Sunday, April 10, 2011

Upon Waking Up This Morning

I got on Facebook and saw that Leigh's engaged?! WHAT THE HELL. First thing I did was text her and do the whole, "What up, spill." thing. Well damn... that was one of the craziest things I've ever woken up to, not gonna lie. Good for them, though!

Anyways, then I went to work and after a slow slow slow lunch, Victor took me to another On The Border so we could get some guacamole and food. I went for the guac, oh my God, I love guac. I'm an addict for sure. And we had a little heart to heart as far as work ethic goes... He wants to be employee of the month so bad and my managers keep hinting that they want me to be it, too. Looks like we both gotta step it up and work hard!

And now I'm sitting here doing my homework, which is to write a sonnet themed around a surreal motif we discussed in class. Since I can only remember one motif, looks like my sonnet is about death :P It's harder than I thought, because you have to pay attention to the syllables and rhyme scheme and imagery and stanza theme and gah, there's just so much to consider for it to be correct. It's a depressing sonnet, not gonna lie :P I read a lot of Shakespeare's love sonnets, though, and those are really sweet. Once you analyze them a bit and understand what he's saying, they're wonderful pieces of art.

Speaking of art, I need to get my ass in gear and finish the bloody girl painting. And the graveyard painting. SO MUCH ART. I want to go shopping for more art supplies :( Oh, and my hair is atomic purple right now... I wonder how Sealy will take it tomorrow. Ironic how last week I wrote on my senior bio "Advice: Sealy does not like purple hair".

xx Always Dangerous, She Got Me Down On My Knees Marz

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