Seriously. Today was probably one of my worst days ever. Woke up in a somewhat grumpy mood as always, which only piqued when I was walking out the door and mom was nagging about something, which got me started.
Ugh, It's just been idiot after idiot after idiot. People so damn annoying, hitting me, screaming my name, yanking my headphones off, jumping in my face, making stupid hissy noises, and just generally being dumb. Not to mention this whole drama with Sarah bitching at her mom, who then gossiped to Mrs. Cyr. OH MY GOD. This is our bullshit, we'll deal with it ourselves. We don't need parental supervision.
It's just... so many things. Being behind on economics, playing catch up in class, falling behind on art, working two jobs and going to guard, not eating, not sleeping, and taking four different kinds of pills a day. Good God, my insides are all messed up. Seriously, I'm never moody like this, so my body better regulate soon or I might cry. Oh scratch that, already did that three times in the past 24 hours. Ughh. I hate being whiny but everyone else does it, why can't I? It's not easy being tough all the time... I can break, too.
I found solace three times today. One, was in science when I was reading VA and OMG OMG OMG DIMITRI'S A HUMAN AGAIN <3 and I could distract myself with someone elses problems. Two, was when I made two perfect ham and cheese sandwiches and ate them this afternoon. Three, is right now. I decided to make an Alan Menken Pandora playlist and it plays Disney music and Disney Broadway music... this is awesome. Soooo awesome.
Anyways, all I have left to do is to take my unit three test and if I have time before work tomorrow, to retake the quiz and test I failed. Ugh, that's tomorrow, though... After looking up quotes from Don Quixote, I kind of want to go watch the movie now... too bad my copy is on VHS and I don't have a player for it :/ I wonder if it's on DVD? Lolsauce, it's probably the best movie from 1972 ever, ha ha. Not to mention it's my entire life in movie/musical/world renowned literature form. Goddamn I love that movie. I need to track it down on DVD. New goal in life.
xx Hear Me Now, Although Bleak And Unbearable World Marz
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