And don't get me started on Christopher. He's such an ass, always showing up whenever something happens and imposing himself on her, talking about how he'll make her his wife someday. HE'S SAXTON'S COUSIN DAMMIT. She keeps pushing him away and turning him down, but whenever she thinks about passion, guess whose face pops up in her mind. Good ol Christopher Seton. Like I'm gonna be really really mad if she leaves Saxton or something and ends up with Christopher. I swear to God, if she has sex with Christopher while being married to Saxton (And BEFORE sex with Saxton!), I'm going to stop reading. I imagined him as the Gaston character, but I fear she might be falling for him. Nooo Erienne, fall in love with your beast instead :( HE'S YOUR HUSBAND. Love him.
Now it's not that I'm not looking for those delicious pages of hot wild monkey love and passion, but so far this book hasn't shown much, and the few teases I get are of Erienne and Christopher. It's funny how the hot pages aren't a big part of the story, at least yet. The hottest we've gotten is Christopher sticking his hand under her skirts in the coach and devouring her neck. SHE NEEDS TO STOP BEING A HOSKI AND LOVE SAXTON. I can't do this whole cheating thing, it's just not right.
It's funny, rarely ever do I picture book characters so clearly, but every time Christopher shows up, I swear I see Count Axel Fersen from Marie Antoinette. Maybe it's because the book keeps mentioning the men wearing tricorns and he's the only attractive tricorn wearer I can see clearly in my mind.

When I imagine book characters, I can see their clothes and hair just fine, but the faces are a bit blurry. Hmm. Back to reading while I wait for Medieval Sims to download!
xx There'll Be Peace When You Are Done Marz
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