Monday, January 4, 2010

Mein Gott D:

Today was much too surreal. I don't know why I had Chris on my mind... He had this really sad look on his face during Algebra... well that's nothing new, but Gavin said he's super depressed right now. It reminds me of last time he was really depressed... it was because he wanted me, but couldn't have me. Ironic, eh? And then when I was standing outside Baker's room like always with Sarah, Heather, Jamie, and Gavin, he walked by and seriously looked like he was about to lash out and kill someone. Breaks my heart to see him so down.

So I asked Gavin: What's up with him? Why hasn't he talked to me in a year? And Gavin's all like, "Well he's really depressed and blah blah blahhhh" so I finally decided that I'd break the silent vow of silence and send him a text sometime. I do kind of miss him, even if he was just a whiny emo boy. He's a sweet kid. Like the time he took me out to dinner for my birthday. Actually, I spent my birthday with him and Sarah on our picnic in the Nature Preserve. Which means... I've had his jacket since last March. Wow. It just sits on my couch... probably doesn't smell like him anymore. He did have a nice smell. Like cookies, as we'd used to joke :P I don't even remember how that came about... so many German class jokes. I miss German class. It was quite fun.

Goddamn, I hate that shirt. I don't know why it pisses me off so much, but I hate the color. The timing of it is thoroughly ironic, in my mind. Either coincidence or irony! Both are likely culprits! Ha ha. I'm so anal about shirts. Like my certain rules and orders of wearing shirts.

I feel like my horoscope is coming true... just not in the right way that I had in mind. But that's the joy of being a Pisces: one foot in each stream, each going a different direction.

xx Ham and Cheese Marz

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