Ooooh, it's the 15th Anniversary palette. Which means 15 new colors in a super sleek box set. On UD's website it goes for $55, which isn't bad for the quality and quantity. I assume Sephora is also selling it, maybe for a better price? Doubt it. I think this will be my next big splurge :) AND IF I BUY FROM SEPHORA ONLINE, I GET 5X POINTS ON MY DEBIT CARD! And free shipping. Super super super deal! Ok, I think I need to get it.
Anyways, today was nice. Woke up at 10:30, then went to lunch with this one guy I picked up off the streets (And had a very nice time), then stopped by Fruitealicious for a frozen raspberry lemonade, and now I'm sitting at home watching the AC repair guys fix the AC. I hope they fix it, cause this blows :P Well no, I lied. I can handle the hot air and the stuffy downstairs. Heat doesn't bother me too much, I'm fine with my fan on.
I think Jamie and Heather are on their way over now. I'm glad, because I could use some company. Plus Jamie's leaving me in two weeks :( Sadlife. And the old man was wrong, first lunch date was the 11th. Suck it.
xx And You Don't Know Why, But You're Dying To Try And Kiss The Girl Marz
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