Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yay :)

Today was a very very very acceptable Monday. I love skipping class and napping all afternoon and having awesome dinner with the most awesome person in the world. I wish the day never had to end...

And now I'm back in my dorm, sitting on the floor, eating a can of Very Cherry fruit cocktail. Forever alone. Time for bed.

xx And Please Believe Me When I Say I Love You Marz

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Much Better Friday

Today was significantly better than yesterday. Thanks to the meds, I got a nice full night of sleep and only woke up once to pee, which is weird because I hardly ever make up, much less to pee. Then I spent my day on the couch watching Wedding Friday until that one bitch's episode came on and I decided it was time to stop laying on the couch being smelly. I went upstairs and took an *awesome* bath. Like, I can't remember the last time I had one that good. My new shampoo smells so good with the velvet tuberose. To top it all off, instrumental version of The Islander with that. Damn I miss baths so much when I'm at school.

It's sad that a bath was the highlight of my day :P I played Sims the rest of the afternoon and started on my third kingdom. Having to decorate a castle every time is getting old... So are doing the same quests over and over again. But I have to so I can beat the game :P I did two quests before dinner and... I don't know if I'll play anymore tonight :P It's like, I KNOW I need to do motifs, but I just don't have the focus or the desire to do them. I want to draw cool stuff! At least I got all my artist research out of the way, did my Psych check-in, and came up with more coffee cup ideas. And I took some pictures of containers to draw :P Maybe I'm going at it from the wrong angle... maybe I'm trying too hard?

Goddammit, I finished Demon in the Dark. I can't tell if I liked it or not... it started off kind of weak, but definitely built up once Carrow started putting the moves on animalistic Malkom and things got hot in his mine. I was so heartbroken when he coldly rejected her after she "betrayed" him, but I'm so glad he realized she did it for Ruby and learned to trust her again! And the book ended with sex, how fitting. I love when the last few lines are something soooooo romantic. I'd probably give it a five :) Now I'm sad because I need a new book to read... MOAR ROMANCE.

xx Sun And Stars Against A Blue Blue Sky Marz

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Really Don't Like Thanksgiving

And I'll tell you why.

First off, I don't care for the food. There's always so much, too, and it's usually super heavy. Second off, we usually have a lot of people over, which means a lot of clean up and lots of old people who I have nothing to talk about with. Luckily that wasn't the problem this year, as it was just me and the Sunshine Gang. However, the dinner was still as awkward as ever because... we don't talk at dinner anymore.

Now this time, I was feeling miserable and sluggish. And yet dad was bothering me all day to get up and do stuff and this and that... but when he's not feeling well, he won't pick up a finger. Which made me grouchier, because this morning I couldn't talk at all. Luckily my voice came back, but so did the coughing and gunk and sore throat.

Well when I finally did talk at dinner, he wasn't even paying attention to me because football was more interesting. He was complaining that I wasn't being myself at dinner...well no shit. It's awkward, I have nothing to say, I have a pulsing sinus headache, and I wish it could be better. Being home just makes me sad now. Seriously, I think I've cried every night that I've been home in the past few weeks as I'm laying in bed. I just hate it here. This house feels so foreign to me now. And then I think of everyone else who really enjoys this holiday and that makes me feel even more out of place.

I don't even know where I'm going with this. I don't feel right being home. Dad always wants to play a game or something... well we don't play the same games. Mom always asks if I'm going out with friends. Why would I go out? I came home to be home, but I might as well go out. Too bad I'm feeling like death. I feel bad because I just can't get past this negative mood that I have towards this house because of all the fighting and words. What's the point in talking? They still can't even remember my major. It doesn't matter. Am I being selfish? Maybe. I just want to come home to something comfortable.

xx Don't Give Me Love Marz

Oh dA, You So Fuhnny!

Those faces... Oh God. Those faces.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Well, I love the balladness of it in the beginning :) Marco and Anette sound so gorgeous together! You know, this song had a lot of negative comments on Youtube... I like it! Someone said that Troy also sings in this? Who knew the pipe player could sing :P The lyrics are interesting, though... Don't give me love, I've had my share?! Interesting! Ha ha I read that Tuomas pointed out that it's "kind of funny that the most poppy song on the album is composed by the most metalhead dude in the band". YOU GO MARCO! Although I don't agree with how people say this sound like some poppy boy band song. What. I don't consider this poppy at all! Poppy would be more like... Storytime. To me at least, when I think poppy, I think the most upbeat song compared to the other ones!

ONE MORE WEEK TIL THE NEW ALBUM, YAY! JK, it's not released in the US until January 10. no fair, Finland and Sweden get it next week! But... on the Nightwish shop, it appears that so long as you preorder now, it'll still be released in a week. What's 19 Euros in US dollars?! Should I buy it now?! UUNNNGGHHHHH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

xx I Kissed Her Hand Marz

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Screw My Throat!

Well, not literally. But it's still acting like a crack whore. I can't even focus because it's killing me so much. Bahhhh.

So earlier I spent like, two hours trying to put together my Pollyanna list. But the truth is, I really don't want anything for Christmas except for a sewing machine from mom and dad. And then all I want to do is go shopping for the fabric I need from the wholesaler :P Off white canvas and that pretty red and that faux leather! It will be mine. I think I put on my list that Philosophy soap, a graphic design book, a leather tool, brown knee boots for the costume, and a makeup brush set. I'd never wear brown boots, but for this, I'll make an exception. Let's hope my Secret Santa is good for me and gets me all the things on my list! I forgot to put the Pirates and Nobles EP on there, oops. Maybe I'll get that after Christmas.

I looked at Copic markers, but I just couldn't commit. I'd love to do marker work, but... I'm afraid I might not use the markers as much as I think I would. Sadface. Plus a set of 72 is like, three hundred something dollars :P Oh well, maybe I'll just collect them one at a time... It's an idea.

Seriously, this coffee cup thing is killer. I'm only on number 25 and I can't come up with anything good for things to do with a coffee cup! I think hamster bath and blunt object to commit murder with are my favorites. This project is horse shit! I DIDN'T WANT SALMON, I SAID IT FOUR TIMES!

xx Am I Really In Love Right Next To You Marz

Monday, November 21, 2011


Well I could start by telling about my fantastic weekend full of loving and fooding and GWARing and being sore, but I won't, because no words would do that justice.

Today was good. We were assigned our *FINAL* project in design class, which is a three paneled collage telling a story. Well I decided on doing an autobiography, where the first panel shows my childhood, the second shows me now, and the third shows what I'd like to be someday. I found a killer picture of a crown that's totally going in the last panel ;D I got a lot of images from my InStyle luckily, but I want to go find some fabric and pretty paper and maybe some Google images. I hate collaging, but I love storytelling.

Then I came home and napped from 10:30 til 1. I had the CRAZIEST, LONGEST dream that I've had in a long time... and I've noticed a recurring element. Sometimes I dream that college is set up like a mall, with the art wing at the far end. And I run and run and run up and down stairs to get to the art wing, but it's always the business one instead and then I get lost. Weird. I need to see what that means in my dream books!

The rest of the day...was amazing. The sky was dark, so we kept the lights off and only had a lamp on and watched The Princess Diaries while eating pudding and cookie dough. I love chocolate pudding. I even found a guy tonight that gave me like, twelve things of pudding! Win. Dorothy and I were gonna skip class, but Gina texted saying we had a pop quiz, so we boked it to class, took a tardy, and had class.

The rest of the night was kind of slow. We ate and hung out with Kyle and Laura a little bit, but then came back to art. I spent most of the night in here alone working on my Elm Fork and cleaning stuff up. Once that was done, I went to go help Gina use chalk pastel and came back to my room to eat some ramen and watch a movie. Netflix recommended Highlander, so I gave it a go. And while it was a rough beginning for me, I grew to enjoy it. What's not to enjoy about shirtless men being all manly and tough with swords?! And it was romantic... sad, but romantic. AND UBER CHEESEY. I guess I'll watch the second one later this week :P It's funny, Google Books always has a lot of romance novels about highlanders... maybe I should give one a go! Ha ha, but the one I'm on now is... odd.

So tomorrow I have to haul home laundry, my computer, the fish, my clothes bag, and my tote bag full of homeworks to do. Bleeeeehhhhh. But I get dinner with Jamie, yay! I miss her. BUT HOT DAMN, I HAVE A SORE THROAT. AND MY VOICE IS SLOWING TURNING INTO THAT OF A CRACK WHORE. Looks like I don't get to sing along on the drive home... sad. I really don't want to me sick, because the stomach sick is more than enough sick that I want to deal with. Plus I was doing so good with fending off my fall sickness :P Oh well, good thing I'm home, at least.

I guess I should hop into bed and read a little bit before sleeping. You win again, midnight.

xx So I Sat Down Beside Them With Flowers All Around Marz

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Another lovely Tuesday has come and gone. Drawing was alright, I got kind of stuck on the knot, but made it work. Then me and Dorothy went to Walmart and got Christmas going! I made a gaudy glitzy glittery garland with random shit in it, while Dorothy's was traditional. I love decorating for Christmas :) She wouldn't let me get a black tree... Ryne said I should make a metal garland. Tempting.

Aaaaaand I spent the rest of the day playing Sims and working on projects. I wrote my DMA essay and drew Lita, yay! Tomorrow I turn in the design project and we shall critique. Blehhhh. Everyone LOVES my knight and lady, but I feel that the other two are weak sauce. Oh well, we'll see!

So while I'm working, I get a knock on the door, to which I respond with my customary "ENTAR!" which is from some movie, but I can't remember which one :P It was Kyle and Dylan picking me up to go watch Tosh! That was so nice of them. Then Kyle helped me start a game of Skyrim and after having fun running/failing at running from the dragon in the beginning, I enjoyed killing and looting people. It's just a hard game to look at because there's SO MANY textures and materials around you. And the buttons aren't on the screen like in Assassin's Creed, so I actually have to remember where they are :P I liked it a lot and could have possibly played for a few more hours, but I left with Dylan to come back to our floor to get some work done :P

And then it was a night of Dorothy and her entourage in here to watch her dye her hair brown. It's a fairly light brown, not very dark, but super dark by her standards :P Tomorrow I'm gonna call to go get my hair done on Thursday. I'm thinking super dark brown with white chunks. I feel like it'll look nice (AND EVEN), but I'll ask the person doing my hair. They'll probably talk me into doing something else, ha ha. I don't care, I just want even colors. I love getting my hair done... it makes me feel so pretty. Nothing is more satisfying than three girls coloring your hair at once.

Oh my God, look what Stumble found for me. That's way too funny!

xx Will You Save Me Tonight, Rescue Me From My Mind Marz

Monday, November 14, 2011

This Is Anette's Man?!

I don't know why it took me so long to figure out what he looked like. I mean, she always talks about him being on tour with Pain and playing with Nemo and whatnot, but I never matched a face to the name... until now. Well done Anette, your son will be beautiful one day. I've only heard one song from his band, but maybe I should give them a go. I don't get why celebrities don't get married... let's just reproduce, but stay single people. Even though we live together and have kids and everything. Weird.

Well, it's been a semi-productive night tonight. I started my Elm Fork motif, started my sketchbook artist entries, and finished my design shit. Pretty good, I'd say! I found this chick named Marina V on Pandora and she's got an INCREDIBLE voice. Her music is very very pretty and well worth the iTunes download. YES, I BOUGHT AN ALBUM AND DIDN'T ILLEGALLY DOWNLOAD IT. Oh I want to listen to her all night! She's gorgeous too, but unknown as a singer! Shame, cause she could go far. I wish I could post my favorite song from her, but it's not on Youtube... weird.

Oh well, I might do some quests tonight before bed. I'm just in such a good mood. I feel so loved and satisfied with my place in life right now :)

xx Baby I Am Scared To See The Truth Marz


Well I just listened to an hour long video stream of Marco answering fan questions. Why didn't I know about this sooner?! I would have asked him to marry me... How does such a golden voice come from such a beastly guy?! Me gusta.

Weeeeeellllll. I have to finish my design work by Wednesday morning, then a week from tomorrow I have my Elm Fork shit due and my fabric study, so here's hoping I finish both on time :P I also have motifs to do, two artist researches, and that paper bag drawing thing to do. Poooop. Plus two tests on Wednesday. I'll probably bring my Elm Fork stuff home with me this weekend to hopefully get something done, especially if I have all day Saturday :P

What else what else... Today was one of the first days I didn't wear a jacket to class. It's just THAT WARM IN MID NOVEMBER. What the hell, Texas. IS THAT MARCO FARTING ON ANETTE?! I feel like I've been in that situation before... but that face.

xx We're Traveling To Glaston, Over England's Green Lanes Marz

Friday, November 11, 2011

You Know What's Sad?

It's Friday night, and I'm sitting at home watching my favorite wedding shows with a plate of avacados covered in salt and lime. Do you know how cool it must be to have gotten married today on 11/11/11? Good luck forgetting that!

It's safe to say my mind is in full blown Medieval Mode. Blackmore's Night all the time, Sims, and even my design project started off medieval. Not to mention I saw a commercial for Medieval Times and I realized how bad I want to go there for my birthday! That place is so cool!

Buuuuuuut, that's just a dream far far away. Until then, I live in my mundane world where I steal away to my weekend wonderland when I can :P To the land of fantastic food and furry creatures and gamesgamesgames.

I'm looking forward to babysitting tomorrow... I want to go shopping! I *need* to go get green primer and a moisturizer so my face stops looking ugly... that's probably gonna be about sixty, so it all works out perfectly! Although dad said he wanted to take me shopping tomorrow... nah, I wouldn't subject him to Sephora. Jesus, I haven't even been there in a long time! I might buy online so I can get that free fragrance kit to find a new smell. I JUST WANT TO SMELL PRETTY.

Being a girl is tough. I realized tonight that all I want for Christmas is a sewing machine and a big box of Copic Sketch markers. And more makeup, of course. I think the hardest part is coming up with Pollyanna gift ideas, because those should be smaller to build up more of a surprise ;P Uh oh, I smell some games on that list... I think I should update my Amazon wishlist because I haven't touched it in moooonths :P Maybe I'll find idears thar!


What else, what else. Here's to a night of trying to do art with no computer for help!

xx Once She Left All That She Knew In The Hopes Of A Golden Ring Marz


First dream, I got a message from Kryzzzzz telling me to come visit him in Italy. He even changed his name to be more Italian. I got there and we went on all sorts of adventures, and they ended when he tried to kiss me while I was getting out of the car and ended up smacking his face on the car instead.

Second dream, I went to Victory to eat breakfast with my friends. When I got there, they'd already eaten and were sitting outside on the grass and I asked Dorothy to drive me to the building to get food. I left my tote bag with my laptop in it outside. Well Dorothy thought we were leaving, so we ended up going back to Kerr but I freaked and told her if we were doing that, I needed to get my tote bag because it was raining! But my bag was missing and I searched high and low for it, but didn't find it and was panicking. Then I found the contents of it under Dorothy's bed and then found the bag, but with no laptop. Sad.

Third dream, it was the night of some grand opening of a restaurant. I want to Starbucks and put down two tall mocha frapps, then went to the restaurant. Mom got mad because I forgot to bring a tiny ruler for her, so I told her I'd go find one. I asked dad where my car was, and ran to find it. Then I woke up.

I haven't dreamed that much in a very long time!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYYY! Oh my God, this is amazing. The sound is so pure and classic, just how I like it. Heavy, but brought up by Anette. These songs were written for her voice, so she's gonna sound soooo good! Oh I love this, it's so dramatic and twisting and dark but dreamy and magical. And the video itself is terrifyingly fabulous! I love their personas and can't wait to see how the movie plays out :) AWWWW MARCO IN A LITTLE SUIT, HOW CUTE.

JUST DAMN. I haven't been this excited in a long time :) Yay for singles coming out but... I can't wait for the album now! YEAH IMAGINAERUM!

xx I Am The Voice Of Never Neverland Marz

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Interesting Day

Well today was mildly interesting. It was day two of waking up not balls tired and actually moving in the morning! Drawing was boring, but I got a shitty motif done and drew a skull :P Then Gina and I spent the noon hour at Target and Michael's and Pei Wei before returning back to Kerrrrrrr. Then Dorothy and I just sort of sat in the room all day. I was playing Sims and she was working on her fabric study, which does look really damn good. I don't start mine until Thursday, but I'm hoping to meet or exceed hers. She said she envies that I work so fast, but I can't tell if she's telling the truth or not because I know how competitive she is. See, I'm not. I'm making art to make me happy. Sure I care that it looks nice, but I'm not striving to make everything perfect and be number one in the class.

Somewhere in the mid afternoon, I drew a picture of Lita in my sketchbook and then practiced what I wanted to do for the mixed media application. I drew her on bristol board, then went over the drawing with light washes of ink. Well they started building up and before I knew it, I pulled out the white paint and had a full blown painting going :P It looks like my eyes on the wall, kind of helter skelter, but somehow works. I'm happy :P Then I picked up the painting I started a few weeks ago of the grey skinned girl and refined the skin and painted hair and eyes. I'm bad at painting now... I forgot how to paint hair my way :P

Then Dylan and Kyle stopped by and after hanging out for a bit, they invited me to Kyle's room to watch Tosh.0. NO ONE EVER INVITES ME ANYWHERE. We had to go to the B tower, and I must say I'm really glad I'm a girl. I've only been in two guy rooms, but I'm learning that they all smell bad and are scarcely decorated. Maybe that's just my inner woman and the fact that I like embellishing and accessorizing, but seriously guys, what's so hard? And what IS that awful smell?!

Came back to my room after and have just been spending the evening to myself. I really like the new shampoo I got, it smells nice :) I braided my hair super tight to see if I can get some sort of cool shape tomorrow. Ugh, design. I don't like the project and I never get any work done because everyone talks in that class. Kim talks too much to me and it's no wonder I don't get anything done. Plus I can never put my phone down... college fail. I dunno, we'll see how that project goes. I might do my graphite/wash technique on that!

Nothing on my mind tonight, just enjoying the time to myself after a very social day.

xx Just Follow Me Marz

Monday, November 7, 2011


Well I finished A Rose In Winter last night. It ended with the big fight scene and Christopher dashed in and saved his lady, who then fought bravely by his side. The last chapter was Christopher and Erienne cuddling in bed and he tells her "I spent too much time fighting for you just to have to stay behind me. I want you always by my side, next to my heart." AWWWWW SUCH SWEET LAST LINES. I'd say that turned out to be a good book. Slow in the beginning, but picked up very well and had a lot of fighting and mystery and drama and juuuuust enough sexiness to fit. Now I need a new book :P

BUT HOLY SANTA CLAUS SHIT. MEDIEVAL SIMS IS AMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAAAAAZING. I palyed a whole 10.5 hours today, and probably a good six or seven last night. This game rocks! I'm totally trolling it, though. I named the Bard character Tuomas because when you start out, your lowest rank is Troubadour... JUST LIKE THE SONG HE SINGS CALLED ONCE UPON A TROUBADOUR. And now he's a Minstrel, which means... PLAY FOR ME MINSTREL PLAY, AND TAAAAAAAAAAAKE AWAY OUR SORROWS like Blackmore's Night sings. I'm such a music/game troll. I always make the same kinds of Sims: pale skin, dark hair, dark eyes, bony face. My Knight is the only blonde. No gingers in my kingdom, unless you want to count Ara Grey, but she's got firetruck red hair and she's a Witch so it doesn't really count. I just made a lady Physician and I have an eccentric Priestess modeled after Anette and a piratey Merchant that bears a very close resemblance to Jukka.

I love this game so much. the quests were easy as a Monarch, but the Wizard and Merchant ones are tough. I just need to research the places a bit more before playing again. I REALLY WANT TO GET THE PIRATES AND NOBLES EP NOW. Speaking of love... these things are the most incredible things I've put in my mouth in a realllllly long time.

YEAH THEY'RE BUNNY SHAPED CHOCOLATE CHIP GRAHAMS. And they don't have a shitty cardboard taste either. These things taste so damn good for being whole wheat and organic and full of other goods. I CANNOT stop eating them... they're just so good! AND THE BOX IS COVERED IN BUNNIES. ADORABLE.

My back's hurting from sitting in this chair. Time to buy a new book and climb into bed.

xx Hear Minstrel, Can You Hear Marz

Thursday, November 3, 2011


SAXTON AND CHRISTOPHER ARE THE SAME MAN. How did I not see this! How did I not realize that when Lord Saxton would "go away for days at a time on business", Christopher was always around to mess with Erienne?! And now they're happily in love... and I thought the book would end well, but this plot twist happened a hundred pages before the end and shit just got real. Erienne got kidnapped, we find out her father isn't really her father, and Christopher is about to raise hell to win his wife back. I'm probably gonna climb up into bed here soon and finish off the book.

Bah. I didn't take a nap today, so I'm way tired. I want to go shoe shopping for some cute slouchy sexy boots. I just want to go shopping in general.

xx Endlessly, I'll Love You Endlessly Marz

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Since my last post, I've been diligently reading and WOO HOO, ERIENNE AND SAXTON HAVE HAD MULTIPLE NIGHTS OF HOT WILD MONKEY SEX. Good!

But occasionally I look up to check the status of my game download (875 MB out if 4.6 GB in two hours, how slow! :/) and the clock is right above it. And then I realize the hour and that Dorothy's out with friends, which is great and all because she's social. But then I've come to think, do I really have "friends" here that I want to hang out with? I have friends that I walk to class with and sit next to, but we don't hang out much outside of class. True, probably if I went to the studio more often, I'd be apart of the conversations of my fellow community mates.

But then I think, do I need them? Like, do I really need company? Then I think of my old friends from school, my Geishas, who I used to go on all sorts of crazy adventures with. Victor and I recollected the night we went to meet Kat Von D and I remembered how fun that was. But I can't find anyone who I even want to be friends with. It's like, I'm obligated to be company for some of my so called "friends" here. But there's no one who I seek company in. Like I wouldn't leave my empty dorm room right now to find someone, but maybe that's just because I'm not a social person.

It's not that I don't need friends, but people here just get in my way. What's the point of making these bonds when in another four years, we're all just gonna graduate and go on our paths with life? I guess forming friendships is like a constant cycle, but I don't feel like I need people around me. Does this make me a hermit? No friends... I'll end up just like mom. I guess to get anywhere in life you have to know people and make those bonds, especially in the art world where relationships might get you a job or make you famous.

I'm not totally opposed to friends I guess, but they get all clingy and want you to do this or come with them for that and I don't know. I can't tell if I like people or not. I envy Dorothy sometimes for having a life, but then I realize that this is the life I chose for myself. Like tonight, we went down to get ice cream with two guys, Tam and Sloan, but the group soon turned into another six or eight people because Dorothy saw someone she knew. I recognize faces, but not names. Do these people even know my name? I think I met them all at least once.

It's funny how I used to be even more antisocial, but at least I had a small circle of friends to lean back on. Senior year I started making lots more friends, and then it didn't matter because we were all up and leaving. I started off college thinking I'd made new friends, but lately, none of them just stand out to me. I suppose according to the psych lesson we had tonight, they do appeal to me because of some similar qualities we share, but they just don't really move me.

I think I have two moods: sweetly in love and overflowing with warm feelings, or just plain apathetic and isolating. I fear the lack of an in between is really gonna mess with me. I don't know where I'm going with this. Some days I want to pack up and drive to Dallas, other days I want to lay in bed for hours, and I've lost that spark to make art that expresses what I feel. I've really just lost a spark for art altogether, which isn't good because that's all I can identify with. I'm Marissa, the artist, and I've never seen myself as anything other than that and now I can't even see myself as it. I got a lot of good feedback on my tarot cards and that kind of gives me a bit of hope, but I'm just not satisfied with my work. I'm almost to that point where I just want to get something done with quickly, so that I stop worrying about it.

How much longer is this going to last?

xx Sometimes I Wonder Where The Wind Has Gone Marz

WTF, Erienne.

Ok, so the more I read A Rose In Winter, the more it makes me mad. Erienne is married to Saxton and despite his leather mask and limp foot and gloved hands and tall, beastly stature, I was expecting her to learn to love his scars and defuncts (New favorite word). And yet she keeps running away from him every time he touches her and WON'T GIVE HIM THE CONSUMMATING WEDDING SEX HE DESIRES. And he's so kind to her, showering her with dresses and jewels and compliments on her radiant beauty and affectionate names, and what does she do? Fear him. LOVE HIM, PLEASE. HE'S YOUR HUSBAND.

And don't get me started on Christopher. He's such an ass, always showing up whenever something happens and imposing himself on her, talking about how he'll make her his wife someday. HE'S SAXTON'S COUSIN DAMMIT. She keeps pushing him away and turning him down, but whenever she thinks about passion, guess whose face pops up in her mind. Good ol Christopher Seton. Like I'm gonna be really really mad if she leaves Saxton or something and ends up with Christopher. I swear to God, if she has sex with Christopher while being married to Saxton (And BEFORE sex with Saxton!), I'm going to stop reading. I imagined him as the Gaston character, but I fear she might be falling for him. Nooo Erienne, fall in love with your beast instead :( HE'S YOUR HUSBAND. Love him.

Now it's not that I'm not looking for those delicious pages of hot wild monkey love and passion, but so far this book hasn't shown much, and the few teases I get are of Erienne and Christopher. It's funny how the hot pages aren't a big part of the story, at least yet. The hottest we've gotten is Christopher sticking his hand under her skirts in the coach and devouring her neck. SHE NEEDS TO STOP BEING A HOSKI AND LOVE SAXTON. I can't do this whole cheating thing, it's just not right.

It's funny, rarely ever do I picture book characters so clearly, but every time Christopher shows up, I swear I see Count Axel Fersen from Marie Antoinette. Maybe it's because the book keeps mentioning the men wearing tricorns and he's the only attractive tricorn wearer I can see clearly in my mind.

When I imagine book characters, I can see their clothes and hair just fine, but the faces are a bit blurry. Hmm. Back to reading while I wait for Medieval Sims to download!

xx There'll Be Peace When You Are Done Marz


I want some new smells. I've seriously been a loyal Bath and Body Works user since I was a kid and while I've traveled through many different smells and styles (Ugh, to think I once actually liked Cucumber Melon), I want to try other brands. Philosophy is apparently some magic in a bottle, so I might give it a go. The only thing is their stuff smells like cakes and sweet treats, which is cool, but I'd rather smell like something fruity or more mysterious than a cake. Why is soap so tricky!

I guess I'm the same way with perfumes. I'm kind of tired of my B&BW sprays not lasting, and I'm ready to grow up and stop using the cheap shit in lieu of the crystal bottles marketed by the celebs. Now I'm on a quest to find what works for me. If I can't find anything here soon, I'm just gonna go with Kat's stuff :P

xx No Beauty Could Reach Me Marz