack some strawberry Jello like it was going out of production. I dunno, you just can't go wrong with the red flavor!
Oh my gosh I found this picture on Stumble from photographer Katriena Emmanuel. So artsy and sooo romantic. I love how industrial and dark it is without being too over the top. I can smell the drama!
I'm stuck on the Morella piece. I don't know how to approach the window, and I don't know what else to add :/ I thought maybe some words, but I'm not sure how. I'm not consistent enough with my "proper" cursive to make it look good. Like shoot, I did my b's, r's, and a's the right way for once and it's completely changed the look of my words! It's amazing. Anyways, I'll ask Mrs. K for help on Tuesday. I feel like I'm the only one that actually goes to her for help, ha ha.
xx Love's The Funeral of Hearts Marz
The Most Epic Wish
On 1/1/11 at 11:11, I made the most epic wish ever. Well, it was more of an extreme elaboration than a wish, but it was still the most epic wish I could have ever wished for in my lifetime, or at least for another hundred years :)
On a sad note, however, turns out Roy Khan from Kamelot is being temporarily replaced due to an illness on the next tour... Sad life :( I love his beautiful voice! I hope he gets better soon. The world needs music!
xx Somewhere In Time I Will Find You And Love You Again Marz
On a sad note, however, turns out Roy Khan from Kamelot is being temporarily replaced due to an illness on the next tour... Sad life :( I love his beautiful voice! I hope he gets better soon. The world needs music!
xx Somewhere In Time I Will Find You And Love You Again Marz
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Saturday, January 1, 2011
Sauerkraut, Fever, and Metal
Mmmm, from my room I can smell mom making sauerkraut and pork tenderloin. I'm so excited, because I LOVE mom's kraut. For a Texan woman, she rocks the German noms!
So I woke up today with a 102 fever and have spent the day lounging in bed watching That Metal Show. I love marathons! I think the interviews with Zakk Wylde, Alice Cooper, Rob Halford, and Rob Zombie were the funniest :) VH1 has the funniest commercials for ridiculous products... Pajama Jeans, stupid clip on camis, snaps that make hems... what the hell?! None of those need to exist.
I bought a Nightwish shirt off eBay! I don't know what I was thinking... I was feverish and felt like spending money. Uhhh. Maybe not the best idea now that I think back. It looks pretty cool, though. It's got the Once angel on the front and the logo on the back... badass :P Can't go wrong with those Hong Kong shirts! Most things I buy off eBay tend to come from Hong Kong. That can't be a good sign.
I wanted to get a Kamelot or a Sontata Arctica shirt, but they only came in extra larges and larges. IS IT SO HARD TO ASK FOR A SMALL? I am a tiny person! We need not the extra fabric! Well sometimes it's acceptable.
Good God I'm sooo behind on government. I have like, five units to finish in a week and a half. I'm gonna have to pull this out of my ass really fast.
xx Second Robber To The Right Of Christ Marz
So I woke up today with a 102 fever and have spent the day lounging in bed watching That Metal Show. I love marathons! I think the interviews with Zakk Wylde, Alice Cooper, Rob Halford, and Rob Zombie were the funniest :) VH1 has the funniest commercials for ridiculous products... Pajama Jeans, stupid clip on camis, snaps that make hems... what the hell?! None of those need to exist.
I bought a Nightwish shirt off eBay! I don't know what I was thinking... I was feverish and felt like spending money. Uhhh. Maybe not the best idea now that I think back. It looks pretty cool, though. It's got the Once angel on the front and the logo on the back... badass :P Can't go wrong with those Hong Kong shirts! Most things I buy off eBay tend to come from Hong Kong. That can't be a good sign.
I wanted to get a Kamelot or a Sontata Arctica shirt, but they only came in extra larges and larges. IS IT SO HARD TO ASK FOR A SMALL? I am a tiny person! We need not the extra fabric! Well sometimes it's acceptable.
Good God I'm sooo behind on government. I have like, five units to finish in a week and a half. I'm gonna have to pull this out of my ass really fast.
xx Second Robber To The Right Of Christ Marz
Hellooooo 2011!
Wow, I JUST realized I'm wearing my "SENIORS 2011: HANG ELEVEN BRO" shirt... how horribly fitting. This was purely an accident; I needed to wear a not black shirt!
This is funny because it's true :) Old man, read it!
I'm all shaky again... time to go relax and go to sleep. I'm eating orange Jello right now, so here's a spoonful of neon orange gelatinous matter to you, 2011.
xx So This Is The New Year Marz
This is funny because it's true :) Old man, read it!
I'm all shaky again... time to go relax and go to sleep. I'm eating orange Jello right now, so here's a spoonful of neon orange gelatinous matter to you, 2011.
xx So This Is The New Year Marz
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