I don't know why it took me so long to figure out what he looked like. I mean, she always talks about him being on tour with Pain and playing with Nemo and whatnot, but I never matched a face to the name... until now. Well done Anette, your son will be beautiful one day. I've only heard one song from his band, but maybe I should give them a go. I don't get why celebrities don't get married... let's just reproduce, but stay single people. Even though we live together and have kids and everything. Weird.
Well, it's been a semi-productive night tonight. I started my Elm Fork motif, started my sketchbook artist entries, and finished my design shit. Pretty good, I'd say! I found this chick named Marina V on Pandora and she's got an INCREDIBLE voice. Her music is very very pretty and well worth the iTunes download. YES, I BOUGHT AN ALBUM AND DIDN'T ILLEGALLY DOWNLOAD IT. Oh I want to listen to her all night! She's gorgeous too, but unknown as a singer! Shame, cause she could go far. I wish I could post my favorite song from her, but it's not on Youtube... weird.
Oh well, I might do some quests tonight before bed. I'm just in such a good mood. I feel so loved and satisfied with my place in life right now :)
xx Baby I Am Scared To See The Truth Marz
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