Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Another lovely Tuesday has come and gone. Drawing was alright, I got kind of stuck on the knot, but made it work. Then me and Dorothy went to Walmart and got Christmas going! I made a gaudy glitzy glittery garland with random shit in it, while Dorothy's was traditional. I love decorating for Christmas :) She wouldn't let me get a black tree... Ryne said I should make a metal garland. Tempting.

Aaaaaand I spent the rest of the day playing Sims and working on projects. I wrote my DMA essay and drew Lita, yay! Tomorrow I turn in the design project and we shall critique. Blehhhh. Everyone LOVES my knight and lady, but I feel that the other two are weak sauce. Oh well, we'll see!

So while I'm working, I get a knock on the door, to which I respond with my customary "ENTAR!" which is from some movie, but I can't remember which one :P It was Kyle and Dylan picking me up to go watch Tosh! That was so nice of them. Then Kyle helped me start a game of Skyrim and after having fun running/failing at running from the dragon in the beginning, I enjoyed killing and looting people. It's just a hard game to look at because there's SO MANY textures and materials around you. And the buttons aren't on the screen like in Assassin's Creed, so I actually have to remember where they are :P I liked it a lot and could have possibly played for a few more hours, but I left with Dylan to come back to our floor to get some work done :P

And then it was a night of Dorothy and her entourage in here to watch her dye her hair brown. It's a fairly light brown, not very dark, but super dark by her standards :P Tomorrow I'm gonna call to go get my hair done on Thursday. I'm thinking super dark brown with white chunks. I feel like it'll look nice (AND EVEN), but I'll ask the person doing my hair. They'll probably talk me into doing something else, ha ha. I don't care, I just want even colors. I love getting my hair done... it makes me feel so pretty. Nothing is more satisfying than three girls coloring your hair at once.

Oh my God, look what Stumble found for me. That's way too funny!

xx Will You Save Me Tonight, Rescue Me From My Mind Marz

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