Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Waking Up Early Sucks

Bahhh. Two days of therapy back to back is work... I'm so sore. My back and shoulders are in pain and I'm so out of it in the mornings. Ha ha, so I was sitting down today getting iced and a stem shock therapy session when 'Fireflies' comes on the radio. I smiled and sang along in my head, enjoying it. About halfway through the song, my therapists go "Oh that song is AWFUL. I HATE it! Music these days... It's such a dumb song..." and then they change it to freakin' Celine Dion. Like, really? Dislike.

The hospital always weirds me out. I dunno, there's just always so many people around. I feel so out of place surrounded by old people with ten different health problems and I just have bum shoulders.

Lazy day... Worked on my review in history, which I'll beast the exam tomorrow. I'm really good at history. In Algebra, we went over (which means got the answers to) half the review and then didn't do the rest due to laziness... we actually watched my teacher's 1996 pep rally form her high school when she was a senior. When the colorguard performed, she looked back at me and told me to hide my eyes from the horror. I hate that feeling when everyone turns around and looks at you. I felt my face blush right red, but I tried to keep cool. I never say a word in that class... I don't have any friends there. In web mastering, I finished my final exam web site and spent the last half of class reading about Harry Potter stuff. Ha ha, best waste of time ever.

Came home... Ate delicious shrimp scampi, then went back to school to watch guard practice and to get my costume fitted. They're so cute! I love them because the bottoms of them are like my skirt pants, only these ones are black with glittery pinstripes. And HOLY CRAP. That glitter gets EVERYWHERE. Me and Lisa thought it'd be funny to give Anthony a nice hug/glomp while wearing them. I love the striped gauntlets, too, with the little frilly top. The costumes are just so dang cute and the show is so musical and exciting that I kind of want to cry. I know I will, when we get to the first show and we have our little 'Arafa rafa rafa rafa colorguard woot!" circle. Bahhh.

So tomorrow, Heather and Sarah will come with me to get new friendship fish, since Johnny and Brandon died. I want new colorful fish, not betas. I'll probably give them awesome names like Kamelot, Rasmus, Nightfish, Sonata, and Epica. Pattern? They're all based off of or are names of my fave symphonic metal bands :) Rasmus and Nightfish for sure. The others... well, they're iffy. I could also name some of them Krypteria, Therion, Arctica, Sirenia, Tarja, and Livs (Leaves). Ha ha, we shall see!

xx Let It Rain, Why Can't We Find Love Again Marz

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