Saturday, May 7, 2011


What is my style? I'm not so sure. I've always been a huge fan of, well, black. Mostly tour shirts or band shirts I picked up here and there... I think I counted and I have thirteen. Dang. But then I went through a Sinful/Primeval phase, and after that sort of a stylish solid tunic phase.

Now I'm a mix.

One day sweats, the next a skirt and nice top, the next ratty jeans and a band shirt, the next nice jeans and Sinful shirt, and Friday is who knows.

My style icons have never let me down :P I've looked to Criss Angel, Anette Olzon, and Tuomas Holopainen for different reasons. Criss wears Affliction which has a female line, Sinful, and I just love that tattooish looking art. Elegant but grungey. Anette obviously because she is a girl and I love her dark rocker girl style while still being feminine and classy. Shoot, she got me into coloring my hair purple! And she has nice pants that I want so bad (LIKE BELOW.). And Tuomas has the perfect grungey artist look that I adore! He also has epic pants like Anette... and Criss has some, too! SHIT I WANT SOME.

I'm such a girl.

xx Just One Look Into Your Eyes Marz

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