Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Fish!

I bought Friendship Fish with Sarah and Heather! We went to Petsmart and they helped me pick out some new fish, since Brandon (the little demon crow fish bastard) finally died. I bought a black molly named Rasmus, after Lauri's dark hair with crow feathers, a silver molly named Nightfish, as a play on words to Nightwish (but Nightfish is the name of Tuomas's boat in Finland), and a ghost catfish named Sonata, after Sonata Arctica. Sonata is the coolest fish ever! I believe they're all females... Sonata is completely transparent, so all you see is her spine and her eyes. It's creepy because I can never find her!

The fish lady told me that mollies are live breeders, so if I got male fish, I could easily start breeding my own fish! I'll need a bigger tank... I'm so excited to have new friends! I want to go back and buy more fish, but there's not enough room :P

Today was easy. No therapy, so I slept in an extra 30 minutes. Got to school and straightened my hair. I haven't fully straightened it since November, for the hot date. It's getting pretty long... almost enough to cover my chest, but there's still underboob as Alli would say, so no mermaid. :P It needs to be longer, though, so when I curl it, it will look pretty. Almost there...

Took my history exam. That test was easy as balls... I'm really good at history. Then in algebra, we kind of went over the review and hot damn, I'm gonna fail. Like, I don't remember anything we learned. Too many rules! Luckily, we're getting 5 pages of notes to use. I'll still fail... Heather and Jamie said it was pretty hard, so... D: I don't want to fail the class. I have a 73 because she didn't put in my latest test grade, which should help bring my grade up a bit, because I'm positive that I did reasonably well compared to my other tests, where I usually make 50's or 60's. Gahhh. I'm scared.

Web mastering will be a bit harder than I thought, because the written stuff is really confusing. I can make a website, but defining terms and all that jazz isn't easy. What tool bar does what? Well, I don't know. But it's such bull that we don't need a technology credit anymore! When I heard that, I got mad because I just spent a whole semester in web mastering, when I could have taken art or something! Gah, such crap. Oh well.

I'm looking forward to next semester very much. It'll be really fun and interesting. Jamie and I have to go over The Crucible this weekend... I sure didn't read it.

xx Conscience Clear, I'm Still Standing Here Marz

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