Soooo. I've spent the day in my room again. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating my ass off and I think I changed clothes in my sleep, cause I woke up in different clothes than I went to bed in. When I woke up around 10, I was literally drenched. My hair, my clothes, my blankets, all soaked. What I want to know is how the hell did I sweat so much without it waking me up? It was kinda scary, really. That's never happened before. I'm looking forward to *hopefully* seeing Julie tomorrow so she can figure out what's wrong and fix me.
IT'S WEDDING SUNDAYYY. That means hours and hours of cake shows and bitchy brides and fairytale endings. I love it. Not only that, but it's soooo opposite of yesterday's That Metal Show marathon, ha ha. I'm such an enigma :P I remember when Jamie and I used to go get snow cones and lay on the couch and tell each other all about our dream lives. I always got cherry with gummy bears in it, yum. Cherry anything is awesome. Although last night during a brief spell of deliriousness, I did attack some strawberry Jello like it was going out of production. I dunno, you just can't go wrong with the red flavor!
Oh my gosh I found this picture on Stumble from photographer Katriena Emmanuel. So artsy and sooo romantic. I love how industrial and dark it is without being too over the top. I can smell the drama!
I'm stuck on the Morella piece. I don't know how to approach the window, and I don't know what else to add :/ I thought maybe some words, but I'm not sure how. I'm not consistent enough with my "proper" cursive to make it look good. Like shoot, I did my b's, r's, and a's the right way for once and it's completely changed the look of my words! It's amazing. Anyways, I'll ask Mrs. K for help on Tuesday. I feel like I'm the only one that actually goes to her for help, ha ha.
xx Love's The Funeral of Hearts Marz
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