Ahhh, and here's my last post from this crappy office at home. My stuff is all packed up and ready to load, and can't wait to get out of here!
Awww, I found that cute picture of my boys. Someone uploaded it on dA and it gave me the warm fuzzies inside :) I feel like I might have seen it before... oh well. Seeing Emppu covered in purple and seeing Marco's mane always give me the smiles.
So I'm reallllly digging my hair :) It's perfect! I only wish the blue was a little brighter, but it should fade nicely. It's so soft and shiny and I can't wait til I carefully wash it again to get rid of the blowout and shape it back to its natural wavy mess! GET READY WORLD. I'm awesome.
What else... My black tutu came in the mail today! It's perfect and is currently being flattened by a multitude of books and 2004 copies of Shonen Jump. And my Gundam sticker is proudly on my car, so I feel complete driving on the roads. Now all that's left in the mail for me is my wig and Vera bag! Which means I really need to go get a wig cap. But Curtis gave me my last check today, a whole $63 bucks! Hey, whatever helps helps.
I just realized how damn busy the next three weeks are gonna be. This weekend, doctor and dad's birthday (Which I totally forgot about). Next weekend, A-Fest. Next weekend after that, I might be in Philly. Ugh, so busy! This is bullshit. I thought this was supposed to be easier...
I do like this song a lot, though. I love driving to it :)
xx In This Heart, There'll Never Be Another Marz
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