So my phone's screens ams broked and I have to wait for them to send me a new one next week, ugh. So now I'm suing my G1 and damn, this thang is ghet-to. The screen is smaller, the keyboard buttons are tiny, the phone is bulkier, the software is old and slow, and it's all gritty and dirty from my case. And it doesn't hold a charge, awesome. Oh well. I have most of my apps on this one and my Alchemy game is pretty solid, ha ha :P New G2 on Monday!
I've been having strange dreams lately. One of them I was paranoid because I forgot my shoes before a marching show and the other two I forgot. Lately I've had just... unsettling dreams where in them, I'm paranoid, anxious, terrified, worried, and just all sorts of bad things. Creepy.
Let's see... nothing terribly crazy to rant about. We've been doing a lot of Shakespeare sonnets in class... Most notably 16, 118, and a few others I forgot. 54 is my favorite, but we're not going over it in class :(
Since finishing VA, I pulled the book Fallen off my shelf and gave it another read. I forgot how darkly romantic is was. Reform school romance, no sunlight, dismal campus, live triangles, kids in black being assholes, shadows lurking around, deja vu, reincarnation, crazies, and angels. Messed up romance. Wellllll today in the library, I saw Fallen on the shelf and next to it was A SEQUEL. ONG I LOVE SEQUELS TO TRASHY DARK ROMANCE NOVELS. I might have to go pick it up once I remember the title, ha ha. I also need to go buy some more Micron pens soon... I'm debating on buying a set or individual ones... hard choice. I guess wherever they're cheaper. Asel's might have a better deal, I bet. Bahhh. ART.
Time to go see Jamie and Erin and get Jamie some hipster shoes and a burrito.
xx And So It Is Marz
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