Friday, November 25, 2011

A Much Better Friday

Today was significantly better than yesterday. Thanks to the meds, I got a nice full night of sleep and only woke up once to pee, which is weird because I hardly ever make up, much less to pee. Then I spent my day on the couch watching Wedding Friday until that one bitch's episode came on and I decided it was time to stop laying on the couch being smelly. I went upstairs and took an *awesome* bath. Like, I can't remember the last time I had one that good. My new shampoo smells so good with the velvet tuberose. To top it all off, instrumental version of The Islander with that. Damn I miss baths so much when I'm at school.

It's sad that a bath was the highlight of my day :P I played Sims the rest of the afternoon and started on my third kingdom. Having to decorate a castle every time is getting old... So are doing the same quests over and over again. But I have to so I can beat the game :P I did two quests before dinner and... I don't know if I'll play anymore tonight :P It's like, I KNOW I need to do motifs, but I just don't have the focus or the desire to do them. I want to draw cool stuff! At least I got all my artist research out of the way, did my Psych check-in, and came up with more coffee cup ideas. And I took some pictures of containers to draw :P Maybe I'm going at it from the wrong angle... maybe I'm trying too hard?

Goddammit, I finished Demon in the Dark. I can't tell if I liked it or not... it started off kind of weak, but definitely built up once Carrow started putting the moves on animalistic Malkom and things got hot in his mine. I was so heartbroken when he coldly rejected her after she "betrayed" him, but I'm so glad he realized she did it for Ruby and learned to trust her again! And the book ended with sex, how fitting. I love when the last few lines are something soooooo romantic. I'd probably give it a five :) Now I'm sad because I need a new book to read... MOAR ROMANCE.

xx Sun And Stars Against A Blue Blue Sky Marz

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