Friday, January 28, 2011


If I fall asleep one more time during class I'll kill myself! I'm not doing it on purpose, I swear... I'm just really tired.

Tomorrow we have our first show :)))) I'm so excited! We don't have to be at school until 10:30, which means this girl gets some sleep in time... 9 is much better than rolling out of bed at 6:45! It's gonna be a long day of Sealy keeping us in line and Daffinee being Daffinee. On the plus, a lot of band kids are coming to support us! How nice of them :) I must not forget my brown shorts! I know I'll forget them... oh God. Maybe I should go get them now. I don't really understand the point for them... they're still short as hell and not really covering anything. Way to go, Scott.

I spent the afternoon with Victor driving to Irving because he wanted to take me to some cool store at a mall out that way. Turns out the store wasn't there, so he Googled another store and we drove to it, somewhere in Dallas, but it turned out we had the wrong location and ended up at a wine distributor. On the plus, all my highway/Dallas driving saved our asses because I knew where we were and how to get home! And then asshat Victor was driving around with no gas in his car and the car was freaking out and so about to break down, ha ha. Luckily we got gas in time and he dropped me off and I've spent all afternoon watching Metalocalypes I recorded.

Oh my God, this made my day! There was a newspaper in Metalocalypse that read "Dethklok sighted at Dimmu Burger!" This was epic, ha ha. Totally gave me the lolz. Is funny because Dimmu Burger was a fast food joint... and it's close to Dimmu Borgir... on a metal show...

Anyways. I might go play some Ocarina of Time tonight, or maybe some Sims 3. I feel like I should try it out again because I didn't give it a fair shot before. But then again, I want to play Sims 2 cause I have a cool idea for a house :) Damn you, slow as ass Dell! You suck for gaming! Pffft, as if Macs are any better for games... I can't win :P

xx Let Me Call Minor Heaven Marz

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