I'm not sure if that was a good prom or a bad one... the night was full of too much fun and too much heartache.
I dunno where to even start. Heather was being a bitch to Victor, then he got all pissy and almost left, I lost Gavin, and then there was the whole ordeal at Ian's. Then everyone's mad at me and making out everywhere I turn and Heather and Gabriel had the audacity to sleep in MY BED and Jamie decided to leave with Connor and sleep at her house and no one but Gavin helped clean up.
Not to mention I drank too much too fast in fits of rage and ended up throwing up and crying and spilling my secrets to Annie and Michael and Silly Mike. It's like I can't focus on the fun stuff because the bad stuff is just too strong in my mind. That and I sort of don't remember the fun stuff... It's like, I was having fun at the dance until the whole Heather-Victor drama and then it wasn't fun anymore. And then when we finally made it back to the house late, I was just in a shitty mood and didn't even want everyone to be there. I just wanted to go to sleep and forget everything. Of course, Gavin cheered me up when we started the shots.
I think what scared me most was when Victor said that he was scared for me. I don't blame him; if that was me in his shoes, I'd probably be uneasy too. Whatever. It's done and over with now and I lost my goddamned phone somehow. I fell asleep with it under my pillow and when I woke up, it was gone. Awesome.
Gah, I'm just in a bitchy mood today. Everyone is bothering me with their mundane talking and I just wish they'd all leave me alone to sulk and brood. I want to go paint. Or play Sims. I'm glad everyone else on Facebook had a great prom night.
xx She Was A Friend, Stabbed Backs And Broke Plans Marz
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