Friday, February 4, 2011

Ugh, Day Four.

Sooo it's Friday and day four of the epic ice/snowstorm of the country. Yesterday I woke up to a text from Heather saying "Victor, Jamie, and I are walking to your house." Sure enough, Victor showed up a few hours later and about an hour after that, Jamie and Heather showed up. I can't believe them... Jamie lives two minutes away from me, but Heather and Victor live a good 3 miles away from me in opposite directions and Hebron is like, the hilliest street in Carrollton!

Well after those asshats came inside, I went and got dressed so we could walk to the McDonalds by my house and eat 50 nuggets... oh God. Then we went to the mall because Heather and Jamie wanted to raid Gilly Hicks again. So we get to the mall and hit up Metropark, where I got an $80 dress for only $16, hell yeah! It's sooo unlike me, but I kinda liked it and hey, I like cheap expensive things! Then we went to Gilly Hicks and Heather and Jamie bought lots of cheap sweatpants... I regret not buying any, they look so soft and comfy and awesome :( I saw a cardigan--A FRAKING CARDIGAN--and actually kinda liked it... I liked the ruffles on the collar, ha ha. Victor bought it for me since I didn't want to get in trouble by using dad's card again, that was sweet of him.

Then we all went back to my house for dinner! Dad made sausage and peppers and it was sooo good. After that we partied upstairs, just kinda hanging out and goofing off until Victor had to go home. Jamie, Heather, and I stayed up late talking about no-ners, cosplays, how to deal with the convention problems, dirty madlibs, and more. Wow, we're awesome, I love my friends. A fun sleep over indeed.

Time to work on economics... blurghhhh. Can I play Sims instead?

xx Conscience Clear, I'm Still Standing Here Marz

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